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9 Good Signs You’re in the Right Relationship

9 Good Signs You’re in the Right Relationship
It’s not always where you are in life, but who you have by your side that matters. “How do I know if I’m in the right relationship or not?” This is one of the most common questions our coaching clients ask us. And after Angel and I listen to the specifics of their situation, we often toss a question back at them to further clarify their thoughts and expectations. For instance: “What do you think a “right relationship” should provide for the people in it?” Although the answer here is obviously subjective, in all relationships, romantic and platonic alike, there are some clear signs that things are going well. Enter your email to get new articles like this delivered for free. Join 130,000+ subscribers and get life-changing ideas in your inbox. Thanks! 1. Far too often, we make our relationships harder than they have to be. And of course, if you feel like someone is playing games with you, speak up. 2. 3. You can’t be afraid to have certain conversations. 4. 5. 6. So open yourself up. 7. 8. 9.

When Someone Really Listens, We Heal Never underestimate the power of talking with someone who really listens. Our culture doesn’t encourage people to talk about their emotional pain. Our culture teaches people to suppress their feelings. One example of this is when only certain emotions are deemed “appropriate.” Most people, when they feel upset, benefit by talking to someone who listens patiently, nonjudgmentally, empathically, and who shows that he/she understands at a deep level. Depression is no different from any other emotional pain, in this sense. If everyone who felt depressed was comfortable talking about it to a good listener, we would have far fewer depressed people—possibly even fewer people on antidepressants. Recently, a psychiatrist who was treating a friend of mine said that few people truly have a chemical imbalance causing their depression. Ideally, we would all have this in our lives without having to pay someone to get it. © Copyright 2012

On Marrying the Wrong Person Anyone we might marry could, of course, be a little bit wrong for us. We don’t expect bliss every day. We know that perfection is not on the cards. Nevertheless, there are couples who display such deep-seated incompatibility, such heightened rage and disappointment, that we have to conclude that something else is at play beyond the normal scratchiness: they appear to have married the wrong person. How do such errors happen, in our enlightened, knowledge-rich times? Given that it is about the single costliest mistake any of us can make (it places rather large burdens on the state, employers and the next generation too), there would seem to be few issues more important than that of marrying intelligently. It’s all the more poignant that the reasons why people make the wrong choices are rather easy to lay out and unsurprising in their structure. One: We don’t understand ourselves © Agatha A. All of us are crazy in very particular ways. Two: We don’t understand other people - how are they mad

On Being Romantic or Classical We are – each one of us – probably more one than the other. The categories explain a lot about us; how we approach nature, what makes us laugh, our attitudes to love, what our politics are… We may not be used to conceiving ourselves in these terms, but the labels Romantic and Classical usefully bring into focus some of the central themes of our personalities and help us to gain a clearer hold on the underlying structure of our enthusiasms and concerns. What follows are a few of the central contrasting characteristics of Romantic and Classical personalities: 1. Intuition vs. Romantics relish things that seem slightly to defy rational explanations. In particular, they think one shouldn’t always attempt to take apart emotions as they relate to love, to the more spiritual varieties of experiences and to art and literature. Classicists, on the other hand, are wary of intuition. 2. Romantics have often been wary of teaching and instruction. 3. 4. 5. Romantics don’t believe in how things are.

Bezglutenska prehrana – trend ili potreba? – Alternativa Informacije Mnogo je ljudi koji danas u glutenu vide uzrok brojnih zdravstvenih problema. O tome koliko je taj trend raširen govori i činjenica da postoji epizoda South Parka na tu temu, znakovita naziva Gluten-free ebola! Osobno mi je ova pojava vrlo zanimljiva jer kada sam se prije desetak godina počela baviti edukacijom o zdravoj prehrani, gotovo nitko nije znao za gluten. Danas mi se pak događa da me i mala djeca, kada poslužim hranu, pitaju: „Teta, a je l’ u tome ima glutena? Cijela halabuka oko glutena postala je pomalo iritantna. Što je zapravo gluten? Gluten je protein koji sadrže žitarice pšenica, raž i ječam. Prehrana s visokim udjelom nefermentiranih žitarica, pogotovo pšenice, opterećuje cijeli probavni sustav. Kako žitarice učiniti probavljivijima? U različitim kulturama diljem svijeta žitarice su ostavljane da se namaču, klijaju ili fermentiraju prije pripremanja kaša, kruha, pogača i variva. Namakanje i fermentiranje Jesu li svi proizvodi s oznakom ‘bez glutena’ zdravi? – Dunja Gulin

