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Sport - One hundred push ups

Sport - One hundred push ups

Sport - Two hundred sit-ups Exercise - Get weight loss advice, cardio and strength training workouts, information on how to get started and more Snap Fitness 24/7 Fitness Center 13 Easy Workouts That Don’t Require a Gym - eFITology Written by eFITology Staff on Mon, Apr 19th 2010 at 12:05 am Gym memberships can be costly, you often have to commit to a contract, and just getting in and out of the gym can take as long as your actual workout. But for quick, inexpensive, and effective workouts, you really only need to walk as far as your own living room. Wall Push-Ups Target muscle group: chest/biceps 8-12 reps/3 sets Find a blank space on your wall. Place your hands on the wall at about armpits distance. Plant your feet firmly far away from the wall so that your body is comfortably angled away from the wall. Lay on the floor on your back. Tags: easy, exercise, expertadvice, gym, home gym, workouts

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