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IT Tutorials and Interview questions

IT Tutorials and Interview questions

Cover Letter Errors Like job seekers, bloggers often reach out and network with each other. Just this week, The Pongo Blog received an inquiry from a potential guest blogger. Her message started with a nice compliment ("Your blog is so helpful!") and referred to one of our recent posts. Unfortunately, it soon became clear that this particular piece of flattery was less-than-sincere, as the next line said: "I would love to have one of our bloggers write a guest post for [sitename]." Wait, what? In this case it was kind of amusing and no big deal. Most employers these days have more qualified applicants than they can handle, so even a small mistake is reason enough to eliminate you. And while we’re on the subject, here are a couple others: 1. Ideally, you should address your cover letter by name to the hiring manager for the specific job. Acceptable options include: Dear Hiring Manager: Good Afternoon, (Or, if you're using a memo format...)TO: Hiring Manager for Marketing Associate Position, Job Reference 16754

Interview Questions: 100 Potential Interview Questions Interview questions can run the gamut. It's unlikely you'll face all 100 of these, but you should still be prepared to answer at least some of them. Practice for a job interview with these top 100 questions. While there are as many different possible interview questions as there are interviewers, it always helps to be ready for anything. Which is why we've taken the time to prepare this list of 100 potential interview questions. Will you face them all? Will you face a few? Will you be well-served by being ready even if you're not asked these exact questions? Basic interview questions: Behavioral interview questions: What was the last project you led, and what was its outcome? Salary questions: What salary are you seeking? Career development questions: What are you looking for in terms of career development? Getting started questions: How would you go about establishing your credibility quickly with the team? More questions about you: How would you describe your work style? Brainteasers:

Using a Digital Signature to Spruce Up Your Cover Letters Home > Cover Letters > Using a Digital Signature to Spruce Up Your Cover Letters Most job applications are submitted through the Internet today, either through an online application system or by e-mailing cover letters and resumes as attachments. Sending electronic cover letters is very convenient, but it precludes the applicant’s ability to sign the letter. Unless you want to print out, sign, scan, and then e-mail every single cover letter you write, it’s easier to just send them without a signature. One way you can make your cover letters stand out is to insert a digital image of your signature. Many online application systems won’t be able to process the digital image of your signature. Jessica Holbrook Hernandez is an expert resume writer, career and personal branding strategist, author, speaker and President/CEO of Great Resumes Fast. Jessica Holbrook Hernandez Latest posts by Jessica Holbrook Hernandez (see all)

Preparing for an Interview When it comes about preparing for an interview, we must consider that preparation includes all the aspects before you face the interview; even if you had other interviews before, you should consider that a constant preparation is the key of success; in this section we offer you some tips about how to prepare for an interview. Job interviews are some of the most intimidating experiences and it get worse when one is not prepared; on the other hand if you had an excellent preparation, your interview result will help you distinct from other candidates even your resume were better than yours. There are a series of steps that you must follow: practicing the questions and answers, preparing a list of things that you must bring with you, researching your job title and the organization itself. Know Yourself You might think that who can know you best that yourself? What are my skills and abilities? Prepare Yourself General areas to research: Practice Your presentation

The Cloud Approach To Writing Your Resume One of the hardest things about writing a resume is the process of preparing it for electronic eyes--many resumes are scanned and ranked against preferred keywords and never even reviewed by hiring managers. (I can say this frankly because I have worked as a recruiter, and have selected the keywords for positions before listing job openings. I've worked on the "other side of the process.") As a job seeker, it's important to write your resume so that you can pass this first scan test. 1. 2. 4. You will now see a visualization of word highlights for your target position.

The 25 most difficult questions If you are one of those executive types unhappy at your present post and embarking on a New Year's resolution to find a new one, here's a helping hand. The job interview is considered to be the most critical aspect of every expedition that brings you face-to- face with the future boss. One must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match. This article has been excerpted from "PARTING COMPANY: How to Survive the Loss of a Job and Find Another Successfully" by William J. Morin is chairman and Cabrera is president of New York-based Drake Beam Morin, nation's major outplacement firm, which has opened offices in Philadelphia. 1. Since this is often the opening question in an interview, be extracareful that you don't run off at the mouth. 2. You should be able to discuss products or services, revenues, reputation, image, goals, problems, management style, people, history and philosophy. Give your answer a positive tone. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Resume Critique Checklist Resumes normally get less than a 15-second glance at the first screening. If someone has asked you to review his resume and you want to help him ensure it gets read -- or want to know if your own is up to par -- be sure you can answer yes to the following questions: First Impression Does the resume look original and not based on a template?Is the resume inviting to read, with clear sections and ample white space? Appearance Does the resume provide a visually pleasing, polished presentation? Resume Sections Are all resume sections clearly labeled? Career Goal Is the career objective included toward the top of the resume in a headline, objective or qualifications summary? Accomplishments Does the resume include a solid listing of career accomplishments? Relevance Is the information relevant to hiring managers' needs? Writing Style Is the resume written in an implied first-person voice with personal pronouns, such as I, me and my, avoided? Articles in This Feature:

Magezine: Dopgeld gaat voortaan snel omlaag Pagina spoor De informatie in dit artikel is mogelijk verouderd. Op 1 november 2012 treden de nieuwe regels over werkloosheidsuitkeringen in werking. Wie na drie jaar nog steeds geen job gevonden heeft, zal in veel gevallen terugvallen op minder dan 500 euro per maand. Het doel van de hervorming is rap uitgelegd: de uitkering relatief snel doen dalen. De top-4 dingen die je moet weten: 1. tijdelijk werklozen havenarbeiders pas afgestudeerden die nog de inschakelingsvergoeding ontvangen (de vroegere wachtuitkering) werklozen met bedrijfstoeslag (de vroegere bruggepensioneerden) wie in oktober 2012 al een jaar werkloos is en het minimumbedrag ontvangt wie 50 jaar of ouder is en al een jaar werkloos is, en daarnaast ook hetzij de anciënniteitstoeslag ontvangt of 20 jaar als loontrekkende actief is geweest. 2. 3. 4. Voor wiskundeknobbels Wil je als werkloze zelf uitvlooien wanneer en hoe snel je uitkering zal verminderen, dan heb je best een wiskundeknobbel. de gezinssituatie. Hendrik Mertens

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