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Pianeta Scuola, ovvero un sito ricco di contenuti didattici digitali adatti alle LIM L'anno scolastico è appena iniziato e vi ritrovate una bella LIM - Lavagna Interattiva Multimediale - in classe. La sapete anche più o meno usare, alla fine equivale ad un immenso monitor touchscreen. Con il computer ve la cavate, quindi non vi resta che iniziare ad usarla. Ecco il link: Ricco, veramente ricco di materiale suddiviso per ciclo scolastico, dalle elementari alle superiori. Vi consiglio di esplorare da voi il sito, io riporto qualche collegamento diretto: Qualche oggetto didattico tanto per farvi capire di cosa stiamo parlando: Che ne pensate?

untitled Translate the following words into your own language: You can mail in your questions to the person you have seen in the video. Your question will be answered by the end of the month. You and your friends are going to promote a carnival in the town in which you live. Decide on what cultural flavour your carnival will have and where it will take place. Present your carnival ideas for your class mates! Cheers to the carnival!! What dish did Jess say her carnival food was better than? What are some of the city's inhabitants saying the loud music is responsible for? Causing their buildings to crack Causing their pipes to crack Causing people to go deaf What do we witness Jess experiencing for the first time in her new abode? With which culture is the Notting Hill carnival associated? Jess thinks she will end up going to the park and feeding the ducks when her friend Rachel comes to stay. Rachel has entirely different ideas and can't believe Jess doesn't know what's happening on the weekend. button.
