10 raisons d’utiliser les téléphones mobiles en classe Alors que certaines écoles se félicitent de l’interdire, le téléphone cellulaire en classe fait ses preuves dans d’autres! Appuyé par une bonne stratégie d’intégration, il peut s’avérer un outil d’apprentissage et d’organisation indispensable. Autoriser ou non l’utilisation du téléphone cellulaire en classe : voilà un sujet délicat! Un rapide sondage dans tout établissement secondaire permet de constater qu’une bonne partie des jeunes possède un téléphone cellulaire, et qu’il est souvent sur eux. Il y a peu de temps, à l’occasion d’une conférence, Martin Lessard, chroniqueur à l’émission La Sphère de Radio-Canada, expliquait que les cellulaires actuels sont aussi puissants que le module lunaire des missions Apollo, à la seule différence que cette puissance est maintenant dans nos poches. Le 27 janvier dernier, le site Teachthought publiait sur le sujet un article de Terry Heick intitulé 50 Reasons It’s Time For Smartphones In Every Classroom. Avez-vous tenté l’expérience?
The Official Voki Blog | Welcome to the Voki Blog! Top 10 Ways iPads Are Key to Teaching Kids With Learning Disabilities By now, saying that “the iPad is a great tool for customizing the classroom” wouldn’t exactly be breaking news. But while this holds true for every student, each of whom learns in their own way, iPads are truly a lifeline for students with learning disabilities and the people who work hand-in-hand with them. For these students, iPads act as a translation, communication, and individualization tool with unrivaled effectiveness. In so doing, these devices reduce frustration, build confidence, and, well, just work in teaching students the skills they need to learn to thrive. Let’s take a look at a few more ways iPads are altering the classroom landscape for students with learning disabilities. fPhoto Credit: Brad Flickinger 1. Unlike many other devices and previous technologies, touch technology is intuitive to use. Likewise, for students with motor impairments, touchscreen technology is much more in sync with how their bodies move. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In Short
6 webs para crear animaciones y vídeos Sabemos que muchas veces una imagen dice más que mil palabras. Y en cuestión de dar a conocer un producto o explicar una idea, una diapositiva llena de texto no es la mejor opción. Incluso existen reglas que muchos expertos han establecido para determinar cuántas diapositivas es lo ideal para proyectar durante una presentación, ya que al cabo de un tiempo perderás la atención de tu audiencia porque estarán completamente aburridos. Una estrategia para mantener la atención del público, sobretodo cuando estás promocionando un producto o servicio es crear pequeñas cápsulas de video. Wideo Para impresionar a tus clientes, para captar la atención de tus alumnos o sencillamente para generar mejores campañas visuales, Wideo es tu mejor opción. Powtoon Powtoon es un servicio web que te ayudará a crear estupendas presentaciones animadas con unos cuantos clics. Moovly Moovly es una plataforma de creación de contenido basada en web. Go Animate Make Web Video Visme comentar
5 Tips to Help Teachers Who Struggle with Technology "I'm not very tech savvy" is the response I usually hear from teachers that struggle with technology. Whether it's attaching a document to an email or creating a PowerPoint, some teachers really have a difficult time navigating the digital world. As schools around the globe begin to embed the use of technology in their learning environments, these teachers can be left feeling frustrated and marginalized by the new tools they are required to use but do not understand. The school where I teach is currently within its post-BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) implementation age. We started with a small cohort of tech-savvy teachers to pilot a BYOD program with selected classes. If you plan on introducing a new technology or are embarking on the mighty task of becoming a wireless BYOD school, here are five tips to help your teachers still struggling with technology. 1. Integrating technology can be very stressful for educators that aren't familiar with it. 2. 3. 4. 5.
