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5 Web Tools to Add Comments and Questions to Educational Videos

5 Web Tools to Add Comments and Questions to Educational Videos
February 8, 2014 If you are looking for web tools to create video lessons or platforms to help you flip your classroom , the tools below are probably what you need. These are the tools I have already covered in separate posts here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. I invite you to check them out and share with your colleagues. 1- Blubbr Blubbr is a cool web tool that allows users to create quizzes around YouTube videos. 2- Teachem Teachem is a web service that allows teachers to create lessons around YouTube videos. 3- Educanon Educanon is another powerful tool that teachers can use to design lessons based on videos from both YouTube and Vimeo. 4- VideoNotes VideoNotes is a free web tool that allows students to take notes on a video they are watching. TED Ed is a website that allows teachers to create lessons around YouTube videos. 5- Edpuzzle This is a web tool I have just learned about from my colleague David Kapuler.

8 Good Web Tools to Create Video Quizzes for Your Class Vialogue (Video + Dialogue ) is an online video with a group discussion feature. Vialogue allows users to interact with videos by adding time stamped comments to them. This can be a great tool for teachers to use with their students to get them engaged in video prompted discussions.To get started, upload a video, grab one from YouTube, or choose one from the growing collection on our site. Once you’ve created a vialogue, you can encourage thoughtful conversations by posing questions, adding polls, and replying to comments. You can even embed a vialogue into your website, LMS, or blog! VideoNotes is a free web tool that allows students to take notes on a video they are watching. 3- Edpuzzle This is a web tool I have just learned about from my colleague David Kapuler. 4-Google Forms Google Forms has made it possible for users to insert YouTube videos into their forms. 5-TedEd TED Ed is a website that allows teachers to create lessons around YouTube videos. 6- Educanon 7- HapYak 8- Blubbr
