Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog
The Classic, now called Flashback session was quite popular in Ubuntu 12.04 so I though I'd write an article on how to get the same experience in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The old classic GNOME session, now called "Flashback" is still available and working in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Here's how to install it and tweak a few things. Here are the results to expect after following the steps below: Note: the default setup is to use two panels, but I've only used one in the screenshots above. You could the default 2 panels setup with the window list at the bottom, just one panel like in my screenshots, one panel with a dock at the bottom, etc., it's all up to you.
Maverick -
From Also see info about the most recent LTS version, Precise Pangolin (12.04 LTS). Introduction On October 10, 2010, Ubuntu 10.10 was released. It is codenamed Maverick Meerkat and is the successor to Lucid Lynx (10.04) (Lucid+1). Maverick Meerkat is not an LTS (Long Term Support) release and is no longer supported with security updates (as of April 2012).
GNU/Linux - Logiciels libres
Faire un don 1185 logiciels portant ce mot-clé. CollectiveAccess CollectiveAccess est une suite logicielle libre pour la gestion des collections de musées.
Top Things to do after installing Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
Ubuntu 15.04 final beta is already out couple of weeks before. The final version of Ubuntu 15.04 will be released on coming April 23, 2015. Check the release notes for more details. Ubuntu 15.04 Final Beta, And It’s Official Flavours Are available For Download
Ubuntu « Deb Linux
Para que los recien llegados de Windows XP se sienten como en casa jajajaja XD Hoygan Ubunteros!!! no me tiren piedras que el comentario no es mío, es de este señor! XD Me gusta:
ubuntu-es - Tras la instalación de Ubuntu12.04 Lts
hola amigos de la lista Tras la instalación de Ubuntu12.04 Lts y despues de mirar, buscar y recopilar varios manuales he hecho una pos instalación y por si a alguien le pueden hacer falta la pongo tal como se ha realizado. Tras la instalaciòn de Ubuntu12.04 Lo primero es actualizar el sistema. Pulsamos en el nuevo lanzador unificado "Inicio" para la Lente o Dash (1er lanzador de la barra izquierda (Launcher) con el logo de Ubuntu) o simplemente hacemos una pulsación sobre la tecla "Super" y escribimos en el buscador "Gestor de actualizaciones". Antes de actualizar vamos a comprobar que todos los repositorios estén activados.
How to install Ayatana Overlay Scrollbars on ubuntu 11.10 via PPA
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Simon Schneegans
Gnome-Pie is a circular application launcher for Linux. It is made of several pies, each consisting of multiple slices. The user presses a key stroke which opens the desired pie. By activating one of its slices, applications may be launched, key presses may be simulated or files can be opened.
Configuring the Boot Menu in Ubuntu
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. If you install Ubuntu as a traditional dual-boot with Windows, Ubuntu will make itself the default operating system to boot up (you get a few seconds to switch to Windows with the arrow keys). If you would like to change the boot order, you can do so by editing the Grub boot menu. Before you edit the appropriate file to change the boot order, notice first the current boot order as it appears when you first boot up your computer.
Sur Ubuntu