Show Us a Better Way Who Are My Gmail Contacts? Google has an awkward way of dealing with contacts in its communication apps. In Gmail, your contact list includes all the people you've ever replied, but you can also add other contacts manually. "Email addresses are automatically added to your Contacts list each time you use the Reply, Reply to all, or Forward functions to send messages to addresses not previously stored in your Contacts list," according to the help center. While this should save you some time and effort, your contact list will include a lot of people you wouldn't have normally added. For example, if somebody sends me a tip for this blog and I reply to thank him, my contact list includes that person. By default, if your conversation with someone includes more than 2-3 replies, that person is automatically added to your list of Google Talk friends. So the rules are simple: Rule #1:if you reply to someone's email, that person is added to your Gmail contact list.
Web Sémantique et comment récupérer les informations d’internet | Regard d'un Auto-Entrepreneur Cet article fera un bref rappel de la notion de Web Sémantique mais je m’attarderai plus sur la possibilité qu’offre celle-ci pour ordonner mais surtout récupérer et couplés les données entre elles. Un objectif du Web Sémantique va être de Typer les informations, de pouvoir les faire interagir ( une personne à une relation d’auteur avec un document) . Ce qui aura comme conséquence de transformer internet comme un immense graphe connectés par des relations ( membre de, auteur de, notions de connaissances ( Friend of a friend) …) Grâce à RDF et Sparql il est maintenant possible de récupérer des informations structurés sur beaucoup de sites internet. About the Linking Open Data dataset cloud En reprenant les informations de voilà quelques sources de données intéressantes à récupérer. DbPedia : récupération des données de WikiPedia ! Bien entendu il existe encore bien d’autres bases de données qui peuvent vous être utiles. Stades de foot en France ( Wikipedia est incomplet) ? ?
London 21 LL115YE. Postcode based information for LL115YE free – any UK post code area described LL11 5YE – information about the LL11 5YE postcode is completely free. No records are left of your search, so you can research the LL11 5YE postcode entirely confidentially. The postcode LL11 5YE is classified into one of 54 standard geodemographic types – we explain what each type means and how each postcode type is described. General Overview of LL11 5YE We bring together information from several different sources including census data about LL11 5YE so you can gain an impression of how the area is described, including what type of people live in the area, and how affluent they are. Financial Characteristics in LL11 5YE Public databases such as the Register of Court Judgments and Insolvency Records are combined with census data and 'lifestyle' information collected from questionnaires to evaluate the average financial risk in a postcode. Affluence Rating of LL11 5YE Credit scoring measures the probability of a person being able to keep payments up to date on a credit facility.
HEARTLINES Groundswell (Incorporating Charlene Li's Blog): The future by Charlene Li On Monday, I gave the kick off speech for the Graphing Social Patterns West conference on the topic, “The Future Of Social Networks” (slides are available on SlideShare, summaries available on, ReadWriteWeb, and allfacebook.) Note that this is still ongoing research, so I welcome your comments. I set my time frame for the long term – five, even ten years out. Instead, I believe that in the future, social networks will be like air. There are four components of what I’m calling this idea of “ubiquitous social networks”: 1) Profiles; 2) Relationships; 3) Activities; and 4) Business models. The ubiquitous social network isn’t going to happen overnight – in fact, it’s going to take five+ years to come to fruition. In the end, there are two essential things that have to present for this all to happen. So what is a social network, marketer, or developer to do? As I mentioned above, this is ongoing research and I'm far from done. 1) Universal identities. What complexity!
Où s'amuser avec Sparql ? Non, il ne s'agit pas de faire un guide des parcs parisiens les plus accueillants pour votre nouveau compagnon à quatre pattes que vous auriez malicieusement appelé du nom de la recommandation la plus importante du W3C depuis XML, mais plutôt une liste non exhaustive des Sparql endpoint que vous pouvez interroger librement sur le Web. Les différentes interfaces que je vais présenter sont mis à disposition dans le cadre du projet Linking Open Data (ou LOD) coordonné par le W3C. Ce projet vise à exposer sur le Web des données structurées avec les technologies du Web sémantique, en particulier RDF et Sparql, suivant les quatre principes du Linked Data édictés par Tim Berners-Lee et rappelés dans ce guide ou cette présentation, soit : Le projet s'enrichit régulièrement de nouvelles contributions, comme le montre la mise à jour régulière du schéma mis au point par Richard Cyganiak : Ils sont au nombre de deux : De plus en plus de projets explorent ce domaine.
