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100 no-equipment workouts

100 no-equipment workouts

Abs on Fire Workout Take your abs to the next level with a workout designed to sculpt them fast. This will really set your abs on fire but it will also give you some great results. Six challenging exercises and three different levels are designed to help you sculpt stronger abs. What it works: Upper, lower and lateral abs. Tip: Every time you tense the abdominal muscle wall exhale. Download High Resolution .PDF poster

Foods for Workouts: Cardio An all-around healthy diet is best for any exercise routine, but cardiovascular exercise requires a balance of special nutrients. If you get cardiovascular exercise regularly (and we all should) – here’s how to fuel up. Cardio Basics Cardio exercise like walking, running and biking require energy from both carbohydrates and fat. Carbohydrates are the body’s #1 go-to source, but healthy sources of fat also give ample doses of energy. As exercise intensity changes (like due to an increase in speed or running uphill, for example), the body switches back and forth between carbs and fat to provide energy. All foods are digested and metabolized differently, so you need to think about the best times to eat foods that will support your exercise schedule. Before A Workout Pre-workout meals should focus mostly on healthy carbs, but since carbs with high amounts of fiber take longer to digest, you want to be careful not to take in too much directly before exercise.

Workout WITHOUT Weights: Dynamic Tension Revised! Why would anyone want to work out without weights? Everyone knows that using weights and machines is the fastest, most efficient way to gain size and strength. While this is true, there are many reasons why someone would want to, or even be forced to train for a while without the benefit of using weights. Someone working long hours trying to support his family may not have the time to get to a commercial gym, and may not have the extra space or money to set up a good home gym. Also, someone who has to travel quite often for business might prefer getting a good workout in his or her hotel room rather then wandering the streets of South America asking "Donde esta el gymo?" Let's face it there are times (vacations, etc.) when all of us can't easily get to a gym. What Is The Best Way To Workout Without Weights? The idea behind this course is - if for some reason you do workout without weights, what is the most efficient and result producing way to do it? The Techniques 100 Rep Sets Final Words

5 Fast Rules to Be Bigger, Leaner, and Stronger: The World's Smartest Workout If you want to pack on muscle fast, the old saying is true: You need to train smarter, not harder. Using my five new principles of size, all it takes is 3 exercises, 3 days a week. Monday 1. Bench press 2. Chinup 3. Deadlift Do 25 total reps of each exercise, using a weight you can lift 4 to 6 times before your speed slows down or your form changes. (Tuesday: Rest) Wednesday 1. Do 40 total reps of each exercise with each arm or each leg, using a weight you can lift 10 to 12 times before your speed slows down or your form changes. (Thursday: Rest) Download the 8-Page Pack on Muscle Like a Pro Guide Friday 1. Do 15 total reps of each exercise, using a weight you can lift 2 to 3 times before your speed slows down or your form changes. For more cutting-edge workouts and no-nonsense training advice, order your copy of Men's Health Huge in a Hurry, by Chad Waterbury, at TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH, BODY, AND LIFE!

Whey Protein Very good product, and the salty caramel flavour very tasty hit and miss I love my protein and their products. I regularly buy their whey and other products. ingredients list is great, macros are great, mixes well with water and milk and I like to bake with it. Great protein powder! Great protein, excellent quality! Goes Well With: water Me Good tasty does the job at a good price what else could u want Very pleased. 2 out of 2 customers found this review helpful protein It does what it says on the tin plus the strawberry and cream one tastes great Excellent! Great tasting product that mixes well with both milk and water! impact whey. Excellent product and very well priced.Realy impressed with the flavours and the delivery is very good . A decent product for a decent price. Impact whey protein Thumbs up!!! Cookies and Cream I love this product and equally the taste. Excellent I have been ordering from myprotein during the last year while I was in UK studying. Great Value Buy! Great protein Very good Hulk

Sleep Better Tonight Think the solution to your fatigue is an earlier bedtime? Getting enough sleep is important, but it’s also the quality that counts—and there’s more to it than just a comfy bed. Also complicating things: As you get older, your sleep patterns change, making it harder to fall (and stay) asleep. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined to be sleep-deprived. Every little habit—from what you eat and drink to when you exercise and watch TV—can impact your sleep. 6:30 A.M. - Skip the snooze button. 7:30 A.M. - Exercise. 11:00 A.M. - Take a breathing break. 1-2 P.M. - Cut out caffeine. Caffeine Count You know that coffee’s got a lot (95 mg in 1 cup), but the amount in other items may surprise you. Coffee ice cream, 1 cup = 48 mg Diet Coke, 1 can = 47 mgTea, 1 cup = 40 mgDark chocolate bar, 1.45 oz = 25 mg 3 P.M. - Go outside. 7 P.M. - Eat dinner. 10 P.M. - An hour before bedtime, have a proteincarb combo snack. 10:30 P.M. - Thirty minutes before bedtime, start your wind-down routine.

