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Les capsules de profs c’est bien… Les capsules d’élèves c’est mieux !

Les capsules de profs c’est bien… Les capsules d’élèves c’est mieux !

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Top 10 Social Media Competencies for Teachers Infographic Social Learning Infographics Online social networking is a game changer in the learning landscape. The potential of social media in education is huge and we need to capitalize on it to enhance our professional development and consequently improve the quality of our instruction.

Teacher Agency: Self-Directed Professional Development “I can’t wait for and am so excited for the three day ‘sit and git’ professional development in-service at our school” said no teacher possibly ever. “Let’s face it: Professional development, as we have known it for years now, has yielded little or no positive effects on student learning.” Thus complain the many weary professionals who flinch at the mere mention of the word “workshop.” In the collective imagination, the term “professional development day” conjures only images of coffee breaks, consultants in elegant outfits, and schools barren of kids. I recently discussed teacher agency in Teacher Agency: Educators Moving from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset.

Six Ways to Be a Lifelong Learner I cringe when I hear an adults joke about not having read a book since high school. I especially cringe if the person who says that has any regular interaction with young people. It’s not so much the lack of reading that bothers me most; it’s more the pride that often accompanies the comment. Parents, educators, youth ministers, and anyone else who works with kids should be the very model of what it means to be a lifelong learner.