Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.).[5] Westcott appears to have been the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn system was based on hierarchy and initiation like the Masonic Lodges; however women were admitted on an equal basis with men. The "Golden Dawn" was the first of three Orders, although all three are often collectively referred to as the "Golden Dawn". The First Order taught esoteric philosophy based on the Hermetic Qabalah and personal development through study and awareness of the four Classical Elements as well as the basics of astrology, tarot divination, and geomancy. The Second or "Inner" Order, the Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (the Ruby Rose and Cross of Gold), taught proper magic, including scrying, astral travel, and alchemy. Influences[edit] History[edit] Cipher Manuscripts[edit] J.W.
The Secret Maps of the Knights Templar and Holy Grail in America For more on this subject and others see my new book “Axis Mundi.” For secure book sales click here: Book also available on my blog Survivalcell.blogspot.com This video represents my theory regarding the Grail Myths of North America. Using the work of Louis Buff Parry and Scott Wolter a spatial analysis of the sites involved in the mystery revealed some startling facts and suggestions. The Newport Tower, Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, The octagonal Powder Magazine of Colonial Williamsburg, The Kensington Runestone, as well as the Georgia Guidestones are all secret directional devices meant to lead one to the conclusion that the Knights Templar came to America as least as early as the 1362 date on the Kensington Runestone. Along the way possible solutions to the Bacon’s Vault mystery of Williamsburg as well as a solution to the Beale Treasure mystery may become obvious.
You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation The Real Matrix: Freemasonry There is more to this "Clever System" than meets the eye. It is called "Freemasonry." Freemasonry is linked to Satanism, however, not all Masons are evil or have evil intentions. Superior Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons "deserve to be mislead." So we see that Freemasonry deliberately misleads its members. Freemasonry is a worship of Lucifer by the top 5% of all Masons. Freemasonry is the secret organization famous for its use of Christianity as a tool for control. Below are quotes written by high level Masons praising Lucifer with references: "The Mysteries Of Magic' by Eliphas Levi "What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. 'The Book Of Black Magic' by Arthur Edward Waite 33° "First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. 'The Secret Doctrine' by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky "Lucifer represents..Life..Thought..Progress..Civilization..
A History of the Knights Templar and Their Involvement with the Priory of Sion By Tracy R. Twyman Originally written for Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine, Copyright 1998 (Does not necessarily represent author’s current viewpoint.) According to chroniclers of their early years, the Knights Templar were founded in 1188 by Hughes de Payen, a vassal of the Count of Champagne. This occurred after they had presented themselves to Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem, whose older brother, Godfroi de Bouillon had led the crusaders to victory in the Holy Land almost twenty years previous. They proposed themselves as a order of fighting monks, who would protect the roadways for pious pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem. For the next nine years they admitted no new members to their order — strange since the nine founding members hardly seem like they would have provided an adequate number of staff to protect all of the roads to the Holy Land. to suspect that he had been silenced by the royal muzzle to cover up for the Templars’ actual activities — excavating the Temple Mount.
Ever Wondered Just Who Is The Committee of 300? It is said they are a tight-knit group of elitists who have been pulling the strings of our various governments and ruling all our lives up until recently. Ben Fulford pointed directly to them this week in his latest post. But have you ever wondered exactly who the members of the Committee of 300 are? I know I have. As we know from all our sources – from SaLuSa to Matthew Ward, from David Wilcock to Ben Fulford and, more recently Drake and Cobra – mass arrests of the dark cabal are about to take place. Which means they won’t be around much longer in their current jobs and homes. So, just in case you didn’t know who they all are – like me - and just so we all know who they are when they are arrested for their crimes to humanity and this planet very soon, I followed the link in Ben’s post. Here’s what I found… This is a short excerpt from the site’s home page: Some names I know. And so, for posterity’s sake, here they are. Like this:
1ère encyclopedie interactive sur l'Ordre des Templiers List R-oA2014 | Round-op Alpha The following 714 individuals all actively and knowingly conspire in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources – with the intention to establish a world government which would provide them with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding their past and future crimes – and are therefore, according to Round-op Alpha, collectively guilty of crimes against the sovereignty of their respective nations and against humanity as a whole, i.e.: High-level brigandage: Looting of public wealth; oppressing of populations; attacking the rights to good health, education, personal/national sovereignty and real security; the murdering in name of corporate profits; democide; psychological warfare; (eco-) terrorism – which deliberately jeopardizes any attempts for world peace and causes regional, cultural tensions, armed conflicts, forced poverty and the decay of the public’s health, the public order and society as a whole.
Un trésor des Templiers ? e 18 février 1982, l'édition de « Sud Ouest » titrait, à la page de Capbreton, « Mystère du trésor des Templiers ? » Cette année-là, la Poste de la ville côtière, désaffectée depuis 1966, était détruite. Le temps était venu de se replonger dans les rêves les plus fous qu'avait fait naître la construction de cette Poste sur l'emplacement d'une ancienne commanderie des Templiers. En effet, le célèbre ordre (datant de 1119) était implanté à Capbreton avec la commanderie et fut démantelé en même temps que toutes les autres commanderies le vendredi 13 octobre 1307. Dans la commanderie C'est ce qui a amené l'archéologue Robert Charroux à comptabiliser Capbreton dans son inventaire des « 200 plus grands trésors identifiés en France » au numéro 28. Ces quelques mots ont fait naître un véritable émoi au sein des jeunes chasseurs de trésors landais qui n'ont pu s'empêcher d'espérer découvrir le fameux trésor des Templiers. Mais il n'en fut rien. Il n'existerait pas
Brotherhood of Saturn Saturnalian Brotherhood – The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati House of Borja House of Breakspeare House of Somaglia House of Orsini House of Conti House of Chigi House of Colonna House of Farnese House of Medici House of Gaetani House of Pamphili House of Este House of Aldobrandini These Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers are in Full Control of the Company of Jesus, High Grey Council of Ten, and the Black Pope This is some good info on the Black Pope: The ‘Black Pope’, Superior Jesuit General (The President of the World), speaks at Loyola ‘Military Fortress’ University in his un-ratified 14th Amendment ‘Little Rome’ D.C United States Corporation. A corporation under International Maritime Admiralty Law (Uniform Commerical Code) based upon Vatican Canon Law and perfected by the Roman Empire. He lies about his power, he’s over the Pope as of 1814. Adolfo is not of Papal Bloodline, some Black Pope’s have been. This is the true World’s power system right now.
