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Lead Generation, Appointment Setting

Lead Generation, Appointment Setting

B2B Lead Conversion Optimization Tips for the New Year As 2014 creeps in, marketers brace themselves for possibly the most challenging year of the decade so far: the intimidating expansion of technology is expected to rise even higher, new marketing strategies are becoming more popular, and buyer behavior has never been so revolutionized in years. For a true-blue online marketer, website optimization is the best weapon to have. But what exactly must a business website be optimized for? The answer is, and always will be, conversion. These are some of the ways you can maximize the potential of your website/blog to rake in potential leads for your business: Bank on the power of social proof. It’s simple – when people find out that others are doing a certain behavior, they will be more assured that following suit would be a good idea. Invigorate your CTA designs If people are avid readers of your content, chances are they have clicked on your CTAs multiple times in the past. Feature new offers Embrace A/B testing, for goodness’ sake.

Investing on good web design = More business opportunities?B2B Lead Generation If you’re the type of marketer that frequently hops from one business site to another just to stay in the competition, then you’ve probably noticed how these sites are evolving these days in terms of web design. Basically, this “evolution” has two major, extreme opposite categories: simplicity and radicalism. The move for simplicity is driven by those who got tired of flashy, over-animated sites and preferred to employ a plain, straightforward design, with basic functions and fewer variations in color. Whether you want your design to lean towards the far left (simplicity) or the far right (radicalism), it is important to know exactly why this choice even matters. Neil Patil, a top entrepreneur and web influencer ( said in an article titled How Saving On Design Could Cost You More In The Long Term that web designs are actually investments over time. Related:How Saving On Design Could Cost You More In The Long Term Related:The Importance of Good Web Design

Social Media Mistakes That Ruin Appointment Setting Campaigns | Sometimes, with the way social media is being used in appointment setting campaigns, one might be tempted to go back to the old ways of marketing, like email or telemarketing. It seems like the promised sales leads solutions that social media gurus claim are not as concrete as the actual results. To be honest, there are just too many mistakes. And mind you, these mistakes can cost you big time in your marketing campaign. You should be aware of these errors, to be honest. For example, you think that tactics at the lower levels of social media marketing can affect the higher levels. Secondly, reliance on vanity metrics can be misleading. Third, and the most glaring, mistake is to assume that social media is the answer to all your marketing needs. Social media is an excellent communication tool.

Call-to-Invite Telemarketing Yet, after all the preparations, there is always a potential for disaster – poor turnout. How do you get potential customers to show up and turn your tradeshow or seminar into an excellent lead generation and appointment setting opportunity? In our experience, it’s knowing what motivates people and building their excitement through effective call-to-invite campaign. We run call to invite campaign through telemarketing, targeting participants with precision, and call to follow-up to convert leads to customers. These are the reasons why outbound telemarketing is hands down the best tool for marketing your events: Phone invitation is more personal.Outbound calling is flexible; it allows you to rework your approach during a conversation whereas email gives you only one shot at a copy.Event telemarketing results are easy to measure. Our event telemarketing process is quite straightforward. Talk to us and learn how to achieve that record turnout on your next event.”

5 Common Google AdWords Mistakes to Avoid This 2014 Nobody wants to mess up an AdWords campaign because of one obvious reason: it involves investing a considerable amount of money. It can be very costly when not done correctly, and there’s no point in continuing if the ROI is dreadful. But online marketing is not as complicated as one thinks. All you need to do is know those things that can pull your efforts down. There are 10 common mistakes marketers commit when doing an AdWords campaign, according to Leon Krishnayana, founder and CEO at, in his blog post in Mistake #1: Not Grouping Keywords Correctly Not using ad groups is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Mistake #2: Not Using the Right Keyword Matches AdWords allows you to add keywords as a broad match, phrase match, or exact match. A phrase match keyword needs to show up in the search as a complete phrase in the order you enter it. An exact match keyword works just like it sounds. Mistake #3: Not Using Negative Keywords

What do prospects like and dislike? A Telemarketer’s GuideB2B Lead Generation Part of the job as a telemarketer is to understand the person at the other end of the telephone line. It is only through familiarity and insight that telemarketers are able to converse genuinely, probe effectively, discuss business efficiently and generate leads frequently. Just like B2C telemarketers spend hours of research and studies to find out what their customers like, B2B telemarketers must also make an effort to be “personally acquainted” with the desires of business prospects. In fact, B2B is even more complex. It’s really important to know what types of marketing approaches piss them off so you could learn from them and make your efforts better. What prospects don’t like People who are not familiar with the telemarketing industry have a negative association to the word “telemarketer”. Prospects also don’t like hearing how they should be excited about a product or service you’re offering, or want to be approached in a sales-like fashion. They don’t want to hear the word, ‘just.’

Healthcare Lead Generation and Appointment Setting Callbox designs and implements a solid healthcare lead generation platform to produce warm sales leads for healthcare products and services. We deploy professional telemarketers with extensive experience in appointment setting and lead generation for the healthcare industry to segment profitable markets, generate warm healthcare leads, and set appointments with qualified targets. We market to the healthcare industry targeting managers, directors, and other decision makers in various healthcare institutions such as doctors’ offices, health clinics, dental clinics, nursing homes, veterinary clinics, hospitals, and medical centers. We customize and fine tune our lead generation and appointment setting strategies to match your goals, campaign preferences, and concurrent market trends. Use our expertise to enhance your brand and ensure wide exposure for your healthcare products and services including: Dial 888.810.7464 to speak with a Callbox representative or fill out that form on the left.

Event Telemarketing Services With Callbox’s Event Telemarketing, our marketing representatives employ an efficient outbound telemarketing strategy to make sure that your prospects get invited to your event, and can follow up on those prospects after the events as well. Call-To-Invite Most companies make use of emails as a convenient way of sending event invitations, but with the existence of email filters which treat these invites as spam, efficiency is compromised. Phone invitations, on the other hand, are better because of its more personal approach and it gives the customer a chance to ask questions and address concerns right away. Since phone invitation is straightforward, it is perfect for announcing events, updates and following up. Phone invites allow you to instantly communicate with multiple people and receive immediate responses. Callbox can assist you when you want to invite your clients and prospects to your company events, conferences, forums, and meetings through telemarketing.
