The Tiny Life
My Tiny House Is My First Step Into Entrepreneurship
I remember hearing different things about tiny houses, but never had actually seen one. I happened to be looking for something on Craigslist to remodel my current small, but not “tiny” house, and came across a tiny home for sale. I remember showing it to my husband and commenting, “This would be a great opportunity for a rental!” The idea stuck with me and I began to research it. The initial idea was a traveling rental house. During my search for the perfect tiny house, I came across WeeCasa, in Lyons, Colorado. As soon we drove on to the property, I fell in love. I went home and wrote an impassioned letter to the owner and “WeeEO” Kenyon Waugh, telling him how I wanted to be involved. The unit feels very open and light as the ceiling is composed mainly of skylights. There was little that needed to be done to update the unit. I must say the part of this whole experience has been collaborating with various people to make it happen.
Lloyd’s Blog
Tiny Houses - Lingo3G Document Clustering Engine
Lingo3G Document Clustering Engine Lingo3G clustering engine organizes your search results into topics. With an instant overview of what's available, you will quickly find what you're looking for. Choose where to search: Type your query: More options More advanced options Hide advanced options Loading... Top results of about for Tiny Houses Cluster with documents Our apologies, the following processing error has occurred: org.carrot2.source.etools.IpBannedException: org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Forbidden If the error persists, contact us. 2015-10-08 13:34 © 2002-2016 Carrot Search s.c. Query: Tiny Houses -- Source: Web ( results, ms) -- Clusterer: Lingo3G ( ms) About Lingo3G: Lingo3G is a Document Clustering Engine that can organize collections of text documents into clearly labeled thematic groups called clusters, in real-time, fully automatically and based only on the documents' content. 1x Show in clusters Open in new window Show preview x
Not Buying Anything
Tiny House Family