12 Principles Of Mobile Learning | Learning | TeachThought by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been updated and republished from a 2012 post Mobile Learning is about self-actuated personalization. As learning practices and technology tools change, mobile learning itself will continue to evolve. For 2021, the focus is on a variety of challenges, from how learners access content to how the idea of a ‘curriculum’ is defined. It is only within these communities that the native context of each learner can be fully understood. 1. A mobile learning environment is about access to content, peers, experts, portfolio artifacts, credible sources, and previous thinking on relevant topics. 2. As mobile learning is a blend of the digital and physical, diverse metrics (i.e., measures) of understanding and ‘performance of knowledge’ will be available. 3. The cloud is the enabler of ‘smart’ mobility. 4. Transparency is the natural byproduct of connectivity, mobility, and collaboration. 5. 6. 7. 8. With mobility comes diversity. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Mobile Learning for Education Upload www.col.org Commonwealth of Learning Loading... Working... ► Play all Mobile Learning for Education Commonwealth of Learning19 videos1,451 viewsLast updated on Jul 15, 2014 Part of the MOOC on Mobiles for Development ( - offered by the Commonwealth of Learning and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Play all Sign in to YouTube Sign in History Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to Loading playlists... JMIR-Smartphones as Multimodal Communication Devices to Facilitate Clinical Knowledge Processes: Randomized Controlled Trial | Pimmer Introduction Interclinician Communication and Mobile Phones Interclinician communication is a key component of health care systems. Rich Communication Modes: Speech, Images, and Annotation In recent publications, mobile phones have been considered as potentially efficient tools that enable instant location-independent communication [,,-]. Mobile Communication and Knowledge Exchange The aim of synchronous interclinician communication involves the building of a shared understanding and a “just-in-time grounding” [] between clinical actors with varying levels and domains of knowledge and expertise for the well-being of patients. We conclude, despite the widespread use and advancements of mobile technology that enables rich communication modes, that there is a surprising paucity of evidence that demonstrates the actual value of mobile technology for effective interclinician communication, knowledge exchange, and learning. Objectives and Hypothesis Methods Experimental Design Outcome Measures
Mobile Learning: nuevas realidades en el aula | Digital-Text Digital-Text lanza un nuevo e-book: Mobile Learning: nuevas realidades en el aula, el tercer título de la serie #InnovacionEdu sobre nuevas metodologías para docentes. El libro aborda el aprendizaje móvil y las herramientas para llevarlo a cabo, una cuestión de mucha actualidad y gran relevancia dentro del cambio de modelo de enseñanza y de educación por el que aboga la colección, que incluye dos títulos anteriores: Flipped Classroom. Cómo convertir la escuela en un espacio de aprendizaje y Metodologías inductivas. Como en el caso de sus predecesores, estamos ante un libro de vanguardia que realiza un recorrido por los dispositivos móviles y las posibilidades del M-learning, ofrece pautas para la creación de contenidos con apps móviles y para el diseño de actividades para Mobile Learning, y nos descubre el trabajo colaborativo a través de estos dispositivos. Mobile Learning: nuevas realidades en el aula está disponible en iTunes/iBookstore, Amazon y Google Play.
9 Indicators Of Authentic Mobile Learning 9 Indicators Of Authentic Mobile Learning by Terry Heick So many modern trends in learning are based on technology. Game-based learning, mobile learning, the flipped classroom, blended learning, and more all depend on technology at the core of how they work. But these shifts bring with them other more important trends that challenge the cognitive demand on students, and the requisite instructional design and lesson planning on the part of teachers. Chief among them is the potential for the personalization of learning. You can’t just add tablets to old learning models and expect success. The following characteristics describe some of the shifts you can make in the way you plan lessons and design learning experiences with tablets in the classroom. 9 Indicators Of Authentic Mobile Learning Learning is self-directed 1. 2. 3. Assessment is digital, social, & connected 1. 2. 3. Curriculum is extraordinarily diverse 1. 2. 3. 9 Indicators Of Authentic Mobile Learning
Capsules vidéos pédagogiques : bonnes pratiques | E-pédagogie, web2.0 Une « capsule vidéo pédagogique » est un « clip » vidéo qui permet à un apprenant d’accéder à une connaissance de façon multimédia : on peut y trouver des images, des diapos, une personne qui parle, des personnes qui agissent, du texte… Cours gestion de projet – Rémi Bachelet Educavox : De l’usage des capsules vidéo en enseignement spécialisé Les diapos commentées : les capusles les plus basiques, fréquemment rencontrées, sont des enregistrements de diapos commentées en audio ou par des sous-titres, ou des discours enregistrés illustrés par des diapos (ce n’est pas tout à fait la même chose…) Les tutoriels vidéos pour des outils bureautiques ou des outils webs sont aussi très utilisés : une capture écran en vidéo commentée par un texte ou un enregistrement audio. exemple : tutoriel pour le LMS Moodle Les conférences enregistrées sont aussi des capsules vidéos. Les écrans animés : ce qui est expliqué à l’écran est à la fois écrit, dessiné, animé et commenté. Ressources sur les capsules
Smartphones as Learning Tools – UW Bothell Learning Technologies Blog Last Spring, we posted an article about using cell phones in the classroom. Nearly every student, staff and faculty member has one, and in the past years there’s been a push to harness the technology for educational enhancement. But now an even more advanced mobile technology is becoming ubiquitous–smartphones. There are now 91.4 million smartphones in the United States, and many students are the proud owners of these devices. With technology constantly advancing, it may be only a matter of time until cell phones are replaced completely by smartphones. But the dilemma with smartphones in the classroom is similar to laptops in the classroom. Don’t like the idea of smartphones? According to the Campus Technology article, smartphones today “have the computing power of a mid-1990s personal computer”.
