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Compact Composite Descriptors For Content Based Image Retrieval: Basics, Concepts, Tools

Compact Composite Descriptors For Content Based Image Retrieval: Basics, Concepts, Tools

Lire | An Open Source Java Content Based Image Retrieval Library The LIRE (Lucene Image REtrieval) library provides a simple way to retrieve images and photos based on their color and texture characteristics. LIRE creates a Lucene index of image features for content based image retrieval (CBIR). Several different low level features are available, such as MPEG-7 ScalableColor, ColorLayout, and EdgeHistogram, Auto Color Correlogram, PHOG, CEDD, JCD, FCTH, and many more. Furthermore simple and extended methods for searching the index and result browsing are provided by LIRE. LIRE scales well up to millions of images with hash based approximate indexing. Documentation and help are available Please drop me a line on the mailing list if you use LIRE in your project. If you like this work and you want to support the development of Lire, consider to donate to the project. Consulting & Services You plan to work with LIRE and you are stuck? Which ones are the right features for me? . Lux Mathias, Savvas A.

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A physicist's best friend: Quantum coherence in diamond augments fluorescence thermometry ( —Thermometry – the measurement of temperature – is critical to a wide range of applications, including many industrial processes, biomedical monitoring, and environmental regulatory systems. However, measuring temperature in the presence of high RF (radio frequency) or other electromagnetic fields – such as are found in aerospace, automotive and medical systems – cannot be accomplished using electrical thermometric probes. In these cases, optical sensors that allow scientists to perform thermometry based on thermally-driven changes in fluorescence (brightness) are the instrument of choice. Recently, scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Ames Laboratory, and the University of Chicago have demonstrated extremely sensitive fluorescence thermometry techniques based on nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond – paramagnetic defects in which electron spins can be manipulated at room temperature by applying a combination of microwave radiation and light. Prof.

E-book - OpenSURF - The Official Home of the Image Processing Library The task of finding point correspondences between two images of the same scene or object is an integral part of many machine vision or computer vision systems. The algorithm aims to find salient regions in images which can be found under a variety of image transformations. This allows it to form the basis of many vision based tasks; object recognition, video surveillance, medical imaging, augmented reality and image retrieval to name a few. OpenSURF C# (Build 12/04/2012)The official port of the OpenSURF library for C#. Builds as a dll to allow seamless integration into any computer vision system. Notes on the OpenSURF LibraryThis paper contains a detailed analysis of the Speeded Up Robust Features computer vision algorithm along with a breakdown of the OpenSURF implementation. OpenSURF BibtexShould you wish to reference the OpenSURF library in your work, this bibtex entry contains the information you'll need. Please also link to this page if you have found OpenSURF useful!

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Quantum Weirdness Replaced by Classical Fluid Dynamics – The Resonance Project Foundation A French team of scientists, led by Physicists Yves Couder and Emmanuel Fort, investigated alternative possibilities in the wave-particle duality interpretation of the double slit experiment by observing bouncing droplets in a vibrating oil bath. The remarkable results have caught the attention of the public eye as this approach may resolve some of the weirdest behaviors of particles at the quantum scale. Couder and Fort demonstrate in a simple experiment that fluid dynamics may be the classical underlying mechanism of quantum particles apparent strange behaviors without resorting to the need for a mysterious and seemingly magical interpretation of modern quantum theory. It is my firm belief that the last seven decades of the twentieth century will be characterized in history as the dark ages of theoretical physics. I no longer regard this [statistical] interpretation as a finally satisfactory one, even if it proves useful in practice. By: William Brown

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hash - OpenCV: Fingerprint Image and Compare Against Database Free Computer, Programming, Mathematics, Technical Books, Lecture Notes and Tutorials Du quantique dans l’écoulement de l’eau Le niveau monte. Bientôt pour devenir plombier, il faudra maîtriser la physique quantique, cette théorie des particules dont on se demande bien comment elle aiderait à régler des soucis de tuyaux. Pourtant, sans elle, impossible de résoudre un problème de plomberie vieux d’une quinzaine d’années, à en croire un article paru dans Nature, le 3 février. Depuis plusieurs années, les physiciens ont découvert que l’eau s’écoule 10 000 fois plus vite dans de microscopiques tubes de quelques dizaines de nanomètres de diamètre fait en carbone. Pour expliquer ces phénomènes, Lydéric et Marie-Laure Bocquet (ENS Paris) avec Nikita Kavokine (ENS Paris et Institut Flatiron à New York) ont profité des périodes de confinement pour se plonger dans la littérature scientifique, y compris dans des grimoires que leurs spécialités, la chimie et l’hydrodynamique, ignoraient jusqu’alors. Ils ont ensuite testé une première hypothèse quantique. Idem pour l’effet du diamètre du tuyau.

A Torinói lepel pártus (magyar) vonatkozásai adatokból arra is lehet következtetni, hogy a vászon a rejtélyes arcképpelkeretben volt ekkor, a legendák szerint ugyanis a templomosok egy titokzatosfejet imádtak.A Lepel első ismert fran cia tulajdonosa Geoffrey de Charney templomos lovag. Ismert, hogy a templomos rendet felszámolják, nagymesterüket Jacques de Molay-t Geoffrey de Charnay- val együtt máglyán elégetik. -ban a Lajos, Savoy hercegére ruházta az ereklyét. (2) ben történik az első nyilvános kiállítása, ettől az időponttól folyamatosannyomon követhető a sorsa. ban Savoy hercege Torinóba vitte a leplet. ig a lepel a Savoy család birtokában maradt, II. ban került. Tudományos vizsgálatok A Torinói Lepel szinte európai felbukkanása óta viták kereszttüzében áll. hogy mi az, amit biztosan tudunk! ben Secondo Pia amatőr olasz fotós első ízben készít felvételt a lepelről.Szenzációs felfedezést tesz: a negatív olyannak mutatja az emberi alakot,amilyen a valóságban lehetett, tehát a negatív pozitív képet mutatott. felfe 1931-ben, 1969-

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