Related: PsychonauticaTeleologic Evolution, Intelligent Self-Design, Anticipatory Computing, Local-Global Feedback Concurrent ontology and the extensional conception of attribute "By analogy with the extension of a type as the set of individuals of that type, we define the extension of an attribute as the set of states of an idealized observer of that attribute, observing concurrently with observers of other attributes. The attribute theoretic counterpart of an operation mapping individuals of one type to individuals of another is a dependency mapping states of one attribute to states of another. We integrate attributes with types via a symmetric but not self-dual framework of dipolar algebras or disheaves amounting to a type-theoretic notion of Chu space over a family of sets of qualia doubly indexed by type and attribute, for example the set of possible colors of a ball or heights of buildings. We extend the sheaf-theoretic basis for type theory to a notion of disheaf on a profunctor. Keywords: Attribute, Chu space, ontology, presheaf, type."
The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon You may have heard about Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon before. In fact, you probably learned about it for the first time very recently. If not, then you just might hear about it again very soon. Baader-Meinhof is the phenomenon where one happens upon some obscure piece of information—often an unfamiliar word or name—and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often repeatedly. Anytime the phrase “That’s so weird, I just heard about that the other day” would be appropriate, the utterer is hip-deep in Baader-Meinhof. E SE IL TEMPO NON ESISTESSE AFFATTO? Traduco e sintetizzo nel seguito un lungo articolo apparso di recente su, ad opera di Brandon West, creatore di Project Global Awakening: “un sito dedicato alla ricerca di varie discipline spirituali e scientifiche e alla loro applicazione per la tua conoscenza e per aiutarti a vivere una vita ispirata e cambiare il mondo” (c.b.) E se tutto accadesse simultaneamente? E se il tempo non esistesse affatto? Ho visto di recente una descrizione dell’universo, come percepito in fisica. Per citare William Brown (da non confondersi con il William Brown che lavora per il Resonance Project): “Ciò che la scienza ha scoperto esplorando i livelli profondi della realtà, è che il nostro universo è strutturato in strati di creazione. Strati di creazione, dal livello classico e diverso, in superficie, delle percezioni quotidiane, ai livelli più profondi: le molecole, gli atomi, i nuclei, le particelle subatomiche, i mondi nei mondi.”
Projects - Whirlpool of Knowledge Have you any comments about the articles on this page?Visit Skytopia's Whirlpool of Knowledge Forum. How much is a pineapple worth? Etoile sauvage - Générateur de mandalas - applets - lesmandalas Catégorie parente: Activites Catégorie : Applications en ligne Créé le jeudi 26 avril 2007 20:36 Mis à jour le jeudi 16 janvier 2014 19:14 Mandalas: symboles des couleurs Important pour nos ancêtres parce qu’il symbolisait la vie. Il exprime la joie, la santé, le triomphe. Dans l’esprit des iconographes du Moyen – Age, le ROUGE vif représente l’incandescence, l’activité. Pour les hébreux, le ROUGE est employé dans une série d’expressions dérivées du mot " dam " qui signifie sang. Or, dans la pensée hébraïque, le sang signifie la Vie. En Inde, Brahma, le créateur du monde, était représenté en rouge.
Coincidence is an Illusion - What is Synchronicity? All Coincidences Have Meaning Nothing Happens by Chance Have you ever experienced a coincidence so incredible that it left you stunned? If so, then you have just taken a step into the amazing world of Synchronicity. What happens in most people’s lives is beyond their control. Think about it, no matter how carefully you design your life, you cannot know how that design will be affected by a single random event. One small detail can and will change everything. 10 Mind-Blowing Theories That Will Change Your Perception of the World Reality is not as obvious and simple as we like to think. Some of the things that we accept as true at face value are notoriously wrong. Scientists and philosophers have made every effort to change our common perceptions of it. The 10 examples below will show you what I mean. 1.
Rudy's Blog Today I’m posting the text of my story, “Laser Shades” for your holiday reading pleasure. The story was commissioned for The Superlative Light, a photo book by Robert Shults, but it has not been otherwise published as yet. Two news items before my story. The writer and columnist Damien Walter posted “Let the Strangeness In,” a good interview/discussion about transrealism between me and Monica Byrne, author of the excellent novel The Girl In The Road. And, on the same day, synchronistically enough, my film-maker friend Edgar Pêra posted Trans-Realist Maniphesto a video from Lisbon, 1994, with me and good old Terence McKenna. And now…on with the show..
Einstein, Gödel, and Our Strange Experience of Time: how Relativity Rattled the Flow of Existence by Maria Popova “Is there anything we know more intimately than the fleetingness of time, the transience of each and every moment?” “An hour, once it lodges in the queer element of the human spirit, may be stretched to fifty or a hundred times its clock length,” Virginia Woolf marveled at the extraordinary elasticity of how we experience time, which modern psychologists are only beginning to fathom. Nearly a century later, Sarah Manguso — a Woolf of our own — tussled with the same perplexity in contemplating the pleasures and perils of time’s inevitable ongoingness. And yet however convincing our intuitive sense that time is a mutable abstraction shaped by the subjective grab-bag of attributes and experiences we call the self, there remains the empirical nature of time as a measurable, observable, concrete dimension of reality — and the rift between these two conceptions of time is one of the most disorienting yet fascinating aspects of existence.
El fundamento de la psiconáutica Si un árbol cae en medio del bosque y no hay nadie ahí para escucharlo, ¿hace ruido? A partir de Aristóteles, y posteriormente y más profundamente a partir de Descartes, la filosofía y la ciencia occidental se han sustentado en la idea de que el sujeto, tal como es, está en condiciones de obtener el conocimiento total y verdadero de la realidad a partir de lo que es capaz de percibir y analizar, sin necesidad de que se deba operar en su percepción o en su consciencia transformación alguna. Esto ha sido el modo natural de concebir el conocimiento para la cultura occidental, al menos hasta el surgimiento de los distintas formas de relativismo posmoderno, desde la epistemología hasta la teoría lingüística, en las que todo lo que era denominado “verdad” para la modernidad comenzó a perder valor ontológico o sentido en sí mismo. Pero en términos más amplios, el concepto de “túnel de realidad” refiere a la estructura mental habitual desde la que nuestra percepción funciona.