shelfari Ideas Illustrated » Blog Archive » Visualizing English Word Origins I have been reading a book on the development of the English language recently and I’ve become fascinated with the idea of word etymology — the study of words and their origins. It’s no secret that English is a great borrower of foreign words but I’m not enough of an expert to really understand what that means for my day-to-day use of the language. Simply reading about word history didn’t help me, so I decided that I really needed to see some examples. Using Douglas Harper’s online dictionary of etymology, I paired up words from various passages I found online with entries in the dictionary. For each word, I pulled out the first listed language of origin and then re-constructed the text with some additional HTML infrastructure. The HTML would allow me to associate each word (or word fragment) with a color, title, and hyperlink to a definition. The results look like this: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. A second example shows more variety: Passage #1: American Literature
Créer des infographies et des présentations animées avec Easy Web Content Presenter Il existe sur le marché un certain nombre d’outils permettant de créer des présentations, ou des infographies. Easy Web Content Presenter fait partie de ces derniers, avec quelques subtilités intéressantes. Easy Web Content s’est tout d’abord fait connaître grâce à son Site Builder, soit grâce à son outil de création de sites. Relativement proche de Dreamweaver dans sa logique de conception, ce dernier permet à n’importe quel internaute de « dessiner » facilement un site par l’intermédiaire de son navigateur, sans avoir besoin de pondre une seule ligne de code. La société a ensuite remis le couvert avec une autre solution, se présentant cette fois sous la forme d’un éditeur HTML. Presenter est le dernier module de la suite et il se concentre pour sa part sur la création d’éléments visuels. Tout commence par l’habituelle inscription. Il suffira d’un clic sur le bouton vert pour lancer la création d’un nouveau document. Presenter nous demandera ensuite de choisir un modèle.
The Ultimate YA Bookshelf YALSA's Ultimate Teen Bookshelf (PDF) highlights must-have teen materials for libraries. The Ultimate Teen Bookshelf, with titles listed on this webpage and as a PDF download, was developed in conjunction with the United We Serve initiative. The list includes 50 books, five magazines and five audio books. Subscribers to the YALSA-BK electronic discussion list suggested titles for the Ultimate Teen Bookshelf, which were vetted by Pam Spencer Holley, former YALSA president and author of Quick and Popular Reads for Teens (ALA Editions, 2009), and Judy Sasges, district manager for Sno-Isle Libraries in Marysville, Wash., a 2002 Printz Award committee member and a 2010 YALSA Nonfiction Award committee member. Librarians can use this collection to ensure they have quality materials to attract teens; parents and teens can use it to find interesting books and materials to keep reading skills sharp between school years. Download the full list (PDF)! Books Magazines Audiobooks
Representing gender in children's reading materials would a boy have been shown with flowers in the 1970s? Are girls and boys portrayed differently in children’s reading materials today than in the past? During the 1970s and 80s, studies of children’s reading materials found that males not only featured more than females but also they tended to take the lead roles and were more active than their female counterparts, who were often restricted to traditional stereotyped roles. Many of these earlier studies of gender in children’s reading material analysed the texts based on their content, which meant that researchers made their own judgements about what was sexist and what was not. Now, however, advances in computer and electronic technology mean that ‘corpus linguistics’ can be used to analyse texts more systematically. Macalister based his study on New Zealand’s School Journal, a multi-authored journal of prose, drama and poetry, published and distributed to New Zealand school children every year.
Colorhexa un outil en ligne pour mettre de la couleur dans vos créations ! - service-web Découvrez aujourd'hui sur le BlogDuWebdesign une petite présentation d'un outil qui pourra vous aider à choisir vos couleurs avec Ce service en ligne est très simple et complet pour connaître les informations liées à une couleur. L'utilisation passe par un champ de recherche où vous pourrez indiquer votre couleur en Hexadécimal, RGB, ou bien d'autres formats. - Informations sur la couleur - Conversion de couleurs - Schémas de couleurs - Alternatives - Preview - Nuances et teintes - Tonalités - Color Blindness Simulator Durant la création de maquettes ou de visuels il arrive souvent d'hésiter sur le choix d'une couleur ou d'une gamme de couleurs pour être en harmonie et en équilibre, ce type d'outil est toujours très utile pour vous aider à faire les bons choix. Un outil intéressant à découvrir si vous recherchez à améliorer vos créations avec l'utilisation de couleurs précises selon les teintes et schémas possibles.
The United States of YA A while back, I posted in the forums asking for people to help me find a YA book for every single state in the US. A lot of you helped me out, and so did this list when I needed to fill in the gaps. I didn’t tell you what I was using the info for, but now I’m finally able to reveal my true intentions. A MAP! Yes, that’s right. NEW! How many states have you read?
#Tweet #Tweet Founded in 2006, Twitter is the online social networking service that allows its users to communicate via text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as ‘tweets’. Communication in Twitter is fast-paced and it can be difficult to keep track of the talk that emerges, so a convention has arisen among Twitter users whereby a hashtag (#) can be used as a prefix to make the term searchable and then others can search for tweets that have that same topic. So, for instance, a search of #LFW this week in Twitter should produce a list of tweets relating to London Fashion Week. Anyone can start off a term with a hashtag and if it catches on and is used with sufficient frequency it can become what is known as a ‘trending topic’. To get an item into the list of trending topics is, according to researcher Ruth Page, a ‘signal of status and influence’. Overall, Page found that corporations and celebrities most frequently use hashtags.
7 bonnes résolutions pour votre blog Wordpress 2014 est déjà entamée, mais il n’est pas trop tard pour prendre quelques bonnes résolutions. Une fois n’est pas coutume, nous insisterons sur la fiabilité et la bonne santé de votre blog WordPress. Car aucun plan marketing ne tiendra la route sur un site bogué, qui met des plombes à se charger… Nous vous proposons donc 7 bonnes résolutions accompagnées chacune de leurs plugins qui valent le détour, et qui font même le café (ou presque). 1. WordPress est un CMS qui évolue et s’améliore constamment. 2. Comme pour votre disque dur, il faut faire un backup de votre blog WordPress. 3. En 2014 comme l’an dernier, les sites web seront les cibles privilégiées des hackers. Mais comment ne pas s’y perdre ? 4. C’est un défaut connu avec WordPress : la multiplication des plugins peut alourdir considérablement le code et ralentir votre site. Il existe de nombreux plugins qui se chargent d’optimiser votre code de votre blog WordPress, avec plus ou moins de succès. 5. 6. 7.
What's Next (in a series) Our What's Next®: Books in Series database helps you search series fiction. A series is two or more books linked by character(s), settings, or other common traits. e.g. Search for a Book The What's Next®: Books in Series database was developed and is maintained by the Kent District Library. We're looking for stories and feedback related to your experience with our What's Next® database. Kent District Library welcomes other libraries to link to this database.