List of narrative techniques
A narrative technique (also known more narrowly for literary fictional narratives as a literary technique, literary device, or fictional device) is any of several specific methods the creator of a narrative uses to convey what they want[1]—in other words, a strategy used in the making of a narrative to relay information to the audience and, particularly, to "develop" the narrative, usually in order to make it more complete, complicated, or interesting. Literary techniques are distinguished from literary elements, which exist inherently in works of writing. Setting[edit] Plots[edit] Perspective[edit] Style[edit] Theme[edit] Character[edit] References[edit] ^ Orehovec, Barbara (2003).
The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations
The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations is a descriptive list which was created by Georges Polti to categorize every dramatic situation that might occur in a story or performance. To do this Polti analyzed classical Greek texts, plus classical and contemporaneous French works. He also analyzed a handful of non-French authors. In his introduction, Polti claims to be continuing the work of Carlo Gozzi, who also identified 36 situations. Publication history[edit] “Gozzi maintained that there can be but thirty-six tragic situations. This list was published in a book of the same name, which contains extended explanations and examples. The list is popularized as an aid for writers, but it is also used by dramatists, storytellers and many others. The 36 situations[edit] Each situation is stated, then followed by the necessary elements for each situation and a brief description. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]
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Short Story Ideas - Random
Random Words Sometimes you don't know where to start with a story. You might have a vague idea about characters, but don't know what situation to put them in. Other times, you have a plot but don't know what to do with it. Maybe you just have no idea at all what story to write! This generator will give you three random words, which might give you some ideas to help you develop your short story or give you a place to start. Click "Inspire Me" and get writing.
Plan du site - Comment Faire Un Film
Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait je vous conseille de commencer par lire : Pour Commencer. Puis de continuer par les articles 2, 3, 4, 5 etc… Sujet : Les Bases de l’écriture 1) Les 10 étapes pour écrire un Film 2) La ponctuation 3) Apprendre le cinéma 4) Comment écrire un scénario vite ! 5) Le point de vue narratif Sujet : les bases de la réalisation 1) Les bases pour réaliser un bon film partie1 2) Les bases pour réaliser un film partie2 3) l’échelle des plans 4) Le plan séquence, comment, pour quoi ? 5) Le champ/ contre champ c’est quoi ? 6) Les raccords au cinéma c’est quoi ? 7) Les raccords au cinéma c’est quoi partie2 (montage, tournage) 8) La plongée et la contre plongée 9) La focale c’est quoi ? 10) Un mouvement de caméra c’est quoi ? 11) Le travelling 12) La direction d’acteur 13) Comment trouver son équipe de tournage ? Sujet : Les métiers du cinéma 1) Les métiers du cinéma Sujet : Apprendre à écrire un film/ un téléfilm 1) Scénario pour la TV ou le Cinéma ? 2) Voir des films, lire des scénarii
Open Source Shakespeare: search Shakespeare's works, read the texts
Plot Generator
Reverse Dictionary
<div id="needs_javascript"><center><b>Note: OneLook Thesaurus requires JavaScript.</b><br /><img src="/img/a.gif?q=omg_a_user_without_js"> If you have disabled JavaScript in your browser, please <a href=" it for this site</a> or use the <a href="/?w=entersearchhere&loc=revfp_legacy">old version of the reverse dictionary</a> here.</p><p></center><div> How do I use OneLook's thesaurus / reverse dictionary? This tool lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. What are some examples? What are patterns? I'm only looking for synonyms! For some kinds of searches only the first result or the first few results are likely to be useful. Filters Your search can be refined in various ways using the filters that appear in the "Filter by..." menu on the results page. How does it work? Other ways to access this service: Is this available in any language other than English? OneLook is a service of Datamuse.
NaNoWriMo Prep Tools
Prepare for NaNoWriMo, or any other writing project, with over 100 tools and resources for planning plotlines, creating characters, developing worlds, and more! Know of a resource not listed here? Make sure you let me know so I can add it! Last Updated: Oct. 29, 2015 Topics General Writing and Writing Habits Back To Top Book References Story Bibles This guide on how to make a successful Story Bible by RJ Blain is a dream come true.More in depth Character Bible outline/questions. Generators Beat Sheets Character Development Dialogue 8 Tips for Writing Dialogue. Outlining & Planning Plot, Conflict, and Scene Building Article about creating conflict/sustaining suspense.Article by Rekha Ambardar with advice for starting your story.The basic 3 Act Structure of a plot outline.The 37 basic dramatic situations. World Building Word Counting & Calendars Other Tools for DURING NaNoWriMo Revising Katastic’s Youtube Vlogs on writing and revising are great! Finishing the Novel Credits: Found a Broken Link?
Concept art- Environment
water-island colony nature colony view nature colony concept sketch water colony concept sketches above the clouds south swamp colony underground prison prison cave pyramid north swamp colony hive interior jungle colony jungle temple nature colony jungle colony concept near the sea Environment concepts: Photoshop 2004-2006:
Schéma actantiel
Un personnage, le héros, poursuit la quête d'un objet. Les personnages, événements, ou objets positifs qui l'aident dans sa quête sont nommés « adjuvants ». Les personnages, événements ou objets négatifs qui cherchent à empêcher sa quête sont nommés « opposants ». La quête est commanditée par un émetteur (ou destinateur, ou énonciateur — voir l'article énonciation), au bénéfice d'un destinataire. Dans le schéma actantiel de Greimas, les rôles actantiels, c'est-à-dire, à proprement parler, les « actants », ne doivent en aucun cas être confondus avec des « acteurs ». le sujet et l'objet sont situés sur l'axe du désir (ou de la quête) ;le destinateur et le destinataire sont situés sur l'axe de la communication ;les adjuvants et les opposants sont situés sur l'axe du pouvoir (pouvoir positif dans le cas des adjuvants, négatif dans le cas des opposants). Le schéma actantiel doit être complété par la théorie des trois épreuves, ou étapes formelles, de tout récit (sur un axe temporel) :