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@PE_Spider Teachers pay teachers This product is a 1 page, physical education lesson plan template entitled the VIP PE plan. There are 3 different color versions included in a zip folder including: 1. white, 2. grey and 3. multicolored. The plan includes a number of text boxes with headings and subheadings that correspond to the physical education planning and structural procedures. The plan incorporates a wide variety of critical lesson plan components which includes the following: * Lesson/Unit Title * Grade level(s) * Unit Focus * Overview and purpose * Standards addressed * Learning outcomes * Modifications * Materials/resources * Safety concerns * Essential questions * Instructional activities (Warm Up, Lesson Focus & Closure) * Several assessment checkoff buttons The PE Lesson Plan is in the Microsoft Word format and can easily be modified to adapt to your personal needs. Also included in the Zip folder is a PDF example of the VIP PE plan in use with a Throwing Cues and Stations actual plan.

World Class Physical Education @MrWickensPE Cuaderno Interactivo de Educación Física Bienvenido al Cuaderno Interactivo de Educación Física.Subvencionado por Junta de Extremadura. Consejería de Educación. Esta aplicación consta de diez unidades didácticas con contenidos referidos al área de Educación Física para 1º y 2º de ESO, en los idiomas español e inglés, e ilustrado con imágenes, gráficos y vídeos que mejoran la comprensión de los contenidos. El Cuaderno Interactivo de Educación Física consta también de 100 actividades interactivas, de las cuales 30 son de refuerzo, es decir, de una menor dificultad. En cada unidad didáctica se puede trabajar actividades de ampliación accediendo a otros recursos webs alojados en internet. El Cuaderno Interactivo es también una potente herramienta de seguimiento del alumno por parte del profesor, el cual podrá configurar aulas “virtuales” o grupos de alumnos para una gestión más estructurada del trabajo de estos. Si aún no se ha registrado como profesor, puede hacerlo en este enlace.

Coach Ratliff PE | Trying to physically educate the world, one person at a time… Grupo Actitudes National Association for Sport and Physical Education NASPE Home : : Contact Us : : Join Top News AAHPERD Partners with First Lady's New Let's Move Active Schools Initiative Register for 2013 AAHPERD Convention See the Featured Speakers Sam Kass from White House Set to Speak at NASPE General Session NASPE Releases 2nd Infographic Physical Activity in Schools Ask, Listen, Learn Challenge Is back this year! NBC News Story Highlights Innovative P.E. more news User ID: Password: Not a Member? Newly Released! Free Downloads Head Start Body Start Early Childhood Activity Calendars

Proyectos de Educación Física Ipad Apps for Physical Education | The Physical Education Teacher In preparation for having some iPads at our disposal next term I’ve done some research into available apps and possible uses within Physical Education. I have only managed to trial free ones so far but will be purchasing some paid apps in Sept. In order to avoid wasting any money come September I’ve compiled a list from searching the app store and thinking through certain uses. It is by no-means exhaustive and as such please feel free to supplement the list and add any comments. List of iPad apps lessons for iPad – make flash cards/quizzes… (£5.99) imuscle – allows users to identify and zoom into specific muscles in the body and shows exercises associated with building up that muscle (£1.19) anxiety stop watch – app for managing anxiety. iMC Calc for iPad (BMI Calculator) – useful when learning about BMI (£1.19) 1000 Exercises by Men’s Health & Women’s Health – training resources, workout creator, videos, ability to log training (£3.49) BMI & Body fat Calculator – (Free) Coaching/Analysis
