3 Excellent Tools to Create Interactive Posters and Visuals for Your Class
February 1, 2014 Interactive visuals are great learning and teaching materials to use with your students in the classroom. From explaining difficult processes to visual brainstorming, interactive graphics are a good way to consolidate students learning and promote their comprehension. Below are three of the web tools I would recommend for creating interactive visuals, I know there are several other titles to add to this list but the ones below are, in my view, more student-friendly and simpler to use. 1-Thinglink I love this web tool. 2- PiktoChart This is another wonderful web tool to create interactive visuals and posters for your Class. 3- Glogster Glogster is a social network that allows users to create free interactive posters, or Glogs.
Good Web Tools to Create Classroom Posters
Are you looking for tools to create classroom posters ? The collection below has probably what you are looking for. This is a list of some popular web tools that teachers can use with their students to create visually attractive graphics that can embed a wide range of media forms including: image, text, graphs, and drawings. I personally find myself using Google Drawing more often than anything else. There are also several good alternatives to Google Draw which you can find below.
How Students Can Create Animated Movies to Teach Each Other | Jordan Collier
Posted by Jordan Collier on January 16, 2014 in EdTech | ∞ In addition to learning our content and curriculum standards, today’s students also need to be able to do the following effectively: collaborate with one another, synthesize ideas, create content, communicate ideas clearly, and use technology. A great way to accomplish all of these learning goals is to have students create movies of classroom content (i.e., textbook) to share with each other. About a year ago, I came across this blog post to learn the ins-and-outs of using RSA-animate style movies in the classroom. Wouldn’t it be great if your students created similar videos to share with their class? Having students create RSA-animate style movies is a fun way to teach content– by having the students become the teacher. Here’s how students in your class can create their own animated movies to share… Chapter Notes (Day 1) After all the groups have been formed, assign each group a section from your textbook. Rough Draft Sketches (Day 2)
Project-Based Learning vs. Problem-Based Learning vs. X-BL
At the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), we've been keeping a list of the many types of "_____- based learning" we've run across over the years: Case-based learning Challenge-based learning Community-based learning Design-based learning Game-based learning Inquiry-based learning Land-based learning Passion-based learning Place-based learning Problem-based learning Proficiency-based learning Service-based learning Studio-based learning Team-based learning Work-based learning . . . and our new fave . . . Zombie-based learning (look it up!) Let's Try to Sort This Out The term "project learning" derives from the work of John Dewey and dates back to William Kilpatrick, who first used the term in 1918. Designing and/or creating a tangible product, performance or event Solving a real-world problem (may be simulated or fully authentic) Investigating a topic or issue to develop an answer to an open-ended question Problem-Based Learning vs. Problem-based learning typically follow prescribed steps:
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AirPano - Gorgeous 360 Degree Virtual Tours of the World
AirPano is a fantastic site for viewing gorgeous 360 degree imagery of dozens of famous landmarks and cities all over the world. I initially reviewed the site a couple of years ago. Recently, I noticed that AirPano has added some new features to go along with an expansion of their galleries. Much of the AirPano imagery now includes interactive pinmarks that you can click to learn more about the places you're seeing in the AirPano imagery. For example, if you visit the AirPano imagery of Petra you can click the pinmarks to learn about the construction of Petra and the significance of various carvings seen throughout the virtual tour. AirPano now offers videos along with 360 degree imagery. Applications for Education Using AirPano imagery for virtual tours could be a good way for students to explore the places they're reading about in a social studies lesson or places they've read about during a literature lesson.
Movie Sheets - Teacher Submitted Movie Worksheets for the Classroom
The Best 8 Tools to Create Posters for your Classroom
Today, we are sharing with you some great web tools that you can use to create your own posters and customize them the way you want. Check out the list below and share with us what you think of them. Enjoy 1- Poster My Wall This is one of the most popular web tools out there. 2- Befunky This is basically a photo editor that allows users to create posters. 3- Picassa This is a powerful free image hosting and editing tool. 4- Art Skills You can use the poster making wizard of Arts Skills to create engaging posters. 5- Muzy Thoughts This is a really cool web tool to use to create posters for your classroom. 6- Posterini This is an online web tool that lets you create posters with WYSIWYC interface. 7- Smore This is an ideal web tool for those interested in creating flyers. 8- Zeen Zeen is another great tool you should consider when thinking about creating engaging posters to use with your students.
Stump The Teacher
Proposition de 3 outils pour imager les concepts que l'on présente en classe! Ces outils sont Thinglink, PiktoChart et Globster. Qu'en pensez-vous? by jeannieproulxgignac Feb 2