MEMODOC, Les Chevaliers hospitaliers du Temple de Jérusalem, ou ordre des Templiers Les templiers prirent ce nom à cause de leur établissement qui se fit proche du Temple de Jérusalem l'an 1118 du temps du roi Baudouin. Leur emploi était de défendre les pèlerins et de rendre les chemins sûrs contre les courses des infidèles. Quelques-uns veulent que les premiers fondements de l'ordre des Templiers furent jetés l'an 1096 par Hugues de Payens et par Godefroy de Saint-Omer du pays d'Artois, qui reçurent du pape Honoré III et d'Etienne patriarche de Jérusalem, leur règle et leur habit, qui étaient de couleur blanche avec une croix rouge, pour signifier l'innocence et le martyre, comme dit Aubert le Mire, leur titre était de Notre-Dame. Ils avaient trois ordres parmi eux, les grands-croix, les simples chevaliers et les servants qui portaient une demie croix. Guillaume de Tyr et récemment MM. du Puy, ont fait des Traités des Templiers, qui représentent leurs crimes et leurs erreurs.
How Bilderberg Will Use Technology to Rule by 2050 Aaron DykesActivist Post Are you ready, or do you have any idea what the future has in store? Bilderberg 2014 focused on technology – with mass surveillance and Big Data putting an “end to privacy” and initiating dominance from an “Internet of Things” where we live in public, and under the thumb of digital control. Watch this special video report: The End of Privacy, the Era of Big Data and the Rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) are all milestones in an ongoing plan for social control – taking shape and updating annually at the elitist Bilderberg conferences. 2014 only amplified that trajectory… The lure of the infinite possibilities of the Internet, the convenience of “smart” gadgets, endless entertainment and various environmental pretexts are letting “them” take control of a world where they monitor your lives and steer it via digital authorizations and a digital global currency. Aaron Dykes is a co-founder of TruthstreamMedia.com, where this first appeared.
le Trésor des Templiers - 4e partie - Organisation de l'Ordre - Récits le Trésor des Templiers - 4e partie - Décès, menottes et contumace 2 - Organisation de l'Ordre Luc s’éveilla vers midi. Claire et lui avaient retrouvé leur appartement parisien depuis deux jours, mais les fatigues et les émotions de ces dernières semaines se faisaient encore sentir. Il se leva pour aller faire du café. Pendant qu’il téléphonait, Claire avait ouvert les yeux. - Merci, chéri, ronronna Claire tandis qu’il se glissait près d’elle en essayant de ne pas renverser son plateau. - De rien, mon cœur, répondit-il du même ton. On aurait dit deux tourtereaux. Le brusque sursaut de Claire désarçonna Luc, et la jeune femme s'étala de tout son long sur la moquette, manquant de peu d’écrabouiller Goliath. - Non mais, ça te prend souvent ? Luc prit un air penaud. - OK, dit-il. - Non, ça va pas. - S’il te plaît, mon cœur… - Rien à faire ! Luc essaya de relativiser. - Oui, bon. - Tu parles ! L’outrance du propos le fit s’esclaffer. Sa question fit à Claire l’effet d’une piqure de guêpe. - Non.
The New World Order – Part 1 The New World Order – Part 1 Never in human history has this wonderful planet and its inhabitants been subjected to such an evil satanic regime !! Never since its creation has an organisation create so much damage to its environment, government, people, finances and it industrial base and kept us all at war chasing non existent terrorists!! The Logo of the New World Order Some of its infrastructure You may be shocked to learn that much of the original British Empire is still under their total control In order to start this rather complex series of articles one has to turn back the clock and look at an act of treason that took place in England and as a direct result launched the foundation blocks of today’s New World Order. We are being taken down a road of “Political Spin” and “Weapons of Mass Deception” by those under the control of the New World Order (NWO) that exist in almost every political sector in every country. Two voyages in the 1490s lay the foundations for the future empires.
L’affaire des Templiers Les Templiers L’ordre des Templiers est fondé au début du XIIe siècle, après la première croisade, par deux chevaliers français : Hugues de Payns et Geoffroy de Saint-Omer. L’ordre du Temple est à l’origine destiné à recruter une garde de chevaliers pour la protection des lieux saints et notamment le Temple de Jérusalem, mais aussi des pèlerins. Les Templiers sont des moines-soldats, soumis à une règle monastique, voués à l’abstinence pour conserver leur aptitude au combat. Implantés en Orient, ils amassent de nombreuses richesses, obtenues par donations ou concessions (terres, commanderies, rentes). Pendant plus d’un siècle, de Philippe-Auguste à Philippe IV Le Bel, le trésor du Temple est un véritable centre financier. Cependant, l’ordre devient de plus en plus la cible des critiques et des attaques de toutes parts. L’affaire des Templiers fit trembler le royaume de France, et anima la lutte ouverte entre le roi et le Pape. par Cyra