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Learning English - Today's Phrase

Learning English - Today's Phrase
Related:  English Vocabulary

Text: Strategies to Improve Your Vocabulary | English Composition I: Cerritos College There are several proven benefits in improving your vocabulary, but how should we go about learning new words in the most effective way? By using the following ten vocabulary-building strategies, you are guaranteed to develop a strong vocabulary and keep improving it every day. 1. It’s undeniable that reading is the most effective way to get new vocabulary. With context information surrounding each new word, there’s a good chance you can guess its meaning just by understanding the overall text. If you’re not able to infer the meaning of new words when reading, it’s probably because there are too many unknown words in the text. 2. A dictionary is the first indispensable resource to improve your vocabulary. Consider adding a good dictionary and thesaurus to your bookshelf. For online dictionaries, there are many free options with great extra features. 3. Be creative and try to use your newly learned words in as many ways as possible: 4. Many websites provide free word-of-the-day services.

PechaFlickr: Få mundtøjet i gang | 111 variation TeflGeek postede for nylig dette indlæg på sin blog om det lille program PechaFlickr, som han gav et par solide ideer til brugen af. Du kender sikkert konceptet Pecha Kucha hvor man laver en præsentation bestående af tyve billeder/stikord og så taler ud fra disse 20 slides i 20 sekunder om hvert slide. PechaFlickr følger konceptet, men her vælger Flickr 20 tilfældige billeder ud for dig ud fra et tema som du selv bestemmer. Og så afspilles billederne ellers i den hastighed du ønsker (som standard er billederne sat til at vise i 20 sekunder ad gangen, men under ’advanced options’ har du mulighed for at tilpasse både hvor mange billeder der skal vises, og hvor længe de skal vises. Dette er jo – som TeflGeek også påpeger – et rigtig godt værktøj til at træne mundtlighed. Giv eleverne et tema på PechaFlickr, og sæt dem i par eller grupper af tre.

First World War Poetry Digital Archive The First World War Poetry Digital Archive is an online repository of over 7000 items of text, images, audio, and video for teaching, learning, and research. The heart of the archive consists of collections of highly valued primary material from major poets of the period, including Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg, Robert Graves, Vera Brittain, and Edward Thomas. This is supplemented by a comprehensive range of multimedia artefacts from the Imperial War Museum, a separate archive of over 6,500 items contributed by the general public, and a set of specially developed educational resources. Freely available to the public as well as the educational community, the First World War Poetry Digital Archive is a significant resource for studying the First World War and the literature it inspired. The Great War Archive was highly commended at the Times Higher Educational Awards 2008 for 'Outstanding ICT Initiative'

English Profile - Word of the Week The preposition under is known even at A1 level in its core meaning of LOWER POSITION. The frequent meaning LESS THAN, as in under £20, under the age of ten, under 50% seems to be known from A2 level. Further phrases with under are included at the higher levels, such as be under the impression at B2 and be under way at C2. To view the full entry for under on the English Vocabulary Profile, please click here. Fokuserede øvelser til at træne ordforråd | 111 variation Det er egentlig let nok at finde på gloseøvelser, men når det skal gøres systematisk og i kontekst, kan det godt knibe lidt mere med opfindsomheden, synes jeg. Så her kommer 8 forslag til rimelig fokuseret ordforrådstræning. List-group-label er en ide jeg har fået fra Teach them English. Bed eleverne finde på ord de forbinder med et bestemt tema eller en titel på en tekst. Lav en vild brainstorm sammen på klassen, og bed herefter eleverne i grupper sortere ordene i semantiske felter. De skal kunne argumentere for deres grupperinger.

The Verge World Wide Words FiveThirtyEight
