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A Primer On Infographics In The Classroom
A Primer On Infographics In The Classroom by Pamela Rossow If you are a K-12 teacher or a college professor, you may be searching for new ways to promote digital literacy in your classroom. Or just plain literacy literacy, for that matter. Infographics can be useful teaching tools as they use so many elements of traditional “teaching”: the writing process, research, and planning, all while combining digital and traditional text forms. Infographics are “graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly”[i]. What are infographics made up of? Infographics 4 primary components: Text Features: White Space, Font, Colors, Shapes, etcIdea Organization: Cause-Effect, Chronological Order, Attributes & Characteristics, etc. How can I use infographics in the classroom? First, check out our 46 tools to create infographics. How can I make an infographic? [i]
Anatomy of a Great Infographic
Share this infographic on your site! <a href=" src=" alt="Anatomy of a Great Infographic" width="500" border="0" /></a><br />Source: <a href=" of a Great Infographic</a> Embed this infographic on your site! The editors at Graphic Design Degree Hub decided to research the topic of: These days, infographics are all over the web (That means internet). The Birth of Infographics - PUSH! Does it Have All the Important Parts? Gotta Have Brains: Data & Story Infographics that give all infographics a bad name are Ooo la la: Visualization You Gotta be Popular: Shareability - Brands must know their audience and target them specifically (Like a head cheerleader zoning in on the quarterback) - Marketing is becoming more geared toward social media - many brands are still geared toward editorial content (TLDR!)
Great Infographic Making Tools for Teachers
1- This is my favorite tool. It helps you easily create awesome infographics using pre-designed templates. This is another great web tool to create infographics. 3-PiktoChart I love PiktoChart and I have used it a couple of times and found it really great. 4- is an easy to use online service that lets you create, share, and discover infographics and online charts.It is also very easy to use, you can select a pre-designed template, add charts, videos and maps and within a few clicks your template is ready to go viral. Other infographic creation tools you might want to try :
40+ Tools to Create Infographics with Your Students
Here is a comprehensive list of some very good tools for making infographics. The list features more than 40 applications so you have a wide variety of options to choose from.While some of these tools are pretty basic and you can use them without any complications, others do require some advanced tech knowledge and design know-how. As a teacher and educator, my favourite infographic making tools are Google Draw and Pictochart. I invite you to read this step by step visual guide to learn more about how you can easily set up your infographic using Google Draw. Also bear in mind that most of these tools require a sign-up and some of them are fremium: they have, besides the basic free version, a pro version that offers more advanced features. I ll let you now explore this list and looking forward to your feedback.