Natural resources The Earth's natural resources are vital to the survival and development of the human population. These resources are limited by the Earth's capability to renew them. Although many effects of overexploitation are felt locally, the growing interdependence of nations, and international trade in natural resources, make their demand and sustainable management a global issue. More Natural resources and waste — Environmental regulation and eco-innovation have increased resource efficiency through a relative decoupling of resource use, emissions and waste generation from economic growth in some areas. However, absolute... more Applying: Brochure Download Applications Early application is advisable as places on courses and in colleges are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Online application Click here to apply for 2014 programmes (Not for Cambridge EAP applications). Paper-based application Applicants can apply now by downloading the 2014 application form (PDF).
Skillswise - Article - Learning with Skillswise Khan Academy Get Revising - Smart Study Tools and Revision Resources How Space Shuttles Work" In its nearly 30-year history, the space shuttle program has seen exhilarating highs and devastating lows. The fleet has taken astronauts on dozens of successful missions, resulting in immeasurable scientific gains. But this success has had a serious cost. In 1986, the Challenger exploded during launch. In 2003, the Columbia broke up during re-entry over Texas. PocketMod: The Free Recyclable Personal Organizer Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information
Revision Ace
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