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The Data Visualisation Catalogue

The Data Visualisation Catalogue
Related:  Big data and data visualization

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. OECD Better Life Index Average personal index for Germany, men, 15–24 How’s life? There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics – This Index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life. Download executive summary Download the index data Learn more about the index Better Life BlogArchive Happiness pays For World Happiness Day our guest author suggests that money can't buy you happiness but happiness may get you more money. more ... Gender equality in the workplace Over the past twenty years, women have made huge gains in the workplace but full job equality is still far from reality. more ... Education for well-being: Online discussion We know education is an essential component of well-being, so what makes an education that promotes well-being? more ... Visit our blog Blog RSS feed Find Out MoreArchive Mar 19, 2014 Society at a Glance 2014: OECD Social Indicators

Statistics Canada: Canada's national statistical agency Website Evaluation 2017 Please take a few minutes at the end of your visit today to anonymously tell us about your experience with the website. Choosing “Yes, after my visit” will open a new window that you can return to once you complete your visit to Use of cookies We are making temporary use of cookies Opens in a new window during the evaluation period from January 9 to January 26, 2017 to ensure that you do not receive this invitation more than once. Please see Statistics Canada's complete Privacy notice Opens in a new windowfor more information.

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Our World In Data 5 Awesome Free Data Analysis Tools: Extract, Clean, and Share Your Data 05.01.2016 by Marisa Krystian Data analysis is the process of cleaning, inspecting, transforming, and modeling data in order to uncover useful information. Data analysis can be tricky! Mr. Mr. Wolfram Alpha This amazing ‘knowledge’ engine brings you broad, deep, expert-level information in an instant. makes advanced web data extraction easy, by turning websites into spreadsheets! Panda Project Panda Project makes data journalism easier than ever. OpenRefine OpenRefine is an open source tool for cleaning up messy data. While it’s true these tools make data analysis easier, it is important to note that they are only as valuable as the information you put in and the analysis you conduct. Once your data is ready, you can use data visualization tools like to bring it to life.

Index Map UIS Statistics NACION Data- Blogs Agroindustria fue el segundo ministerio que adhirió al Decreto 117/2016 que creó el Plan de Apertura de Datos con el objetivo de garantizar el derecho de acceso a la información pública. A la fecha, ya son 3 los ministerios adheridos: Energía, Agroindustria y Justicia. En la plataforma se puede encontrar información relevante sobre producción, comercio, inversión, precios y padrones de todas las actividades agroindustriales del país. Todos los datasets son producidos por la Secretaría de Mercados Agroindustriales a través de la Subsecretaría de Información y Estadística Pública, y se descargan en formato .csv. En algunos casos se puede acceder a información histórica, de períodos de tiempo que inician en 1969 y están actualizados a hoy. Al elegir las variables a consultar, la plataforma ofrece dos opciones: descargar los datos o simplemente visualizarlos y descargar el gráfico como .jpg. Por Bianca Pallaro Algunas conclusiones que se desprenden de los datos publicados

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