طريقة تحضير حلاوة الجبن | Lebnan.org المكوّنات مكوّنات عجينة حلاوة الجبن: 1 كغ من جبنة العكاوي٬ المُقطّعة إلى شرائح رقيقة 1½ كوب أو 240 غ من السميد الناعم 3 أكواب من قطر السكر مكوّنات الحشوة: 3 أكواب أو 750 مل من الماء 1 علبة أو 397 غ من حليب نستله المكثف المحلى ¾ كوب أو 90 غ من دقيق الذرة 2 ملاعق طعام من ماء الزهر طريقة التحضير تُنقع الجبنة في ماء بحرارة الغرفة العادية لمدة 4 ساعات لنزع الملح منها (يُغيّر الماء كلّ ساعة) ثمّ تُصفّى. يوضع حليب نستله المكثف المحلى والماء، ودقيق الذرة في قدر كبيرة، وتُغلى الصلصة مع التحريك المستمرّ حتى تتكاثف. توضع الجبنة في وعاء فوق ماء يغلي وتُحرّك الجبنة حتّى تذوب. تُرشّ 4 ملاعق كبيرة من قطر السكر الساخن على طاولة العمل وتوضع عجينة الجبنة الساخنة فوقها، ثمّ توضع 4 ملاعق كبيرة أخرى من قطر السكر الساخن على الوجه وتُرقّ العجينة بالشوبك حتى تُصبح طبقة رقيقة تُقطّع بعدها إلى مربّعات طول كلّ منها 7 سم. يُخلط مزيج القشطة البارد حتى يصبح ناعماً وتُسكب ملعقة كبيرة فوق كلّ قطعة من العجين وتُلفّ. تُقدّم حلاوة الجبن مع الكمية المتبقية من القطر.
Things People Said Ordinary people can be drop dead funny. Latest additions: 1/21/11 Human speech is directly responsible for almost every thought and emotion we have throughout life's journey. The complexity of language and the complex messages we use it to communicate leave the possibilities wide open for just about anything. This page features humor that bypasses that. Slips and Gaffes Accident Reports -- Descriptions of accidents as written on insurance claim forms. Questions, Suggestions, and Complaints Forest Service Feedback -- City folk suggest improvements to the outdoors. Things Kids Say Kids' Ideas About Love -- 5 to 10 year olds expound on love and marriage. Stupidity Warning Labels -- In today's litigious society, products need ridiculously obvious instructions. Famous People Yogi Berra -- Verbal blunders from one of baseball's legends. For goofs and gaffes related to computers, visit: RinkWorks Things People Said is a RinkWorks production. Talk Back Legalese
The Eco Facts Behind NASA's Legendary Space Shuttle Program On July 21st, at approximately 6:00AM, the Space Shuttle Atlantis will land signaling the end of NASA’s 30 year-long Space Shuttle Program. During its 30 year run, the world has seen the five shuttles (Enterprise never flew in space) complete 135 missions taking satellites into space or aiding in the construction of the International Space Station. Atlantis’ final mission will mark the end of an era, and to celebrate the event we’re taking a look at the amazing eco-facts you never knew about the space shuttle. Now, by no means is the space shuttle an ‘environmentally friendly’ vehicle. However, once the shuttle is in orbit its systems are fueled by more environmentally friendly hydrogen fuel cells. As the shuttle re-enters the atmosphere, it generates so much energy it literally turns the atmosphere to plasma. Of course, the shuttle program has had its negatives. So let’s raise a glass to the space shuttle. via GreenWala Images: NASA
AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com Sketch Pad April 11th, 2014 He just wanted to be in the ballpark. (submitted by Aga in Poland) In Your Grill April 10th, 2014 “This photo is of my brother posing inside the grill of our car, “The Beat” circa 1985. (submitted by Melanie) Turn And Face The Change April 9th, 2014 “This photo was taken by a professional photographer my brother and sister-in-law hired for their big day. (submitted by Jennifer) Mary Had A Little Lamb “If the red eyed devil bunny didn’t get you, the possessed lamb was waiting in the wings.” (submitted by Chris)
¿Qué es la Lógica? - Filosofía Estudiaremos la disciplina filosófica denominada Lógica. La misma es definida como “la ciencia de las leyes del pensamiento que tiene por objeto estudiar la relación que el pensamiento tiene con la verdad”. Los antiguos griegos llamaban pensamiento al producto de la actividad intelectual de los hombres. 1.- Como concepto 2.- Como juicio 3.- Como raciocinio o razonamiento. Cualquiera fuese la estructura hay diferentes elementos que lo van a conformar: Sujeto que piensa Acción de pensar Contenido propio del pensamiento Objeto que se piensa Expresión oral o escrita de aquello que se piensa El sujeto es esencial para el pensamiento; la acción de pensar es la actividad intelectual; el contenido es aquello que se piensa y la expresión oral o escrita es la forma de comunicar los pensamientos. Aristóteles es considerado el fundador de la lógica, ya que determinó el conjunto de leyes que servían para estudiar el pensamiento.
Ultimate Computer Hardware Videos" Computer Tour Have you ever wondered what is on the inside of your computer? Watch this video from HowStuffWorks as we take you on a tour of your computer. Episode 22: Understanding Drivers In episode 22, Andy and Sean talk about the importance of drivers, what they are, and how updates can keep your computer running smoothly. Episode 49 - Core 2 Demystified Watch this video about Core 2 Duo processors on HowStuffWorks. How to Add RAM to a Laptop Upgrading your laptop can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. How to Install a Graphics Card The graphics card enables your computer to play games and movies. How to Install RAM to a Desktop Computer Everyone wants more RAM in their computer, but it can be a frightening task. It's All Geek to Me: Laptop Battery Life David Pogue shows tricks for squeezing the maximum juice out of your laptop battery. Most Watched In Computer ( Last 30 days )
100 Creative Furniture / Inspiration / Splashnology - Web Design and Web Technology Community inShare19 In this roundup you will find some stunning, creative and unique furniture design ideas. Some of them really look awesome. So, re-think before you scrap anything because it could be a good material for making an exclusive furniture. Advertisement 100 Creative Furniture: Reloaded We have already presented to your attention a collection of 100 Creative Furniture. Combo Couch: All-in-One Lounger, Love Seat + Sofa Bed = « Dornob Sofa beds sneak two functions into one piece of furniture, but these designs go beyond the binary ‘convertible couch’ typology to be completely modular, comfortable for sitting up, laying back or lying down in any number of custom configurations. This seating set from Zuiver builds on the classic fold-out footrest and flip-up backrest concepts of an easy chair, but take such loungers to new levels by expanding the entire idea horizontally into a multi-person love seat, then stretch it further to a full-length sleep-friendly sofa. Each modular segment can be flipped in, out, up or down as desired by the people using each part of the seating space – a pair of chairs can be formed within the larger whole of the couch, or the entire system can open and accommodate a couple comfortably. Smaller versions are also interesting craft experiments, but the purpose seems less clear in a simple lounge chair variant.