Hagan Loves The New Tynker App.....Perfect For Hour Of Code & Beyond!
Hagan and I have been having so much fun learning more about coding. There are several apps that can be used but we really love one that we downloaded on our iPad this last weekend. This one is new to us, but definitely not a new coding program or resource. It is from the people at Tynker. Last year I introduced all of the students to coding and terms like HTML, programming, and of course....coding. The young people had an amazing time using Tynker, along with several other websites and apps. I put together the Coding. For the next app from Tynker, download it from iTunes....It is free and they also have a paid version for $4.99. Hagan just loved created his very own heros and villans. It was so fun to program the different characters throughout the game to move, hide, wait, and many other actions. Finding this new coding app and visiting the resources we have been using gets us even more excited for a wonderful event coming up in December.
Thing 23: Makerspaces
“Creating is becoming a new digital competency, and libraries are building and expanding their programs and services to meet these changing community needs.” Ann Joslin, president of the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies Some of you are already immersed in creating maker programs in your schools. Others may be what this is all about and why it’s important? Or maybe you want to figure out how this concept would fit in with your school’s programs. “Tinkering is about hands-on experiences, learning from failures, and unstructured time to explore and invent. Whether you call this the Maker Movement, Tinkering, Hacking, Fabricating, DIY or whatever… t’s all about creating, exploring, encouraging curiosity and creative problem-solving. Why is this important? “Why should you commit time and effort to a Maker Club or Makerspace? Take 3 minutes to watch this video: What is a Maker or Innovation Space? School Makerspaces Many K12 makerspace programs are run as after-school club projects.
Sommet iPad 2014
berniera@st-jean-vianney.qc.ca Chaîne YouTube Alexandra Bernierwww.youtube.com Ressources de tutoriels par Corinne Gilbertde-clic.com Pearltrees Alexandra Bernierwww.pearltrees.com Tableau d'excellencedidacti.com Sciences Plus! Didacti Alexandra Bernier - Voir les notes de cours autrement...didacti.com Projet Sciences-Françaisdidacti.com Création avec Canva et ThingLinkwww.canva.com Image ThingLink en récupérationdidacti.com Réalisation d'une présentation KeyNote - Création de vidéos explicatives par les élèves Activités interactives de révision Débat silencieux sur Twitter (2e cycle)de-clic.com Tableau d'actualité scientifique sur Pinterestwww.pinterest.com Groupe Facebook - Les TIC en éducationwww.facebook.com Groupe Facebook - Support Didactiwww.facebook.com Projet Phénomène Géophysique - Combinaison de Notability et Inspirationdidacti.com ThingLink - Document de consignes pour un projet, explication de notes de cours, etc. Développer l'esprit critique: choix de l'outil
BBC to release Doctor Who online game to teach kids how to code - Irish Innovation News Siliconrepublic.com
In a visionary move poised to teach more and more kids how to code, the BBC is about to launch a new online game called ‘The Doctor and the Dalek.’ The game has been engineered to complement the UK’s coding curriculum for schools. The move is part of the BBC’s Make it Digital initiative to inspire a new generation of kids to get creative with coding, digital technology an programming. “It’s an excellent example of how a hugely popular BBC show can give fans something extra, whilst also introducing wider audiences to increasingly important skills, such as coding and programming,” said Danny Cohen, BBC director of Television explained. The game will be available for free online at bbc.co.uk/cbbc from tomorrow, 22 October. The game – aimed ideally at 10 year-olds – is based on the Unity engine and features the current Doctor Peter Capaldi’s voice. Each puzzle unlocks an achievement that helps the Doctor build the Dalek back to full strength. John Kennedy
Apps & More for Makerspaces | Mix It Up
Whether your library or school has a dedicated makerspace, you are experimenting with maker and STEM programming, or looking for inspiration to get started, this inaugural installment of “Mix It Up” offers a broad selection of free or low-cost apps, websites, and tools for engaging kids and teens in creative maker projects. Our field-tested recommendations are grouped into three main sections: Coding, Filmmaking, Tinkering, and 3D Printing. Making is all about trial and error; don’t be afraid to experiment with these tools and encourage playful exploration by your patrons or students. As makers like to say, “If at first you succeed…you’re probably doing it wrong.” Tinkercad Rainy Day, Solo ExplorationFree | Gr 5 Up A computer-aided model (CAD) software program that allows users to design items for 3-D printing or lasercutting. Cookiecaster Cookie Caster Rainy Day, Solo ExplorationFree | Gr 3 Up Make cookies and the cookie cutters! Coding Filmmaking Tinkering
Comment consulter une page Web hors-ligne sur iPad
L’astuce du jour explique comment consulter une page Web hors-ligne sur iPad. Dans certaines occasions vous pouvez vous retrouver sans connexion internet. Grâce à l’option liste de lecture, le contenu d’une page Web est affichée en étant hors ligne dans Safari. Pour enregistrer une page Web, touchez l’icône «Partager» en haut à gauche de Safari et appuyez sur le bouton «Ajouter à la liste de lecture». Le contenu de cette page Web est alors accessible hors ligne. Dans Safari, touchez l’icône «Favori» puis le bouton «liste de lecture» et sélectionnez une page dans la liste pour l’afficher dans le navigateur. 101 Astuces iPad Découvrez les fonctions cachées de votre iPad et maîtrisez votre tablette avec plus de 100 astuces inédites.> Cliquez ici iPad pour les pros Découvrez plus de 50 Astuces iPad pour le bureau et 85 applis indispensables pour bosser mieux et plus vite avec votre tablette.> Cliquez ici
How learning to code might improve writing skills | Tech Learning
Look, I'd like to point out straight away that I'm not a pedant. I'm happy to blithely split infinitives whenever the opportunity presents itself. I avoid the avoidance of ending a sentence with a preposition because, as Sir Winston Churchill said, "that is the kind of English up with which I will not put". However, one thing I do insist upon is that people say what they mean, even if they don't mean what they say. Take a sentence like "Being a lover of good food, the meal was excellent." Here's another example, which I saw in a station: Sign seen in a station. It conjures up a comical and unintended image, but again, we can work out what the writer was trying to say. The reason we were able to rescue the writer in each of these cases is that we're not stupid. There are skills involved in writing a computer program that ought to be very helpful when it comes to writing in general: Have a plan There's no point in just starting to write a load of code. Be explicit Be economical Be purposeful
Make Your Own Makerspace - Ideas & Inspiration from Demco
Carson Block Carson Block has led, managed and supported library technology efforts for more than 17 years. He has been called "a geek who speaks English" and enjoys acting as a bridge between the worlds of librarians and hard-core technologists. He has a passion to de-mystify technology for the uninitiated, and to help IT professionals understand and support the goals of libraries. As a consultant, Carson is often brought in to help solve complex institutional issues and align the library's public service mission with its technology efforts to serve staff and patrons' needs. Carson participates in numerous committees through ALA and advocates for libraries through activities, such as facilitating a group of librarians, archivists and museum workers (#sxswLAM) at the SXSW Conference.