Važno: Otkiseljavanje – alkaliziranje organizma – Alternativa Informacije Sve se više istražuje utjecaj lužnate i kisele hrane na pravilan rad organizma. U današnje vrijeme konzumiramo previše hrane koja kiseli organizam, to je zapravo pravi uzrok obolijevanja od raznih vrsta bolesti. Kako biste sačuvali svoje zdravlje svakako će Vam pomoći da jedete što više lužnate hrane. Namjernice koje bi trebali izbjegavati jer kisele organizam. Crni čaj, zeleni čaj, kava (sve vrste u svim oblicima), alkohol, duhan, hladni napitci, gazirani sokovi, industriski voćni sokovi (osim ako nisu 100% iz voća). Namjernice koje alkaliziraju organizam. Izrazito lužnate celer, datulje, smokve, biljni čajevi, agar-agar, dinja, lubenica, kajenska paprika, limun, limeta, mango, korijen kuzua, papaja, peršin, alge, grožđe bez koštica, potočarka Neutralne Vrhnje, kravlje mlijeko, običan jogurt, surutka, nesoljeni maslac. Savjeti za uravnoteženu prehranu Uzimati male obroke do šest puta dnevno svaka dva do tri sata. Dobro žvakati hranu i piti male gutljaje toplije vode među zalogajima.

autorica zdravih kuharica: Je li bezglutenska prehrana potreba ili trend? — blogovi stručnjaka — Mnogo je ljudi koji danas u glutenu vide uzrok brojnih zdravstvenih problema. O tome koliko je taj trend raširen govori i činjenica da postoji epizoda South Parka na tu temu, znakovita naziva Gluten-free ebola! Osobno mi je ova pojava vrlo zanimljiva jer kada sam se prije desetak godina počela baviti edukacijom o zdravoj prehrani, gotovo nitko nije znao za gluten. Danas mi se pak događa da me i mala djeca, kada poslužim hranu, pitaju: „Teta, a je l' u tome ima glutena? Cijela halabuka oko glutena postala je pomalo iritantna. Što je zapravo gluten? Gluten je protein koji sadrže žitarice pšenica, raž i ječam. Prehrana s visokim udjelom nefermentiranih žitarica, pogotovo pšenice, opterećuje cijeli probavni sustav. Kako žitarice učiniti probavljivijima? U različitim kulturama diljem svijeta žitarice su ostavljane da se namaču, klijaju ili fermentiraju prije pripremanja kaša, kruha, pogača i variva. Namakanje i fermentiranje Jesu li svi proizvodi s oznakom 'bez glutena' zdravi? Dunja Gulin

Kolika doza kofeina (ni)je štetna za zdravlje Jednokratna doza kofeina od 200 mg (oko 3 mg/kg tjelesne mase) konzumirana iz svih izvora ne predstavlja rizik po zdravlje ne samo zdravih odraslih osoba već i djece i adolescenata. Ta količina kofeina ne predstavlja rizik ni kada se konzumira manje od dva sata prije intenzivne tjelovježbe u normalnim okolišnim uvjetima. Informaciju o (ne)štetnosti kofeina na svojoj internetskoj stranici objavila je Hrvatska agencija za hranu pozivajući se na ocjenu Znanstvenog odbora za dijetetske proizvode, prehranu i alergije (NDA) Europske agencije za hranu (EFSA) koja je ispitivanje utjecaja kofeina na zdravlje provela na zahtjev Europske komisije. Ovo je prva procjena rizika od kofeina iz svih prehrambenih izvora na razini EU. U Znanstvenom mišljenju o sigurnosti kofeina koje potpisuje NDA procijenjen je akutni i dnevni unos kofeina koji ne predstavlja rizik za opću zdravu populaciju. Glavni izvor kofeina u prehrani odraslih je kava.

Zdrava Krava