About Rescue Geography Essentially the inspiration for calling what we do 'Rescue Geography' was the practice of rescue archaeology, where archaeological traces which are threatened by new building are recorded before development. We started by trying to 'rescue' local people's understandings of an area before redevelopment. Subsequently we became interested in how these techniques might be more widely applied to help investigate people's relationship with their local environment One of the techniques we refined is the use of walking interviews, where you actually get people to give you a guided tour of the area, rather than just sitting in a room somewhere asking people what they like about the area. We believe this technique produces rich insights into how people value particular places. The Rescue Geography approach was piloted in a project looking at the redevelopment of the Digbeth area of Birmingham ('Eastside') in 2007-8. Some academic context... What was Rescue Geography?
Postcode Check for LL16 5BS - LL16 5BS, United Kingdom Financial Risk in LL16 5BS Public databases such as the Register of Court Judgments and Insolvency Records are combined with census data and 'lifestyle' information collected from questionnaires to evaluate the average financial risk in a postcode. Average Credit Rating & Credit Score Using the Cameo financial profile for the residents of LL16 5BS, this has been evaluated as: How This Compares To The UK Average When compared to the rest of the UK, this score is higher than average. UK Average: 750 You can compare this postcode-based Credit Score to your own by using either our Free Credit Score service, or more accurately, and based on your payment history, when you purchase one of our market leading Credit Reports. Families in LL16 5BS Compare information held about LL16 5BS, sourced from two geodemographic database providers, Cameo and Censation. Family Composition Singles, couples and families Families with children in primary school education Social Grade Religion Not provided Average Age Affluence
Comment le web a libéré l'’info...ailleurs Ou comment on nous fait croire à la transparence à coup d'images qui bougent Comment le web a libéré l’info … ailleurs Par Dominique Willieme En franchissant les portes de la CIA lundi, Obama savait probablement qu’il n’était pas en terrain conquis. Quelques jours auparavant, il avait ordonné le passage dans le domaine public de mémos jusqu’à présent confidentiels et mettant en évidence l’utilisation de la torture par les services de renseignement américains. Conséquence directe de cette loi de 1966, le web américain regorge de sites recensant, analysant, décryptant des montagnes d’informations parfaitement essentielles mais qui restent pourtant souvent cachées chez nous. Ainsi, OpenSecrets s’est fait une spécialité de rendre publiques les sources de revenus des partis politique américains, des lobbys qui financent les campagnes aux lois qui sont votées pour remercier les généreux donateurs.
PJA Social Media Index The 2007 ITtoolbox/PJA IT Social Media Index Survey was conducted between May 9 and May 21, 2007. More than 2,100 IT and business professionals from more than 50 countries worldwide participated in the survey. Participants were recruited directly from the ITtoolbox network. ITtoolbox and PJA Advertising + Marketing worked together on this project to gauge the extent to which IT decision-makers and influencers use social media tools and user-generated content to aid their purchasing decisions. To address these issues, the survey included specific questions such as: How many hours per week do you spend online consuming or participating in social media/user-generated content (ITtoolbox, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, etc.), editorial media (InformationWeek, CNN,, etc.) and vendor content (white papers, Webcasts, etc.)? What information sources do you reference the most for your company’s purchasing decisions? Executive Decision-Maker: 121 IT Decision-Maker: 96.5 Business Manager: 100
iBordeaux | Bordeaux dans votre iphone : VCUB, tramway, bus, taxi, rocade, météo Muki Haklay's Home Page I am a Professor of Geographic Information Science in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London. I am also the Director of the UCL Extreme Citizen Science group, which is dedicate to allow any community, regardless of their literacy, to use scientific methods and tools to collect, analyse, interpret and use information about their area and activities. Research My research interests include Public access and use of Environmental Information; Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Usability Engineering aspects of GIS; and Societal aspects of GIS use – in particular, participatory mapping and Citizen Science. Since 2001, I have secured over £7.8 million in research funding, from research councils, the public, private and third sectors. EPSRC project ‘Design for Wellbeing: Ageing and Mobility in the Built Environment’ – understanding community severance impact on older people.Challenging Risk, funded by EPSRC. Teaching Consultancy Like this:
Ex anglais : permet aux habitants de faire remonter des incidents sur l'espace public. Une forme d'auto-organisation des citoyens pour accélérer le traitement des problèmes. by vbi Jul 5