Since 1945 the United States is Really the United Nations The content in this article is mostly accurate to my understanding, but you should always use your intuition to discern the information and do you own research to verify if it is all true. ~ PL Chang ( December 9th 1945, International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations. Whatever the form in which the Government functions, anyone entering into an arrangement with the Government takes the risk of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act for the Government stays within the bounds of his authority. The scope of this authority may be explicitly defined by Congress or be limited by delegated legislation, properly exercised through the rule-making power. And this is so even though, as here, the agent himself may have been unaware of the limitations upon his authority. As a member of a corporation, a government never exercises its sovereignty. Title 8, 22 & 28 USC Category: Man's and Corporate Law
The Book of Symbols: Carl Jung’s Catalog of the Unconscious by Kirstin Butler Why Sarah Palin identifies with the grizzly bear, or what the unconscious knows but doesn’t reveal. A primary method for making sense of the world is by interpreting its symbols. We decode meaning through images and, often without realizing, are swayed by the power of their attendant associations. Beginning in the 1930s, Jung’s devotees started collecting mythological, ritualistic, and symbolic imagery under the auspices of The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS), an organization with institutes throughout the U.S. You can browse through ARAS via a list of common archetypes, or search by word, producing a cross-indexed result with thumbnail images and a timeline of where and when that idea appeared throughout history. Nonetheless, to access this treasure trove you still have to be a member of ARAS online, or take trip to one of its four physical locations. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month.
One Incredible Visualization Reveals Just How Many People Died in WWII Saturday is the 71st anniversary of D-Day, the massive Allied assault on Nazi-controlled France that helped spell the beginning of the end for Adolf Hitler's regime. Operation Overlord involved a single-day deployment of 156,000 Allied troops supported by 11,590 aircraft and 6,939 ships. According to the D-Day Museum, over the course of the next month during the Battle of Normandy, "over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing." But even these staggering casualties pale in comparison to the larger death toll of World War II, which was recently illustrated in a haunting visualization by documentarian Neil Halloran. In the video, there's a sense of the unthinkable sacrifice endured by soldiers and civilians from each of the war's many theaters — as well as why the world cannot afford a war on this scale again. Halloran's visuals of all the U.S. military deaths in World War II are shown below. Our ancestors, it seems, were made of stern stuff.
SYMBOLIQUE DE LA CATHÉDRALE GOTHIQUE DE CHARTRES (Partie 1) Traditionnellement, on appelle «.Siècle des Cathédrales.» la période allant de 1130 à 1280. Mais en 1130, la plus royale des Églises n’est pas une cathédrale, mais un monastère.: Saint-Denis en France. Et c’est à Saint-Denis, sous l’impulsion de l’abbé Suger, conseiller du Roi Louis VII, que naîtra cet art nouveau qui sera plus tard surnommé «.gothique.». Suger apporta, en effet, une conception nouvelle du sanctuaire. Le gothique est un système de construction reposant sur ce que l’on nomme.: la croisée d’ogives qui est apparue partout dans l’Occident chrétien.; et toujours dans des abbayes bénédictines ou cisterciennes surtout. Si entre les XVIII° et XIX° siècles, se réalise, en Europe, la révolution intellectuelle qui l’a mené à l’univers déraciné de la modernité, c’est entre les XII° et XIII° siècles qu’une véritable révolution de la foi éclaire d’une dimension nouvelle les Arts et les Sciences qui deviennent serviteurs de l’Esprit. Il ne faut pas le confondre avec l’Enfer.
Nazi Swastika or Ancient Symbol? By Chirag Badlani During a religious holiday of mine, my mother and I went to the store, Staples, to make color copies of a few Gods to give to our temple. On one of the pictures, there was a very religious Hindu symbol, resembling a Nazi swastika, yet the arms faced the opposite direction. When we went on line to pay for the copies, the people behind us, not noticing the differentiation between the two signs, starting talking to each other, saying that my mother and I were Nazis. Quite appalled, my mother turned around and calmly explained to them that it was not a Nazi symbol, that the symbol first belonged to many different cultures before the Nazis adopted it. I have realized that many people, not only in this country, but in the entire world, do not know about the meaning of the swastika and that it was not only the symbol of Nazi Germany. The swastika is an equilateral cross with arms bent at right angles, all in the same direction, usually the right, or clockwise.