¿Qué es Mobile Learning UAB? | Mobile Learning UAB El equipo de ‘Mobile Learning UAB’ inicia su proyecto y da la bienvenida a todo aquel que tenga interés en saber cómo casi sin darnos cuenta y aún para la sorpresa de muchos, la tecnología ocupa cada vez más espacio en nuestras aulas. En una sociedad cambiante como en la que vivimos, las nuevas tecnologías juegan un papel muy importante a la hora de diseñar nuestro día a día; la manera en que nos comunicamos, entretenemos o aprendemos es ya muy diferente a la de hace unas décadas. El presente espacio pretende centrar la atención en este último aspecto y recoger la información necesaria para que el lector llegue a conocer cómo afecta la incorporación de determinados dispositivos tecnológicos en el ámbito educativo. Ver Infografía Si bien es cierto que las indagaciones sobre el asunto pueden atraer sobre todo al profesorado, Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...
Importance of Mobile Learning There is no doubt that mobile devices have completely changed our lives. Mobile devices have changed the way and pace things are done, from ordinary, everyday processes like booking a cab or ordering food online, to the way how we work like how we communicate, and finally how we learn. What is m-learning? Mobile learning (m-learning) encapsulates the ability to progress through course content on one’s own personal device. m-learning introduces the power of anytime, anywhere, providing a plethora of benefits to its recipients. Multiple organisations have adopted m-learning, increasing user engagement and making for more knowledgeable employees. As people familiar with the learning and development (L&D) industry would understand, the rise of mobile devices in this industry has led to a mobile revolution of sorts. Whether it be professional training, personal development or in everyday life, the modern individual gets their information from their mobile devices. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Adapting eLearning for Mobile: Learning from Wonderful Mistakes by Paul Clothier “Rather than quickly jumping to adapt your eLearning modules for mobile, think of ways you can supplement the eLearning you have rather than trying to duplicate it on a small screen. Having eLearning on the desktop and something different on mobile to support that eLearning is more powerful than duplication of content.” Robin Williams once said about his acting career, “...there is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. In a previous article, Ten Tips: Distilling Existing Content for Mobile, I gave some brief recommendations on how to repurpose existing eLearning content. For many companies such a project is their first small step in providing learning content for mobile (mLearning). Conversion considerations I divide “mobile” into two categories, “phone mobile” and “tablet mobile.” Figure 1: Content similarities between devices Levels of adaptation of eLearning for mobile Adapting Flash-based eLearning Rapid eLearning tools content Text considerations Graphics Games
Articulo: Mobile Learning | C.J. Blog Articulo: Mobile Learning Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Humanidades y Educación Maestría en Educación Mención Informática y Diseño Instruccional Mobile Learning Ing. Mérida, Julio de 2010 Mobile Learning Introducción Desde hace algunos años, hemos visto cómo los avances tecnológicos han introducido diversos dispositivos que manejan información digital y que al mismo tiempo, facilitan la movilidad del usuario. En el caso específico de la educación, dichos dispositivos quedan enmarcados en un término: m-learning o educación móvil en español (educación-m). El concepto de Mobile Learning no es nuevo en el terreno educativo. Mobile Learning (MLearning) “Aprendizaje Móvil” El aprendizaje móvil tiene varias definiciones, dependiendo del enfoque donde se ubica dentro de los ambientes de aprendizaje: “…el aprendizaje móvil puede ser visto como un subconjunto de e-learning. Características y Capacidades del MLearning (ventajas) Breve reseña de M-Learning Posicion – Sistema Opertativo – Mercado Empresas
The Rising Importance of Mobile Learning Walter Davis, global learning and talent technologies manager for Aggreko, writes in his December 2018 TD article that his company historically “did not allow smartphones during technical training sessions because they were distracting. Today, it is quite the opposite. We use apps to bring into the classroom the mobile-based operational and social behavior that we encourage in the field.” As a fellow talent professional, you probably already know the importance of technology in the workplace today, as well as the need for continuous learning. According to ATD Research, “For talent development professionals, [the] relationship between mobile use and learning effectiveness provides motivation to work more aggressively on improving and expanding mobile delivery. The need to support greater individual and organizational agility, in which learning on the go can play a constructive part, provides an additional impetus to expand mobile e-learning capabilities.” The Big Deal About Mobile