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French Tutorials Index: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation with MP3s and Exercises
Useful information Recordings of mp3s were done by a native speaker of French from Haute-Savoie. Feel free to download them for your own personal use or in other non-commercial educational settings. I encourage French teachers to use them in classes too! If you use Mozilla Firefox, I highly recommend the DownThemAll add-on to make downloading much faster and easier. For the vocabulary lists, I am making audio flashcards [French to English and English to French] with a flash mp3 player in each "card" so you can listen to the pronunciation of the words as you study. The exercises can be matching, multiple choice or fill in the blank and they will also open in a new window. After certain sections, the Real French icon will direct you to accompanying audio files to help you improve your comprehension of spoken French with the French Listening Resources mp3s and exercises. Rocket French Translations
Learn French with free online lessons
Langue française - Learn French online
Learn French online Parlez-vous Paris ? Whether they're from Nepal, Sudan, Slovakia or Canada, high school students or young bohemians, they've all just arrived in Paris and want to know more. What are the best neighbourhoods to hang out in? Le Talisman brisé Kwame, a South African gardener, works with Professor Omar, the man who can make the Sahara green again, in his experimental garden in Burkina Faso. Mission Europe Delve into the world of languages with "Mission Europe's" three exciting radio adventures. L´affaire du coffret " L´Affaire du Coffret " : The new bilingual crime serial on Radio France Internationale. Comment vont les affaires ? Listen to the adventures of Daniel, a foreigner on a training course at French company Paragem. Understanding the news The news in simple French 9:00 pm GMT bulletin Spotlight of the day Improve your understanding of current affairs with exercises from the news in simple French. Learning to listen Test your French