Want a Bubblicious Butt? Use this workout to get better results, faster. The human body is a great and complex thing. For those of you who train, this is both good and bad. On the one hand, if every body were the same, there wouldn’t be a need for hundreds of different workout programs, philosophies, etc. There would be a science to how things are done. There’d be one specific way to build muscle, lose fat, and generally look like a Maxim fitness model. That said, there are some relative constants in the fitness world that are generally accepted to be especially beneficial to everyone. I’ve had this knowledge and have been using plyo/weight combo workouts with clients for years. Generic workout plans are nice, but have you ever wanted a fully customized workout plan that actually changes based on your progress? Our FitPlan does just that. Perform this workout 3 days a week. Day 1 - Keep weights lower during this session. Day 3 – We’re going to repeat the session from Day 1 with a few minor modifications to increase intensity. Give this workout a try.

Exercise Information - Click On My Body To Learn The Best Exercises and Read about the Science of Human Movement and Anatomy How to Use Ask The Trainer Exercise Information Guide The clickable male and female anatomy charts on this page are the gateway to many of our informational articles about resistance training exercise. By clicking on any body part you will be taken to the page with the muscle group’s exercise information. You can return to this page at any time by clicking on the icon on the top navbar. In addition to clicking on the body any part via the male and female anatomy charts, you can click on any of the exercise equipment in the exercise equipment chart at the bottom of this page to learn about exercising with them. When you get to an exercise information page you will first find some general information about resistance training for the body part/muscle group. Step-by-Step Exercise Instruction Guide Most of the articles will provide you proper exercise instruction using the following format: Exercise Information for Men & Women Click my Body Parts for the Best Exercises

Summer Butt Challenge - Seven Day Butt Workout for Womens Fitness by Skinny Ms. This challenge is designed to tighten, tone, lift and reshape your butt. You might ask: Is this challenge easy? “No”. Will I be sore? “Probably”. What you’ll need for this challenge: lots of water, a yoga mat, a flat bench or kitchen chair or stable box about 2′ from the floor, light dumbbells and leg weights are optional, and an interval timer. ‘Like’ our FACEBOOK page for helpful hints and tips on getting and staying healthy, workouts, fitness challenges, motivation and inspiration. Let’s get started! Sunday 100 Butt Burns (50 each side) 100 Prisoner Squats 30 Side Lunges – 15 reps each leg 30 Walking Lunges – 15 reps each leg…light weight dumbbells optional 50 Side-Lying Leg Lifts – 25 reps each leg…leg weights ____________________________________________ Monday Interval Training – 4 circuits of the following routine (here we’ll be doing seconds rather than reps) 6 x’s 40 seconds = 4 minutes x 4 circuits = 16 minutes total Butt Burns Prisoner Squats Side Lunges Walking Lunge

10 Nutrients Scientifically Proven to Make You Feel Awesome Want some pep in your step? Perhaps a dash of good cheer? (Who doesn’t, right?). Look no further than the grocery store’s shelves. How can foods improve our moods? Try one of these foods for a mid-day pick-me-up, to promote long-term happiness, or to ward off the nagging worry that you forgot to lock the front door (You did remember, right?). A bit about the units used below: Mg (milligram) is the typical unit of measurement for nutrients and 1,000 mg equals 1 gram. 1. The most abundant mineral in the body, calcium plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and healthy blood vessels, and in reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes. How eating it helps: Found in a variety of sources (non-dairy included), calcium is often paired with vitamin D to help regulate mood fluctuations attributed to PMS . RDA: 1,000 mg per day for adults Food Sources of Calcium: 2. A trace mineral found in small amounts in the body, chromium helps the body metabolize food . Food Sources of Chromium: 3. 4. 5.
