MacSpice 3f5 - Circuit Simulator for Mac OS X Programas de diseño electrónico y simulación... - Simuladores de circuitos - YoReparo OrCAD OrCAD es un software propietario utilizado para la automatización en el diseño electrónico. Este programa puede ser usado principalmente por técnicos, ingenieros y diseñadores para el dibujo de circuitos electrónicos y el diseño de circuitos impresos, además de la simulación de circuitos, tiene una base de componentes actualizable. Licencia: Pago. Web: Demo (requiere registro): Altium designer (antes Protel) Altium Designer es un conjunto de programas para el diseño electrónico en todas sus fases y para todas las disciplinas, ya sean esquemas, simulación, diseño de circuitos impresos, implementación de FPGA, o desarrollo de código para microprocesadores. Web: Circuit Shop Circuit Shop permite diseñar, simular y aprender acerca de circuitos electrónicos analógicos y digitales. Web: Simetrix Qucs Licencia: Gratuito.
FQSB | ELECTRICIDAD | Física | Animaciones en Flash de forma gratuita en línea de electricidad de aprendizaje y la enseñanza | Apoyo educativo, interactivo y animado para ser vistos en clase o en casa para las ciencias. Osciloscopio. Multímetro, intensida contenido ¿Qué es un circuito eléctrico? Simple circuito eléctrico con una sola lámpara o un motor: - La función del generador; - Hijo de la conexión ; - La función del interruptor. Dibujar el diagrama, los símbolos estándar. Concepto del bucle. Aproximación al concepto de un cortocircuito. Lazo de simple circuito eléctrico generador, interruptor, lámpara, motor, LED, diodo, hijo de resistencia de la conexión (conductores óhmicos), limitándose, además de los interruptores a un generador y tres componentes. Influencia de la orden y el número de componentes distintos del generador. Conductores y aislantes. Corriente convencional. Series y bombillas en paralelo El circuito eléctrico que comprende cables. Volver al cortocircuito: la distinción entre corto-circuito de un generador y cortocircuito de una lámpara. Seguridad. De corriente y voltaje Introducción procedimiento de intensidad y tensión. Intensidad: medida, unidad. Tensión: la medición, la unidad. Noción de la rama y el nodo. De corriente y tensión.
Types of Resistors including Carbon, Film and Composition The Different Types of Resistor Resistors, ( R ) are the most fundamental and commonly used of all the electronic components, to the point where they are almost taken for granted. There are many different Types of Resistor available for the electronics constructor to choose from, from very small surface mount chip resistors up to large wirewound power resistors. The principal job of a resistor within an electrical or electronic circuit is to “resist” (hence the name Resistor), regulate or to set the flow of electrons (current) through them by using the type of conductive material from which they are composed. A Typical Resistor Resistors are “Passive Devices“, that is they contain no source of power or amplification but only attenuate or reduce the voltage or current signal passing through them. Then a potential difference is required between the two terminals of a resistor for current to flow. Standard Resistor Symbols Composition Types of Resistor Carbon Resistor Carbon Resistor
Ring : Shortcut Everything. by Logbar inc. Ring is like magic, allowing you to control anything you want, by wearing it on your finger. You can send texts, control home appliances, and even pay your bills — all at once and in a flash. Time - "This Ring Will Turn Your Finger Into a Magic, Gadget-Controlling Wand" Entrepreneur - "With Bluetooth Ring, Control Your World With a Finger Twirl" Mashable - "This Bluetooth Ring Is Like a Magic Wand on Your Finger". Fast Company (Co.Design) -"A Ring That Lets You Control Pretty Much Anything By Writing In The Air". Techcrunch - "The Ring Input Device Puts Gesture Control And Home Automation On Your Finger..." . We exhibited at the SXSW Trade Show in Austin, Texas from March 9 to 12th! Play Ring only detects the movement of the finger that is inside and identifies the gesture being made. Each Application, has its own unique gesture mark, so when you want to use it, simply perform the designated action. You can connect directly or using the Hub. - Direct Number Payment - Checkmark Payment
il tuo negozio online per strumentazione professionale, elettronica, computer, multimedia, modellismo e tecnologia Precision Measurement without Ground Offsets Using Differential Amplifier Input to A/D ADC, Ground Loop Circuit Diagram, Instrumentation Amplifier for Precision Sensor Measurement The problem: ground loops! Probably the most common source of error in any analog to digital measurement system is improper grounding. To accurately measure an analog signal, the producer of the signal, that is the sensor, and the measuring device, usually an A/D converter in a microcomputer system, must share a common ground reference. In practice, that is often difficult, and the two ground references may differ in voltage by millivolts to volts. Unless they are fully isolated, analog output sensors must refer their output voltages to a ground reference. Unfortunately, if the analog sensor requires power its ground is usually connected to its power supply's ground, which in turn may eventually be connected to an earth ground. Referring to Figure 1, the power supply currents create ground differentials of ±ΔV1 and ±ΔV2. Attempts to better tie together the grounds of the sensor and measurement system usually don't help. Mitigating ground loop offsets There are two other solutions.
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