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European Union Open Data Portal : US government open data Offene Daten ?sterreich | Datos abiertos en Chile y el Mundo — Sitio Datos abiertos enlazados Mapa global de datos abiertos Catálogo de datos abiertos clasificados por instituciones, países, locaciones y calidad de los datos publicados. Licenciado bajo Creative Commons por la Fundación Centro Tecnológico, CTIC. Ver mapa >> Banco Mundial El Catálogo de datos proporciona un listado completo de datos y conjuntos de datos publicados por el Banco Mundial, contiene toda la información disponible en el Banco de datos (colecciones en series cronológicas, además de muchos otros grupos útiles). Ver catálogo Open Data del Banco Mundial Portal del Gobierno de Chile Este sitio contiene un buscador y catálogos con diversas categorías para la búsqueda de conjuntos de información pública del gobierno. Ver catálogo de datos

Welcome - • Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Marke... Δημοσια, Ανοικτά Δεδομένα Microsoft SQL Server Product Samples: Database - Home Statistics at DFID - Department for International Development We produce 2 National Statistics publications: Provisional UK ODA as a proportion of Gross National Income (GNI) Statistics on International Development News Our annual publication ‘Provisional UK Official Development Assistance as a proportion of Gross National Income’ was released on 2 April 2014. There have been a number of improvements to the layout of the publication in response to feedback from the UK Statistics Authority’s Good Practice team. Provisional UK ODA as a proportion of gross national income (GNI) The OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) collects data on donor countries aid flows to developing countries and multilateral organisations. The main statistic used from DAC data is Official Development Assistance (ODA), which is defined as “grants and concessional loans for development and welfare purposes from the government sector of a donor country to a developing country or multilateral agency active in development”. Statistics on International Development

Startseite | AWS Public Data Sets High resolution climate data to help assess the impacts of climate change primarily on agriculture. These open access datasets of climate projections will help researchers make climate change impact assessments. Last Modified: February 9, 2016 Three NASA NEX datasets are now available, including climate projections and satellite images of Earth. Last Modified: February 9, 2016 Human Microbiome Project Data Set Last Modified: February 9, 2016 A collection of data from the modENCODE project Last Modified: February 9, 2016 Enron email data publicly released as part of FERC's Western Energy Markets investigation converted to industry standard formats by EDRM. Multiple data sets including: (1) Population Census of Japan (1995, 2000, 2005, 2010), (2) Establishment and Enterprise Census of Japan (1999, 2001, 2004, 2006), and (3) Economic Census of Japan (2009). A corpus of web crawl data composed of over 5 billion web pages. 230,000 Material Safety Data Sheets.

UK aid money: the key datasets you need to know | Claire Provost | Global development Britain's aid mapped. Click image to see it full-size The UK prime minister reaffirmed on Tuesday Britain's pledge to spend 0.7% of gross-national income on aid by 2013. David Cameron's statement, at the UN general assembly in New York, comes despite growing calls from members of his own party to rein in Britain's aid spending. Over the last two weeks, conservative British newspapers, including the Sunday Telegraph and the Daily Mail, have attacked the Department for International Development (DfID) for spending millions of British aid money on a group of highly profitable consultancy firms. Here are five key datasets to help understand the debates: How big is the UK aid budget? Aid as % of GNI (2011) Aid spending as % of GNI in 2011. Last year, the UK spent $13.7bn (£8.57bn) on official development assistance (ODA) – what the rest of us call "aid". What does this mean for the UK taxpayer? • Get the data Which countries get UK aid? • Get the data Health or wealth? • Read more • Get the data
