King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table | History, Legend and Everything in Between
King Arthur, the legend of Camelot
Dashiell Hammett: Perfect Standard for the Hardboiled Detective
1894-1961. Samuel Dashiell Hammett was an American author, most often credited for creating the hardboiled detective genre. Although not the first to write in this genre, Hammetts stories perfected the hard boiled formula. Hammett used his first hand knowledge of the detective buisness to create complex and exciting plots along with memorable and believable characters. He worked for the famed Pinkerton detective agency until tuburculosis forced him to find a less taxing form of work. His most famous novel, The Maltese Falcon, introduced Sam Spade, a surly, self-assured detective that defined the hard boiled character. He started his writing career working for one of the top pulp fiction magazines, Black Mask. By 1927, he had written the "Poisonville" series, which later formed the novel, "Red Harvest". His stories and characters made the jump for pulp fiction magazines over to novels, then on to the movies, radio, and still influence today's pop culture.
Top Ten - Top 10 Banned Books of the 20th Century - Top 10 - Top 10 List - Grapes of Wrath - Lady Chatterly's Lover Quote - Slaughterhouse Five Quote - To Kill a Mockingbird Quote - Fahrenheit 451 Quote - Catcher in the Rye Quote - Tropic of Cancer Quote
Top 10 Banned Books of the 20th Century #10 - The Grapes of Wrath "Before I knowed it, I was sayin' out loud, 'The hell with it! There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. #09 - Lady Chatterley's Lover "Ravished! #08 - Slaughterhouse-Five "All this happened, more or less. #07 - To Kill a Mockingbird "The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." #06 - Fahrenheit 451 "The sun burnt every day. #05 - The Catcher in the Rye "It was that kind of a crazy afternoon, terrifically cold, and no sun out or anything, and you felt like you were disappearing every time you crossed a road." #04 - Tropic of Cancer "I believe that today more than ever a book should be sought after even if it has only one great page in it. #03 - Naked Lunch "The Planet drifts to random insect doom..." #02 - Ulysses " a nightmare from which I am trying to awake." "Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. © 2014 Shelf-Life Productions LLC
The 16 Best Dystopian Books Of All Time
Dystopian novels—stories of the horrific future—are so common as to be almost forgettable. Here is a compilation of what I believe are the 16 greatest of the genre. I could happily list twice as many that are amazing, but these are the best. From the post-apocalyptic wasteland to deadly viruses to social malaise, all possible bad futures end here. 16. That Hideous Strength by CS Lewis Best known for his Narnia novels, CS Lewis also wrote a trilogy dealing with visiting other planets—well the first two books did. 15. Wow, can you get more polar opposite of CS Lewis than Margaret Atwood? 14. While perhaps not as well known as some, John Christopher (the pen name of Samuel Youd) wrote a fantastic trilogy of young adult novels, set in a far future where the world has reverted to a feudal society after a global ecological disaster. 13. This novel, combined with Brooks’ Zombie Survival Guide are all you need to face the inevitable zombie apocalypse. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2.
Murder, Mystery & Mayhem: A Resource for Readers
Les âmes sensibles
La vie est un jeune homme vêtu de noir Cet automne 2013 est très proustien avec le centenaire de la parution de Du côté de chez Swann. On peut peut-être railler un peu cette proustomanie éditoriale. Mais par rapport à des personnalités qui font réellement le buzz (par exemple Nabilla), soyons réalistes, cette proustomanie reste très confidentielle. Ce n’est pas Charlus et Swann qui font vendre du Coca Cola ou des corn flakes. Proust de A à Z Michel Erman, professeur à l’université de Bourgogne, est un excellent guide proustien. Difficile de parler de La Recherche sans parler de Proust, aussi bien de son « moi profond » que de son « moi social » qui lui a permis pendant des années de se livrer à des observations d’entomologiste. Stendhal, dessiné par Musset Vanité Dans ses livres, Michel Erman insiste sur l’aspect social chez l’écrivain. Michel Erman, dans ses 100 mots de Proust, comme dans sa biographie de l’écrivain, s’attache à être pédagogique mais sans jargon. Des mots choisis