Zentangle: Meditation Through Pattern-Drawing by Maria Popova If greater creativity and more mental balance are among your new year’s resolutions, look no further than Zentangle — a type of meditation achieved through pattern-making, created by artist duo Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts. Each pattern is built one line at a time, organically combining simple patterns into complex zentangles in unplanned, unexpected ways that grow, change and unfold on the page as you enter an immersive state of flow. Totally Tangled offers a fantastic introduction to the relaxing and beautiful practice through step-by-step instructions and over 100 original tangles. We’re particularly taken with Zentagle because its basic principle — building on simple shapes and combining different patterns into complex creativity — is such a beautiful visual metaphor for our core philosophy of combinatorial creativity. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr
Calendrier créatif de mai | Les Couleurs de la Vie Avril touche à sa fin… et voici Mai et sa douceur qui arrivent. Ce mois-ci encore, je partage avec vous mon calendrier mandala : 32 cercles pour 30 jours. Mon invitation : prendre un temps chaque jour pour se poser et déposer dans un cercle vos ressentis sous forme de mot(s), une ou plusieurs couleurs, une forme, un symbole, quelques gribouillis ou zendoodles… selon votre besoin, votre inspiration du moment,… Un temps pour soi, pour se dégager des tensions, des automatismes, en focalisant quelques instants son attention sur un de ces cercles. Prenez le temps de vous ausculter :Comment je me sens ici et maintenant ? Un rituel pour se faire du bien, se réharmoniser tout en douceur. Ce mois-ci, je vous propose 2 versions : une plus épurée et une plus colorée. je vous laisse choisir la version que vous préférez ! Cliquer ici ou sur l’image pour télécharger et imprimer cette version : La même version mais en couleurs : Cliquer ici ou sur l’image pour la télécharger et l’imprimer. Merci à elles ! J'aime :
Doodle Addicted No, there are no bees in this doodle drawing. It’s me that’s been the busy bee! We recently had a big business event which had been consuming all of my time. But it’s done now (and was a huge success!) Like this: Like Loading... Yay! Also I just want to add… Sharpie has developed quite a reputation with this kind of art. Every time I visit family and stay with our good friend, Shannie, my doodles take on her style. I had no plan to draw a dragon but after the first curl, it hit me. Yay! I’ve been nominated as Best Local Artist!! This Doodle Dedicated To… Posted: January 2, 2014 in Completed Tags: abstract, art, bic, black and white, doodle, drawing, orbit, outer, sharpie, space Just orbing. I dedicate this doodle drawing toy husband who likes outer space just a little more than me. Okay I take it back. Insomnia Doodle Art and Poem Posted: December 29, 2013 in Completed, Poetry Tags: abstract, art, bic, doodle, dreams, guitar, insomnia, sharpie poetry
Les bienfaits insoupçonnés du gribouillage Je partage avec vous aujourd’hui un article très intéressant paru dans le Huffington Post sur le bienfaits des gribouillis. Bonne lecture ! Les livres de coloriage pour adultes sont à la mode, mais une autre activité artistique exige encore moins d’efforts que le maniement des crayons de couleur ou des feutres. Et, pour ne rien gâcher, elle présente de nombreux avantages. Le gribouillage, c’est-à-dire le fait de dessiner machinalement – surtout quand on est censé travailler – est bien plus qu’une simple distraction. Alors qu’on la voyait jusqu’ici d’un mauvais œil, elle améliore l’apprentissage, la créativité et les performances. 1. Amy Pyle, rédactrice en chef et « femme polyvalente » (comme elle aime à se décrire), griffonne pendant les réunions ou les conférences téléphoniques pour améliorer sa capacité de concentration. 2. Thy Anh Vo aime se détendre en s’autocaricaturant. 3. 4. Capitulo a créé ce gribouillage alors qu’elle était « très, très, très contrariée, un soir » de 2014. 5.
100 Excellent Art Therapy Exercises for Your Mind, Body, and Soul January 9th, 2011 Pablo Picasso once said, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." It's no surprise, then, that many people around the world use art as a means to deal with stress, trauma and unhappiness – or to just find greater peace and meaning in their lives. If you're curious about what art therapy has to offer, you can try out some of these great solo exercises at home to help nurse your mind, body and soul back to health. Emotions Deal with emotions like anger and sadness through these helpful exercises. Draw or paint your emotions. Relaxation Art therapy can be a great way to relax. Paint to music. Happiness Art can not only help you deal with the bad stuff, but also help you appreciate and focus on the good. Draw your vision of a perfect day. Portraits Often, a great way to get to know yourself and your relationships with others is through portraits. Create a future self-portrait. Trauma and Unhappiness Draw a place where you feel safe. Collaging Self Gratitude
Random Linear Remnants - The Ralire Study: Chronological Entry List Pages Chronological Entry List Chronological Approach - The Ralire Study To understand terminology it might be a good idea to start reading this blog at the Definitions Page>>>> Entry 8 ::: Definitions : for the purpose of The Ralire Study Research Project Entry 1 ::: The Ralire Study Introduction Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest 2 comments: Sheila KellyDecember 2, 2013 at 2:33 PMI'm finding it hard to comment exactly where I find comment coming up for me...probably not familiar with how this site is structured yet. Load more... Feedback appreciated :-) Home
"Moleskine doodles recharge" by kerbyrosanes Henri Matisse: drawing with scissors | Art and design At the start of the second world war, Henri Matisse found himself, for the first time in his life, confronted by an empty studio. He had lived and slept with his work ever since his beginnings as a poor art student, flitting from one rented attic to the next, carrying nothing but his canvases with him. But in his 70th year a bitter separation dispute with his wife meant that by late summer 1939 everything on his studio walls had been taken down, crated and stored in bank cellars for lawyers to fight over. France declared war in September and was swiftly invaded, defeated and occupied by German forces. It was at this point that he cut a man out of white paper, a drooping pinheaded figure, all sagging limbs and blazing red heart, mounted on a black ground with bombs detonating around him. Matisse grew old but his work did not. Matisse had given his life to projecting an inner reality strong enough to withstand the competing claims of the external world.
Miriam Badyrka is The Doodler In college, I learned a lovely myth from China. Long ago, there were 10 suns. Each day, the sky goddess would choose one to drive across the sky in her chariot. The other nine suns would play all day. Usually, I call these medallions stars, but its February. "Ascension" by kerbyrosanes Visual Arts in the PYP: learner profile The Learner Profile permeates everything we do at a PYP school. Above are some posters hanging around the art room and below is a big hallway display I did for the beginning of the school year. Each flower pot has a Learner Profile attribute written on the front.
"Moleskine doodles imagination is power" by kerbyrosanes