» Why You Can’t Eat Healthier
Post written by Leo Babauta. Most people have a hard time moving to a healthier diet, and they don’t understand what’s going on. I was one of those people: 70 lbs. heavier and addicted to junk food, I would often tell myself that I’m going to start a diet, and even buy a bunch of new food, only to find myself snacking on chips, grande lattes, cookies, French fries and more after a few days. Why? Food is a coping mechanism for most people, and to change our eating habits, we need new ways of coping. Some examples of how we use food to cope: We eat when we’re stressed. All of these (and more) are real needs. It has taken me years to figure this out and to slowly build new, healthier habits to deal with all of these needs. Some things that have worked for me (your mileage will vary): Exercise – a great way to deal with stress, boredom, anger. These are just a few ideas, and what works best for you will be highly personal.
The Top 48 Most Motivational and Inspirational Web Sites - 8 Women Dream
Where do you get your inspiration? The terms motivation and inspiration can mean different things to different people. The sites listed below represent a comprehensive list of web sites where we can find inspiration or motivation to help keep us moving toward our dreams. This list is not in any particular order, but if you want to let me know which ones you feel are the top 10 – I can always rearrange the order. The Top 48 Most Motivational and Inspirational websites on the Internet - 1. TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading through their video website. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. TEDTalks is where you will find the best video talks and performances from TED conferences, TEDx and partner events — and the best talks of the web. 2. When you need that extra boost of creativity, spend some time on this website. 3. This is a must-see website. I warn you — bring Kleenex. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
50 Soluciones prácticas y Tips económicos para el hogar. - Vida Lúcida
Si estás haciendo remodelación en casa, o arreglándote para ir de fiesta, cocinando, organizando tus cosas o trabajando en el jardín, en cualquiera de los casos y muchos más, estos 50 ejemplos de soluciones prácticas o tips podrían servirte en algún momento. Son económicas y sencillas maneras de solucionar diversos casos en donde el ingenio es necesario para salir del paso muy bien librados rápido y sin necesidad de comprar artefactos costosos y difíciles de conseguir para arreglar esos pequeños pero engorrosos problemitas. Y a tí, ¿Qué otras ideas así de fáciles e ingeniosas te han sacado del apuro? Compárte!! Vida Lúcida Vida Lúcida es un sitio web estilo revista donde encontrarás información actualizada diariamente sobre salud y bienestar natural, abordando temas de actualidad internacional de interés general.
The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan
By Josh ClarkPosted Saturday, 1 January, 2011 Couch to 5K ® | Beginning Running First off, you may be asking, "exactly how many miles is a 5K?" A 5K is 3.1 miles. We're here to help you achieve your goal of beginning to run your first 5K. Too many people have been turned off of running simply by trying to start off too fast. You should ease into your 5K training plan gradually. It's easy to get impatient, and you may feel tempted to skip ahead in the program, but hold yourself back. Start Your 5K Training | A Few Minutes Each Week Each session should take about 20 or 30 minutes, three times a week. Be sure to space out these three days throughout the week to give yourself a chance to rest and recover between efforts. Run for time or run for distance There are two ways to follow this Couch to 5K ® training program, to measure your runs by time or by distance. Before setting out, make sure to precede each training session with a five-minute warmup walk or jog. 5K Training Schedule
A List of Excellent Personal-Development Sites
I recently polled Ask Metafilter for the best personal development sites: I want to compile a list of personal development and productivity sites. I’m looking for sites with real, practical information that you can use in your everyday life, sites that motivate you to be a better person, to try new things. The suggestions included: Lifehacker — The 300-pound grandmother of productivity blogs (and I mean that in a good way — I love Lifehacker). Since asking the question, I discovered Guy Kawasaki’s Signum Sine Tinnitu, a weblog on entrepreneurship and marketing. GRS is committed to helping our readers save and achieve their financial goals. This article is about Self-Improvement, Self-Improvement
Blog de Sindinero.org
Atención a este evento gratuito: El film “Carmina y amén”, de Paco León, será proyectado gratuitamente (en todas las sesiones de más 100 salas) la víspera de su estreno, el día 29 de abril. Así ha sido anunciado por el mismo Paco León en su cuenta de twitter. Por el momento no se conocen los nombres de los cines (se darán a conocer el día 28 en la web carminayamen.com). Una vez se publique esta información, sólo hay que acudir el día señalado a las salas correspondientes y solicitar la entrada en taquilla. Más información en infolibre.es Gracias a Alfonso por presentarnos esta actividad formativa gratuita. “Vivir aprendiendo” Ciclo de Conferencias Apúntate a entender mejor la vida, a los demás y a ti mismo. Descripción: Actividad dirigida a público general cuyo objetivo es adquirir la orientación y las herramientas necesarias para abordar la vida cotidiana. Lugar: Centro Cultural Sanchinarro, c/ Princesa de Éboli s/n 28050, Madrid – Metro: Vicente Blasco Ponentes: Dña.
Old School – Self Reliance 101 » Blog Archive » Rejuvenate Your Skin ~ The Aspirin Mask
The Damsel is ever so kind to invite me here! I’m Mariel, co-author of the “Or so she says…” blog. It’s a fun blog that offers a new and random idea every single day! It’s for real, putting aspirin on your face. So, I love the web site, Makeup Alley. Check out just 3 of the 1700 Aspirin Mask reviews… “I didn’t even use honey, I just put about 6 tablets in a shot glass and added about half a teaspoon of water. “I have been doing aspirin masks for about 4 years on and off. “I don’t have an acne prone skin but I love the mask. So, here’s what you do…THE ASPIRIN MASK (Basic recipe) Step 1: Take 6 uncoated aspirin and break each into halves. Step 2: Add 3-4 drops of warm/hot water, and use a stick or spoon to mash and stir up the aspirin. Step 3: Spread thickly onto your face. STEP 4: As you wash it off with warm water, gently massage it into your skin. STEP 5: Pat face gently dry. (for a more moisturizing mask) STEP 1: Mix a dollop of honey into a few tablespoons of yogurt. Routine:1. 2. 3. 4.
Psychology Self-Help Resources on the Internet
Back to Psych Web Home Page These pages contain links to sites providing free information and help about specific disorders related to psychology. These sites might offer commercial products, but in order to qualify for inclusion here, a substantial amount of information must be offered free of charge. In addition to this page, Psych Web maintains lists of scholarly psychology resources on the web, and psychological brochures on the web. Write to Dr. Back to Psych Web Home Page ...or.... Top of this file. Don't see what you need? Custom Search
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