The Real Reasons We Dropped Atom Bombs on Japan By David Redick Due to the recent 70th anniversary of dropping two atom bombs on Japan, there has been a lot of discussion about why we did it. American ‘Patriots’ claim it was necessary to ‘save lives’ by avoiding an invasion of Japan. This is the standard false pitch from our self-serving ‘leaders’ in DC. 1) It all started with FDR’s concern that Germany might beat England and France, and emerge as a world power, and thus be close to, or stronger than, the USA. To create an ‘incident’ to justify going to war, FDR poked Japan for years (ended scrap metal shipments to them, etc. ) until the Japanese military demanded the Emperor allow a strike on the United States. 2a) Amazon info on Stinnett’s book is: It was not long after the first Japanese bombs fell on the American naval ships at Pearl Harbor that conspiracy theories began to circulate, charging that Franklin Roosevelt and his chief military advisors knew of the impending attack well in advance. Image Credit
10 Spiritual Symbols You MUST Know Spiritual symbols are everywhere in our world! In fact they’re so pervasive, it’s almost hard to distinguish- and know- about them all. Luckily, we’ve done the work for you. SEE ALSO: Understanding Buddhism: 10 Reasons It’s NOT A Religion Hamsa Hamsa is the Hebrew word meaning “five”, and is represented with a palm-shaped amulet and an eye in the middle of the palm. Used by many societies throughout history, it’s purpose is to ward off negative energy and the “evil eye”, a malicious stare that’s said to cause unluckiness, illness, or even death. Many religions have used this symbol for their own purposes, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. The Flower of Life This symbol could be considered king in sacred geometry! Said to contain all the patterns of creation in it, the Flower of Life is possibly the most ancient symbol on this list, used since the time of the Sumerians (the first civilization in the world). Yin Yang Pentagram Dharma Wheel CHECK IT OUT: Tibetan Book of the Dead Om
Auschwitz – så här kan vi närma oss! - Ylva Pettersson ”Om människans hela historia ska berättas bör Auschwitz som kultur ställas bredvid pyramiderna och Parthenon. Syftet med denna provocerande tanke är givetvis inte att söka likställa dessa ruiner över människans historia, utan att insistera på att historien lika mycket utgörs av människans triumfer som hennes absoluta förnedring.” (George Bataille: ur förlagets presentation av Auschwitz och kulturen) In under huden, direkt in i blodet, går dikterna, bilderna, berättelserna om människorna och Auschwitz. Aldrig har känslan av Auschwitz, av detta mänsklighetens grymma nederlag, kommit till mig så starkt som genom det direkta möte med offren, med de överlevande och de mördade och deras nära, som skänks mig som läsare genom Aiolos utgåva Auschwitz och kulturen (nr 52-53). Fokus i tidskriften ligger i mötet, och stundom föreningen, mellan kultur och barbari, och i hur kulturen i alla dess former kan öppna en direktförbindelse med det förflutnas dofter, känslor och smaker. ”Mamma!
TPE : Le nombre d'or dans la nature, ou et pourquoi ? NB : cette spirale est une 'fausse' spirale parce qu'elle est constituée d'arcs de cercles au lieu d'avoir une variation continue du rayon. Cependant les raccordements des arcs sont parfaits car la condition de tangence est respectée. Les centres des arcs sont à chaque fois situés sur la même droite perpendiculaire à cette tangente. Cette courbe est connue sous le nom de 'spirale logarithmique'. Elle s'enfonce sans fin et tend rapidement vers un point Z autour duquel elle s'enroule de plus en plus près. On retrouve cette spirale chez l’homme par exemple, ou chez le nautile que l’on verra dans la partie III. Le triangle d’or. Un triangle d'or est un triangle isocèle dont les longueurs des côtés sont dans le rapport du nombre d'or. Leurs angles mesurent 36 ° et 72°. Pentagone régulier et nombre d’or. Le pentagone régulier est une figure d'or car la proportion entre une diagonale et un côté est le nombre d'or. Les triangles d’or et le pentagone régulier : 24 Terrifying, Thoughtful and Absurd Nursery Rhymes for Children In more repressed times, people were not always allowed to express themselves freely, for fear of persecution. Gossiping, criticizing the government or even talking about current events were often punishable by death. In order to communicate at will, clever rhymes were constructed and passed around to parody public figures and events. The first nursery rhymes can be traced back to the fourteenth century. While the Bubonic Plaque ravaged England, peasants used a rhyme to spread the word about equality. The "Adam and Eve" rhyme made peasants realize that they were important to the economy and contributed to the Peasants Revolt of 1381. Other nursery rhymes don't seem to carry a particular message at all, but convey a macabre sense of humor. Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,All the King's Horses and all the King's menCouldn't put Humpty together again. In children's books, Humpty Dumpty is portrayed as a large egg, usually dressed like a little boy.
