In Search of Diamonds (Minecraft / Music Video)
6 ways mushrooms can save the world: Paul Stamets on TED
Mycologist Paul Stamets studies mycelium and lists 6 ways that this astonishing fungus can help save the world. Cleaning polluted soil, creating new insecticides, treating smallpox and maybe even the flu … in 18 minutes, he doesn’t get all the way through his list, but he has plenty of time to blow your mind. An audience favorite at TED2008. Watch Paul Stamets’ talk on, where you can download it, rate it, comment on it and find other talks and performances. Get TED delivered:Subscribe to the TEDTalks video podcast via RSS >>Subscribe to the iTunes video podcastSubscribe to the iTunes audio podcastGet updates via Twitter >>Join our Facebook fan page >> Subscribe to the TED Blog >> I love a challenge, and saving the earth is probably a good one. I want to present to you a suite of 6 mycological solutions using fungi, and these solutions are based on mycelium. (drawing of trees with soil cross section, showing mycelium connections) (photo of giant mushroom silhouetted against the sky)
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Chemistry: A Volatile History
The explosive story of chemistry is the story of the building blocks that make up our entire world - the elements. From fiery phosphorous to the pure untarnished lustre of gold and the dazzle of violent, violet potassium, everything is made of elements - the earth we walk on, the air we breathe, even us. Yet for centuries this world was largely unknown, and completely misunderstood. In this three-part series, professor of theoretical physics Jim Al-Khalili traces the extraordinary story of how the elements were discovered and mapped. In the final part, Professor Al-Khalili uncovers tales of success and heartache in the story of chemists' battle to control and combine the elements, and build our modern world. This is just a preview.