40 Must-See Photos From The Past The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” was coined by American newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane in 1911. It’s a simple notion that applies to many aspects of our lives, but especially to historical photography. Sometimes, one simple picture can tell you more about history than any story you might read or any document you might analyze. [Read more...] These photographs all tell stories about the historical figures or events that they represent. Once taken simply to document their present, they now help us witness the past. Perhaps the wars, poverty, fights for freedom and little miracles of the past have lessons for us that we can use today? (via sobadsogood) Woman With A Gas-Resistant Pram, England, 1938 Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty, 1885 Elvis in the Army, 1958 Animals being used as part of medical therapy, 1956 Testing of new bulletproof vests, 1923 Charlie Chaplin at age 27, 1916 Hindenburg Disaster, May 6, 1937 Circus hippo pulling a cart, 1924
Free printable cardboard lens hoods TFL Etiquette Posters Made More Honest TfL’s ‘Travel Better London’ campaign, aims to highlight the anti social behaviours which ruin our journeys. We think they could have gone further. By @technicallyron ► Our NEW Android friendly app - brings you our latest exclusives PLUS the funniest videos and pictures from the internet DAILY - in one place. ► Bargain Mug Of The Week from The Poke Shop The best photography websites - Photo hosting - Sell photography | PhotoShelter 40 Maps They Didn’t Teach You In School ! – Tunisme No more geography lessons based on just one and the same world map! Rediscover our world through these 40 Maps.The Most Famous Brand From Each State In The US Image credits: mapsontheweb.tumblr.com Red Hair Map of Europe Image credits: imgur.com Most Popular Sports in the World Breast Sizes Relating to Countries Image credits: targetmap.com Political World Map as Pangea 200-300 Million Years Ago The World According to Americans Image credits: alphadesigner.com Most Used Web Browser World Map (2012) Image credits: saint-tepes.deviantart.com Map of Countries Officially Not Using the Metric System Image credits: wikimedia.org The Penis Size Worldwide Map of the Most Common Surnames in Europe Map of Countries Most and Least Welcoming to Foreigners World Map of National IQ Scores Beer Names in Different European Languages Freedom of Press Most Consumed Alcoholic Beverage by Country Image credits: chartsbin.com A World Map that Inverts Land and Sea Worldwide Driving Orientation Prevalence of Obesity
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