Get the lowdown on the key pieces of Bootstrap's infrastructure, including our approach to better, faster, stronger web development. HTML5 doctype Bootstrap makes use of certain HTML elements and CSS properties that require the use of the HTML5 doctype. Include it at the beginning of all your projects. <! Mobile first With Bootstrap 2, we added optional mobile friendly styles for key aspects of the framework. To ensure proper rendering and touch zooming, add the viewport meta tag to your <head>. You can disable zooming capabilities on mobile devices by adding user-scalable=no to the viewport meta tag. Bootstrap sets basic global display, typography, and link styles. Set background-color: #fff; on the body Use the @font-family-base, @font-size-base, and @line-height-base attributes as our typographic base Set the global link color via @link-color and apply link underlines only on :hover These styles can be found within scaffolding.less. Normalize.css Containers <div class="container"> ... <! Bold
Introduction | VoiceXML Forum
VoiceXML is the HTML of the voice web, the open standard markup language for voice applications. VoiceXML harnesses the massive web infrastructure developed for HTML to make it easy to create and deploy voice applications. Like HTML, VoiceXML has opened up huge business opportunities: the Economist even says that "VoiceXML could yet rescue telecoms carriers from their folly in stringing so much optical fibre around the world." VoiceXML 1.0 was published by the VoiceXML Forum, a consortium of over 500 companies, in March 2000. While HTML assumes a graphical web browser with display, keyboard, and mouse, VoiceXML assumes a voice browser with audio output, audio input, and keypad input. A voice browser typically runs on a specialized voice gateway node that is connected both to the Internet and to the public switched telephone network (see Figure 1). VoiceXML takes advantage of several trends: The growth of the World-Wide Web and of its capabilities.
Draft Docs
I'm annoyed at my options for version control. When I share a Google Doc, collaborators overwrite my master copy. It's insanely difficult to accept individual changes they've made. However, when you share your document using Draft, any changes your collaborator makes are on their own copy of the document, and you get to accept or ignore each individual change they make. Here's what that looks like: Sometimes I don't have anyone to assist in editing my document, but I could really use some help. Draft has a magic "Ask a Professional" button. Draft makes it easy to ignore or merge in their changes. iCloud and Google Docs make it very difficult to find previous versions of your work. With Draft, as you go along, you can mark major versions of your work: When you want to compare your old drafts, you have a powerful view to see how your document changed over time: I have a ton of fragments of writing in cloud tools, like Evernote, but it's not an ideal place to do long form writing. Try Draft
angularjs - Reconcile Angular.js and Bootstrap form validation styling
Time Series Visualization foo7.6 bar−6.2 foo + bar1.4 foo - bar14 Cubism.js is a D3 plugin for visualizing time series. Scalable Cubism fetches time series data incrementally: after the initial display, Cubism reduces server load by polling only the most recent values. Effective Cubism also scales in terms of perception: small multiples aligned by time facilitate rapid comparison. Area (120px)7.6 Area (30px)7.6 In contrast, horizon charts reduce vertical space without losing resolution. Horizon, 1-band (120px)7.6 Horizon, 2-band (60px)7.6 Horizon, 3-band (40px)7.6 Horizon, 4-band (30px)7.6 By combining position and color, horizon charts improve perception: position is highly effective at discriminating small changes, while color differentiates large changes. Flexible Cubism is data-source agnostic. Want to learn more?
In depth review of PhoneJS HTML5 JavaScript framework | Gajotres.net
I recently discovered a framework I wanted to share with my readers, especially because it should appeal to every jQuery/jQuery Mobile developer. It’s called PhoneJS and it is developed by DevExpress. This company also has several other products in its lineup that could be of interest to you like ChartJS so feel free and look. This article will cover only PhoneJS and what it can do in the world of mobile development. Framework website: examples: Non-commercial use is free, commercial use is 199$ per developer per year Before we start let me tell you few words about PhoneJS . PhoneJS javascript file is 676.46KB (Uncompressed) in size or 258.88KB minified and gzipped. Mobile devices have very limited processing power compared to modern desktops. Knockout Approach: tag and attribute data-options = dxView. Pro Con