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Gabriel dawe + mixed media and installation artist

Gabriel dawe + mixed media and installation artist

Mark Jenkins Besançon Rome Rio de Janeiro Tudela intro 二樓五仔記事簿 Scott Campbell L’artiste tatoueur de New-York Scott Campbell expose ses dernières oeuvres à la galerie OhWow de Los Angeles. Intitulée « Noblesse Oblige », cette exposition dévoile des créations réalisées au laser dans des planches de billets de $1. Un rendu impressionnant à découvrir dans la suite. Kissthedesign, postwar design and emerging art Sharp Suits Mel Bochner And / If / Either / Both / (Or) . 1998 + Mel Bochner . Whitechapel Gallery Bochner shares with other artists who emerged in the 1960s, including Sol LeWitt, Eva Hesse and Robert Smithson, an interest in using rationalising systems - numbers, measurements, definitions - to explore the irrational and provisional nature of being.Whitechapel Gallery

BLDGBLOG Keith Coventry Untitled (Junk Painting) . 2012 photos: © Mike Hoban . + Pace London For more than two decades, Coventry has created paintings and sculptures that manipulate legacies of Modernism while addressing conditions of contemporary urban life.In Junk Paintings, Coventry proposes a new visual language that focuses on elements of the instantly recognizable McDonald’s logo. Pace London

Ian Wallace Poverty Image with Orange . 1987 photos: © Ian Wallace . + Vancouver Art Gallery Based in Vancouver, Wallace has played a critical role in the development of contemporary art since the late 1960s. His early experiments with monochromatic painting, his production of large–scale photographic tableaux and his juxtapositions of photography with painting stand as the basis for a distinct body of work for which Wallace has become internationally recognized. Vancouver Art Gallery Secundino Hernández Untitled . 2012 + Galerie Krinzinger Secundino Hernandez works in a realm of quotations and references to the history of painting, creating writer-like compositions. In many ways, he brings forward notions of modernism. Note : there’s a tension here between form and content and its hierarchies are on the verge of collapse: are these painting or abbreviations of paintings ?

Lead Pencil Studio Main Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
