Poor Man's Polygraph Part 5 Poor Man's Polygraph Part 5 Parallel Lie People tend to tell the truth except when the truth prevents them from achieving a desired outcome. The Poor Man's Polygraph provides indicators of deception, not proof of deception. The Parallel Lie technique is the last part in the five part series presenting the Poor Man's Polygraph. INVESTIGATOR : Did you rob the bank? SUSPECT : No. INVESTIGATOR : Believe it or not people have lied to me in the past to get out of trouble. SUSPECT : Because there was no way I could have been at the bank that day because I was at a friend's house. INVESTIGATOR : I didn't ask you if you if you could have been at the bank that day. SUSPECT : You don't have to believe me. INVESTIGATOR : Well, I don't believe you. The failure to respond "Because I'm telling the truth or some derivation thereof increases the probability of deception. The Parallel Lie provides an additional indicator of veracity. SUSPECT : Ah...no. INVESTIGATOR : I knew you were lying to me. Example 1:
25 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. – E.E. Cummings By Leo Babauta One of the things that held me back from pursuing my dreams for many years was fear of failure … and the lack of self-confidence that I needed to overcome that fear. It’s something we all face, to some degree, I think. The key question: how do you overcome that fear? By working on your self-confidence and self-esteem. I still have those fears, undoubtedly. This post was inspired by reader Nick from Finland, who asked for an article about self-worth and self-confidence: Many of the things you propose make people feel better about themselves and actually help building self-confidence. Truer words have never been spoken. As an aside, I know that some people make a strong distinction between self-esteem and self-confidence. You can do this by taking control of your life, and taking control of your self-confidence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Word Lists : Vocabulary word lists for SAT, PSAT, GRE and other tests Need to build a better vocabulary? Our 15 vocabulary wordlists will boost your vocabulary to the level of a highly educated reader. The lists are suitable for high school students and older learners. Lists 1-10 are probably sufficient for a student taking SAT, for example. Each list contains 100 words arranged in groups of 10 for ease of learning so you will not get confused by large numbers of words starting with the same letter. Intermediate word lists Suitable for: Ages 16+ PSAT SAT GRE MAT Advanced word lists Suitable for: Ages 18+ GRE MAT Word focus Word Focus is our systematic approach to advanced vocabulary building. For students and adult learners You can print out the word lists for your own use. You could print out one list at a time and learn one page (20 words) per day. Back to top For teachers You are free to print out copies of these lists for classroom use. Do not obscure the majortests logo. For example, you could use the word lists as worksheets
Grandiloquent Dictionary This is the result of an ongoing project to collect and distribute the most obscure and rare words in the English language. It also contains a few words which do not have equivalent words in English. At present, the dictionary contains approximately 2700 words, though it is constantly growing. Following a large number of requests, pronounciations are now being (slowly) added to the listing, although it will be a long time before they are all added. After almost three years of work, the new Third Edition of the Grandiloquent Dictionary is now available as a PDF File. Including ~500 Words Not in the Online Version! In honour of ten years of the Grandiloquent Dictionary being available online, a special edition print version has been published! The Author's Webpage You are visitor since this counter was added. Donate0 Donate0 Experimental Search The authors intend to eventually add a search box for searching this dictionary, but for the present we rely on a more general google search.
Violinist in the Metro - Interesting Discoveries - Ego Dialogues Give me 5 minutes a day and I'll give you a happier, more successful life! Free Online Dictionary of Unusual and Weird Words: International House of Logorrhea Dictionary of Unusual Words logorrhea log-uh-RI-uh, n an excessive flow of words, prolixity [Gr logos word + roia flow, stream] Welcome to the International House of Logorrhea, a free online dictionary of weird words and unusual words to help enhance your vocabulary. The IHL is a component of The Phrontistery, which has many other free word lists and resources related to obscure words. Did you ever have an English teacher who told you 'Whenever you read something, and find an odd word you don't know, look it up in the dictionary and write it down'? I have compiled a list of 17,000 English words, ranging from merely uncommon words to the rarest of the rare words, nearly obsolete and just plain nutty! While I have tried to be fairly comprehensive, this is not meant to be an unabridged dictionary or to include all rare words. I have used a variety of dictionaries in compiling the IHL. I hope you have found this site to be useful.
Word of the Day! Water is dangerous This was found on the newsgroup: rec.humor.funny A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide." And for plenty of good reasons, since: it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting it is a major component in acid rain it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state accidental inhalation can kill you it contributes to erosion it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical. He feels the conclusion is obvious.
exploded flowers by fong qi wei apr 08, 2013 exploded flowers by fong qi wei ‘exploded flowers’ by fong qi weirose exploded 01, singapore image courtesy fong qi wet in ‘exploded flowers’, artist fong qi wei has created a collection of images that show the radial symmetry of flowers, and also individual floral components. the act of disassembly lays bare the various shapes and textures of the flowers, highlighting how expansive some flowers can get when they are disassembled – the relative surface area to size of a rose is so much greater compared to a larger flower like the sunflower. the use of photography captures the beauty and intricacies of nature’s flowers in the moment of full bloom, and at the same time let you have a different appreciation of their beauty. sunflower exploded 01, singapore image courtesy fong qi wet gerbera exploded 01, singaporeimage courtesy fong qi wet pom pom exploded 01, singapore image courtesy fong qi wet hydrangea exploded 01, singapore image courtesy fong qi wet via rodrigo caula I designboom
100 Exquisite Adjectives By Mark Nichol Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. Here’s a list of adjectives: Subscribe to Receive our Articles and Exercises via Email You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! 21 Responses to “100 Exquisite Adjectives” Rebecca Fantastic list!
Unusual Words Rendered in Bold Graphics by Maria Popova A visual A-Z of the hidden treasures of language. As a lover of language and words, especially obscure and endangered words, I was instantly besotted with Project Twins’ visual interpretations of unusual words, originally exhibited at the MadArt Gallery Dublin during DesignWeek 2011. Acersecomic A person whose hair has never been cut. Biblioclasm The practice of destroying, often ceremoniously, books or other written material and media. Cacodemonomania The pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit. Dactylion An anatomical landmark located at the tip of the middle finger. Enantiodromia The changing of something into its opposite. Fanfaronade Swaggering; empty boasting; blustering manner or behavior; ostentatious display. Gorgonize To have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on: Stupefy or petrify Hamartia The character flaw or error of a tragic hero that leads to his downfall. Infandous Unspeakable or too odious to be expressed or mentioned. Jettatura Ktenology Leptosome Welter