How BYOD Programs Can Fuel Inquiry Learning Digital Tools Erin Scott Launching a Bring Your Own Device program can be both exhilarating and scary. “Instead of this just being a technology initiative, it really is an instructional initiative, so all of us from different departments can get on the same page,” said Tim Clark, coordinator of instructional technology for Forsyth County Schools in Georgia. Forsyth started out by creating a learner profile, a set of criteria the school district wanted students to learn while in school. “What we are trying to do is get to transformative use of tech, where kids are doing things they wouldn’t be able to do without the tech.” “Kids already know how to use their devices, but they don’t know how to learn with their devices,” Clark said in an edWeb webinar. To achieve that level of decision making, school culture has to shift to one that encourages an on-going conversation, often filtered through devices. And it allows cash-strapped schools more flexibility. Related
5 Free Tools to Collect Student Feedback There are several free web tools that teachers can use to gather feedback from their students both formally and informally. You can also use these tools to poll your students about a learning event, assess their level of comprehension, or simply to get to know their opinions about a certain topic. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has already posted a list of such tools last year but today we are updating this list deleting the ones that no longer work and including new ones . Check out the list below and as usual share with us your suggestions or additions 1- Poll Everywhere This is my favorite. 2- Kwiqpoll This is another polling service that you can use to create polls for your classroom. 3- TodaysMeet This tool lets you maintain a back channel chat with your students. 4- SimpleMeet Me This is an awesome web service that enables users to chat with others without having to install any software or even registering. 5- Utrack
Digital Library Trends for 2015 Libraries in all over the world are undergoing a digital renaissance as major publishers have firmly committed themselves to the concept of making e-Books available. Today, we look at some of the biggest trends facing libraries in Canada, US and United Kingdom. A recent report by the Library Journal has stated that 95% of all US libraries have an e-book collection. That’s up from 89% in both 2013 and 2012, when researchers thought that adoption had plateaued for good. The average number of e-books carried was 20,244 by each library, but that of course was skewed toward large libraries. Medium sized libraries statistically had around 10,434 titles. Over 10 different libraries in the US and Canada had over one million digital loans in 2014, with two libraries lending out two million e-Books. e-Books are doing quite well in the US, but over in the UK a sustainable model is still trying to be established by the government, libraries and major publishers. Audiobooks to be the next big thing
Parapara Animation - Create Stopmotion Animations in Your Browser Parapara Animation is a free animation creation tool developed and hosted by Mozilla. The tool is easy to use and it does not require registration in order to use it. To get started simply visit the Parapara Animation website, select a digital crayon, then start drawing. Click the large "+" icon in the top of the screen to add a new frame to your animation. You can playback your frames at any time in the creation process. When you're done making your animation it will be assigned a unique URL that can be shared via email. Applications for Education I learned about Parapara Animation last week when Kevin Hodgson posted some of the creations that his students made.
Teach with Your iPhone: Apps to Use in the Classroom You don't need a class set of netbooks or iPads to integrate technology into your daily instruction. There are some fantastic, free iPhone apps that are perfect for teachers who are looking to change up their daily routine. These apps can make everyday tasks easier, simplify what you're already doing, and maybe just inspire others to make an investment in technology at your school. Common Core MasteryConnect has designed a wonderful app to keep the Common Core State Standards at your fingertips. Navigate the app by choosing your students' grade and subject area to access detailed information about each standard. Pick a Student It's important that all students are held accountable during class discussions and everyone has a chance to speak his or her mind. Timer, Sand Timer and Traffic Light Whether you're preparing your students for state exams or feel that they need to practice their pacing and stamina, use the timer on your iPhone to keep them on task. BookLeveler Groovy Grader WordPress
How An LMS and BYOD Changed A School The School's profile The Southport School is a P-12 (K-12) private Anglican school for boys located in Southport on Queensland’s Gold Coast. Established in 1901, the school caters to both boarding and day students and has an excellent reputation for sports and leadership. Historically, the academic strength of the school has been built on the excellence of its teachers, mainly operating in the traditional “chalk and talk” or teacher-led mode. The parents show great confidence in the ability of these teachers to provide a sound traditional education. A staff survey (Appendix 1) taken in February 2013 showed that more than one quarter of staff had 25 years’ service or more while around 55% had 10 or more years of service. The question for my colleague Jo Inglis, Head of Learning & Teaching was “Was it possible to make changes to classroom pedagogy in educational technology?” This approach is commonly referred to as blended learning and is ideally managed as teacher-led and student-centred.
Turn YouTube into a Classroom with eduCanon You know the Internet is loaded with great videos that can teach just about every subject imaginable. But holding students accountable for watching an assigned video, or making the viewing experience more active, is a challenge. Without standing right over students, how do you know if they’re really watching? This issue is put to rest with the arrival of eduCanon, a free, web-based platform that allows you to build formative assessments right on top of any YouTube or Vimeo video. Check out this video to learn more about how eduCanon works: I opened up an account to play around with the platform, using one of my own videos, and here’s what I can tell you: It’s easy, and it’s fun. Here are some of the best features of eduCanon: Embed questions at specific points. Teachers can monitor student results. More than simple multiple choice. Robust re-takes. Did I mention it’s free? If you use eduCanon, tell us about it, and send us a link to your lesson!
Meet the Tabletarians | Mobile Services In March 2011, the Boise Public Library (BPL), ID, used $3,300 in Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant funding to purchase four iPad 2 tablets and all of the trimmings, such as wireless keyboard docks, barcode scanners, and cases with hand grips. According to “Roving Reference, iPad-Style,” published in the Idaho Librarian in November 2011, “the goal of the grant was to increase staff interaction with customers by giving librarians tools to move out from behind the desk.” As with BPL, many libraries had been looking for ways to showcase librarian and staff expertise and enhance customer service. Having staff stroll the stacks and proactively offer assistance is one way to ensure that even the most reference desk–averse patrons are finding what they need, and Apple’s new tablets—the original iPad had been introduced less than a year earlier—seemed like the perfect accessory for roving reference. As it turned out, BPL may have been a couple of years ahead of its time.
8 Great iPad Apps for ESL Students - Edudemic |