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60 Must-Read Health & Fitness Blogs for 2012

60 Must-Read Health & Fitness Blogs for 2012
There's a dizzying number of blogs out there, all tempting us to procrastinate at work. But it's hard to know which sites are truly trustworthy, entertaining, informative, and Pinnable. So we went ahead and scoured the blogosphere to narrow it down to these standouts. They're keeping it real (no #fitspo here), using science to back up claims, always staying positive and inspiring, and delivering content we can't stop reading and sharing. We went after blogs that address interesting and timely issues and feature useful, upbeat (but never in an annoying way) posts that reflect Greatist's mission of making healthy living a little bit easier and a lot more fun. Note: Blogs are arranged in no particular order.

20 Foods to Boost Your Metabolism Delicious, nutrient-dense foods like chocolate and avocado can help you lose weight. When trying to lose weight, we tend to fixate on the foods we aren’t supposed to eat. We salivate over cheesecake at the coffee shop, eyeball our partners’ pizza and dream about cheese, glorious cheese. Instead, shift the focus to the delicious and healthy foods that actually speed up metabolism, aiding in weight loss and preventing the storage of more fat. You might just get so hooked on green tea, yogurt, avocado and hot peppers that you find yourself cheating on your former favorites, not on your diet.Green tea If you want to get your metabolism revving, choose green tea over black tea or coffee. Apples That oft-repeated adage about apples and doctors is backed by solid science. Low-fat yogurt Probiotics in products that contain live bacteria, like yogurt, help beneficial bacteria in the gut process food more efficiently. Celery Cinnamon Did you know that cinnamon is a natural blood sugar stabilizer? Oats

Home The Top 48 Most Motivational and Inspirational Web Sites - 8 Women Dream Where do you get your inspiration? The terms motivation and inspiration can mean different things to different people. The sites listed below represent a comprehensive list of web sites where we can find inspiration or motivation to help keep us moving toward our dreams. This list is not in any particular order, but if you want to let me know which ones you feel are the top 10 – I can always rearrange the order. The Top 48 Most Motivational and Inspirational websites on the Internet - 1. TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading through their video website. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. TEDTalks is where you will find the best video talks and performances from TED conferences, TEDx and partner events — and the best talks of the web. 2. When you need that extra boost of creativity, spend some time on this website. 3. This is a must-see website. I warn you — bring Kleenex. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Smokeout Urban Decay recently sent me their new Book of Shadows (IV), so I obviously had to play around with it. If you follow me on twitter, you might remember me tweeting a preview pic of the pretty butterfly packaging. Now, I want you to keep in mind two important things about me: I judge books by their cover and I'm a sucker for gimmicks. Read on. Many of the colors in this palette are more subdued, though Urban Decay is well known for their vibrant colors. They're still really pigmented, though, and if you (like me) do not own the Naked Palette (you should - and so should I), this is a nice change from the usual brights. The palette comes with a QR coded tutorial card, mini speaker and a setup for your phone (so you can watch your tutorials and do your makeup at the same time).

Clean Eating Snacks for All-Day Energy 146 I don’t think about food much and am not one to cook much either. I’m on healthy-eating autopilot and that suits me just fine. But why should I keep my eating lifestyle to myself? I like to share, even if I don’t like to think about food much. I snack because it keeps my blood sugar at an even keel – I’m wicked cranky without a regular infusion of food. I consider healthy eating to be a lifestyle, not a diet. Snacks should be a balance of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats. You can use the following list as pre- or post-workout snacks, mini-meals, between-meal snacks, or evening snacks. I’ve put these snacks together in a certain way here, but feel free to mix ‘em up any way you please. For each snack below, choose one protein and one complex carbohydrate. You may also be interested in: You may also enjoy:

50 Soluciones prácticas y Tips económicos para el hogar. - Vida Lúcida Si estás haciendo remodelación en casa, o arreglándote para ir de fiesta, cocinando, organizando tus cosas o trabajando en el jardín, en cualquiera de los casos y muchos más, estos 50 ejemplos de soluciones prácticas o tips podrían servirte en algún momento. Son económicas y sencillas maneras de solucionar diversos casos en donde el ingenio es necesario para salir del paso muy bien librados rápido y sin necesidad de comprar artefactos costosos y difíciles de conseguir para arreglar esos pequeños pero engorrosos problemitas. Y a tí, ¿Qué otras ideas así de fáciles e ingeniosas te han sacado del apuro? Compárte!! Vida Lúcida Vida Lúcida es un sitio web estilo revista donde encontrarás información actualizada diariamente sobre salud y bienestar natural, abordando temas de actualidad internacional de interés general.

A List of Excellent Personal-Development Sites I recently polled Ask Metafilter for the best personal development sites: I want to compile a list of personal development and productivity sites. I’m looking for sites with real, practical information that you can use in your everyday life, sites that motivate you to be a better person, to try new things. Examples: 43 Folders, Steve Pavlina. Please point me to your favorites! The suggestions included: Lifehacker — The 300-pound grandmother of productivity blogs (and I mean that in a good way — I love Lifehacker). Since asking the question, I discovered Guy Kawasaki’s Signum Sine Tinnitu, a weblog on entrepreneurship and marketing. GRS is committed to helping our readers save and achieve their financial goals. This article is about Self-Improvement, Self-Improvement

What Travis Says Ten Great Books to Expand Your Horizons I've always been a voracious reader and even though I get most of my reading fix from scientific journals these days, I try to squeeze in an interesting book whenever I get a chance. "Interesting" to me usually means whatever topic I find interesting at the moment. And when something piques my interest, I binge read. I'll plow through scores of books on a topic, and I'll only slow down when my obsession wanes. In my youth, I was obsessed with the horror genre, fantasy books, and science fiction. I took my reading very seriously, and kept a notebook in which I reviewed each one of them once I finished. In my late teens, after I discovered strength training and became interested in nutrition, I read everything I came over on those topics. In my early twenties, I kept reading all sorts of books on nutrition and physiology, but I had periods where I drifted into entirely different subjects - like film theory, evolutionary theory, behavioral science and psychology, for example. P.S. 3. 4. 5.

Blog de Atención a este evento gratuito: El film “Carmina y amén”, de Paco León, será proyectado gratuitamente (en todas las sesiones de más 100 salas) la víspera de su estreno, el día 29 de abril. Así ha sido anunciado por el mismo Paco León en su cuenta de twitter. Por el momento no se conocen los nombres de los cines (se darán a conocer el día 28 en la web Más información en Gracias a Alfonso por presentarnos esta actividad formativa gratuita. “Vivir aprendiendo” Ciclo de Conferencias Apúntate a entender mejor la vida, a los demás y a ti mismo. Descripción: Actividad dirigida a público general cuyo objetivo es adquirir la orientación y las herramientas necesarias para abordar la vida cotidiana. Lugar: Centro Cultural Sanchinarro, c/ Princesa de Éboli s/n 28050, Madrid – Metro: Vicente Blasco Ponentes: Dña. Psicología e Introspección C/ Coso Alto nº 58, 1º – 22003 Huesca Tlf /Fax: (+34) 974 240 803

Psychology Self-Help Resources on the Internet Back to Psych Web Home Page These pages contain links to sites providing free information and help about specific disorders related to psychology. These sites might offer commercial products, but in order to qualify for inclusion here, a substantial amount of information must be offered free of charge. In addition to this page, Psych Web maintains lists of scholarly psychology resources on the web, and psychological brochures on the web. Write to Dr. Back to Psych Web Home Page ...or.... Top of this file. Don't see what you need? Custom Search
