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44 Stock Photos That Hope To Change The Way We Look At Women

44 Stock Photos That Hope To Change The Way We Look At Women
Related:  Emotional & social development

Deaf Aotearoa - New Zealand - Learn New Zealand Sign Language New Zealand Sign Language Dictionary contains diagrams and videos for over 4,000 English words and phrases. A "Word of the Day" feature introduces you to a new vocabulary word every day. All the diagrams are built in to the application so they can be viewed offline. To view the videos, an active Internet connection is required. Thanks to Greg Hewgill for producing these apps. Download the New Zealand Sign Language Dictionary for your device now: iTunesRequires iOS 5.0 or later. The Online Dictionary of NZSL is a multimedia digital resource designed for use by learners and teachers of NZSL, Deaf people, families and associates of Deaf people, interpreters, researchers, and public agencies, among others. Dictionary users are bound to find some gaps for concepts that are not yet included, because the documentation of NZSL remains a work in progress. Visit NZSL Online

This Animated Video Shows the Wild Economics of Sex The news: Have you ever wondered what sex is really worth? The Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture has your back. A recent video highlights research they’ve compiled from various social scientists, and animates them into a lively and accessible 10-minute short. Check it out: Wow. There are clear limits to this study, most notably its inattention to non-heterosexual relationships. What do you think? Zak Cheney-Rice Zak is a Staff Writer for PolicyMic covering race, hip-hop, sports and pop culture. Tafsande på bröst är aldrig roligt, SVT MELODIFESTIVALEN Det spelar mindre roll att det var programledaren själv som låg bakom bröstskämtet i lördagens schlagertävling. SVT borde tänka på vilka signaler de sänder ut till sin miljonpublik. För två år sedan toppades löpsedlarna av sensationsrubriker som ”Thorsten Flinck tar Gina Dirawi på rumpan”. Under en mellanakt i lördagens delfinal var programledaren Nour El-Refai och sidekicken Björn Gustafsson utklädda till siamesiska tvillingar, och vid ett tillfälle klämde Gustafsson på El-Refais ena bröst. ”Vad gör du?” Fort påpekades dock att det hela var Nour El-Refais idé, och att kritiken därmed skulle vara obefogad. ”Om det hade varit min idé hade det nog inte känts så bra” sa Gustafsson i en intervju direkt efter programmet. Att resonera såhär är dessvärre vanligt – ”hon ställde ju själv upp på fotot” används ofta som ett argument mot de som kritiserar sexistisk och kvinnoförnedrande reklam. Att som kvinna röra sig i det offentliga rummet är ofta långt ifrån enkelt.

How to Help Kids Find Their Aspirations Aspiration is often associated with a whimsical sense of dreaming about the future. The Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations, an independent non-profit organization, defines aspiration as the ability to set goals for the future while maintaining the inspiration in the present to reach those goals. When a student has dreams for the future and is actively working towards them, she’s in the “aspirational zone.” And in that state, student achievement increases. A lot of kids have big dreams about what they want to do as adults — whether that’s become a professional athlete or a teacher — but no idea of what it takes to get there. [RELATED READING: Six Ways to Motivate Students to Learn] To do that, Quaglia suggests focusing on three guiding principles: self-worth, engagement, and purpose. It’s incredibly important for students to know that someone cares about them, that their presence matters. Making sure kids are paying attention is another crucial factor. Related

21 Images of Where Children Sleep Around the World Paints A Powerful Picture of Inequality "As a child, that's your little space within the house," said James Mollison, a Kenyan-born, England-raised, Venice-based photographer whose 2011 photo book, Where Children Sleep draws attention to a child's "material and cultural circumstances" and offers a remarkable view on class, poverty, and the diversity of children around the world. After spending more than three years traveling the world from Senegal to Tokyo, Mollison's series include portraits of children in front of a white background accompanied by a single snapshot of their bedrooms, leaving the later to speak volumes about their the social and cultural circumstances that contribute to their lifestyle. "I hope the book gives a a glimpse into the lives some children are living in very diverse situations around the world; a chance to reflect on the inequality that exists, and realize just how lucky most of us in the developed world are," said Mollison. Ryuta is a champion sumo wrestler and has been competing for seven years.

How to Talk to Little Girls I went to a dinner party at a friend’s home last weekend, and met her five-year-old daughter for the first time. Little Maya was all curly brown hair, doe-like dark eyes, and adorable in her shiny pink nightgown. I wanted to squeal, “Maya, you’re so cute! Look at you! But I didn’t. What’s wrong with that? Hold that thought for just a moment. This week ABC news reported that nearly half of all three- to six-year-old girls worry about being fat. Teaching girls that their appearance is the first thing you notice tells them that looks are more important than anything. That’s why I force myself to talk to little girls as follows. “Maya,” I said, crouching down at her level, looking into her eyes, “very nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you too,” she said, in that trained, polite, talking-to-adults good girl voice. “Hey, what are you reading?” Her eyes got bigger, and the practiced, polite facial expression gave way to genuine excitement over this topic. “I LOVE books,” I said. Most kids do.

Welcome to Discovery for Teens - Discovery for Teens Varför? Det finns ju inga bröst att hålla | Frida Boisen Åttaåriga dottern tittar storögt, bedjande på mig: – Mamma, kan inte jag få en behå? Jag: – Nej. Dottern uppfodrande: – Alla i trean har behå! De går ju i lågstadiet. Jag undersöker dotterns uppgift vidare. - De får sminka sig också! Nej. - Inte till skolan en vanlig dag, det har vi pratat om, försäkrar en förälder jag pratar med. Men självklart på skolavslutningar, på helger och när man går på bio. Det bubblar inom mig. För varför ska småflickor redan innan de fyllt nio ha fullt fokus inte på vad de skriver, säger eller gör. För killarna får vara killar. Grattis killar! MissLissibel är inget enskilt fenomen. Ungarna speglar oss. Deras föräldrar säger ja till att köpa.

Looking At Tears Under A Microscope Reveals A Shocking Fact. Share on Facebook One day Rose-Lynn Fisher wondered if her tears of grief would look different compared to her tears of joy, so she began to explore them up close under a microscope. She studied 100 different tears and found that basal tears (the ones that our body produces to lubricate our eyes) are drastically different from the tears that happen when we are chopping onions. The tears that come about from hard laughter aren’t even close to the tears of sorrow. Like a drop of ocean water each tiny tear drop carries a microcosm of human experience. Her project is called The Topography of Tears. Tears from laughing until crying Rose-Lynn Fisher Tears of change Tears of grief Tears from onions Joseph Stromberg of the Smithsonian’s Collage of Arts and Sciences explained that there are three major types of tears: basal, reflex, and psychic (triggered by emotions). Basal tears Tears of timeless reunion Tears of ending and beginning Tears of momentum, redirected Tears of release Tears of remembrance