Numbers and their Meanings Powerful Sacred Jewelry and Talismans Masterfully Crafted by the Known Artist - David Weitzman Numerology | Kabbalah | Amulets Numbers and Their Meanings Fibonacci Number: In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers form a sequence defined by the following recurrence relation. Zero Zero is a powerful number which brings great transformational change, sometimes occurring in a profound manner. Zero represents the Cosmic Egg, the primordial Androgyne - the Plenum. Before the One (meaning the Source--not the number) there is only Void, or non-being; thought; the ultimate mystery, the incomprehensible Absolute. Cultural References Taoism: It symbolizes the Void; non-being. Buddhism: It is the Void and no-thingness. Kabbalism: Boundless; Limitless Light; the Ain. Pathagoras saw zero as the perfect. Islamic: Zero is the Divine Essence. Zero Number Fibonacci Numbers History of Zero Middle East By the mid 2nd millennium BC, the Babylonians had a sophisticated sexagesimal positional numeral system. Greece Rome India
Så byggde nazisterna upp judehatet i Mellanöstern Det låter i dag oförlåtligt naivt. Men när jag var barn och mycket ung kunde man intala sig att det inte existerade någon antisemitism i Sverige. Det drogs judeskämt (och senare apartheidskämt om svarta i Sydafrika) på skolgården på mellanstadiet, men det hörde till det som var laddat och förbjudet. Trodde jag. I dag kan vi läsa på högerextrema sajter som att detta är den ”judiska propagandatidningen Dagens Nyheter”. Jag tänker på detta när jag läser Jackie Jakubowksis text om antisemitismens återkomst. Som barn till flyktingar är han för en humanistisk flyktingpolitik. Jakubowski påminner om hur antisemitismen länge varit en del av regeringspropagandan i flera länder som Egypten, Syrien och Iran. En av de viktigare svenska böckerna om detta ämne är Niclas Sennertegs ”Hakkorset och halvmånen” (2014) en väldokumenterad djupdykning i nazisternas propagandakrig och den roll det spelat för dagens antisemitism i Mellanöstern. Sennertegs poäng är iskall.
Divines proportions (1ère partie) Fibonacci, nombre d'or dans la nature, et accomplissement humain Par Patrick Marsolek, Atlantis Rising, 28 juillet 2013 En 2011, le Musée américain d'Histoire Naturelle a récompensé la proposition d'un jeune collégien nommé Aiden Dwyer pour son arrangement de panneaux solaires basé sur la séquence de Fibonacci. De manière similaire, dans le domaine du biomimétisme, une société du nom de PAX Scientific près de San Rafael en Californie, a conçu des technologies de circulation de l'air et des fluides également basées sur la séquence Fibonacci. Qu'est ce que la séquence Fibonacci ? La séquence de Fibonacci est reliée au Nombre d'Or car à mesure que les nombres de la séquence augmentent, le rapport entre n'importe quels nombres voisins se rapproche de plus en plus du Nombre d'Or, qu'on appelle aussi Proportion d'Or ou qu'on désigne par la lettre grecque Phi (Ф). . Un rectangle dont les côtés ont le rapport Phi est un Rectangle d'Or. SourceTraduction par le BBB.