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The Myth of the Bell Curve

The Myth of the Bell Curve

Management : comment gagner en autorité sans pouvoir hiérarchique ? Si la levée des barrières hiérarchiques verticales permet de mieux exploiter l’intelligence collective de l’entreprise, les modèles transversaux impliquent une dualité entre la hiérarchie opérationnelle et fonctionnelle, ainsi qu’au sein de chaque équipe. Une organisation matricielle s’appuie sur la mise en avant des compétences métier de chaque individu, qui dispose d’un pouvoir de parole - et même de décision – susceptible de décrédibiliser l’autorité d'un chef de projet. Un statut qui ne confère d’ailleurs pas d’autorité fonctionnelle, mais seulement opérationnelle, alors qu'aux yeux des subordonnées, seule l'autorité fonctionnelle (celle du responsable permanent) constitue une référence. Pour éviter ce genre de situation, il convient de savoir appliquer les bonnes méthodes de travail, d’actionner les bons leviers et surtout de bien savoir communiquer pour asseoir son autorité et la conserver, malgré l’absence de pouvoir hiérarchique fonctionnel avéré.

Amiga Forever - Amiga Emulation, Games, History and Support Since 1997 The #1 Feature of a Meaningless Job Lean Management Vs Modern Management April 6, 2014 In the fall of 2009, at the time I started digging deeper into Enterprise 2.0 and the management principles this organization approach implied, I set up a list of 10 management principles and how it differentiates with management as we know it. About 12 months later in November 2010, Jim Womack, co-author of The Machine that Changed the World or System Lean, wrote a piece called Lean Management Vs Modern Management where the author applies a similar approach and compare 10 key Lean Management principles with the corresponding approach in Modern Management. This article has been written for Gemba Walks, an awesome collection of short essays #hypertextual will soon sing the praise for in a dedicated blog post. While my original blog post may look a bit shallow and messy in retrospect, this piece spawned from the wisdom and lucidity of a master with 30 years of Gemba Walks is deeply inspiring. So here they are : Like this: Like Loading...

Main page Introduction: The video game history started in a strange and complicated way and it is important to avoid confusions with what happened in the 1950s and 1960s. The real video game history started with Ralph Baer as early as 1951. One very important thing to remember is how the video game has been defined in the 1960s before modern tehnologies allowed video games to be played on computers. A video game is defined as an apparatus that displays games using RASTER VIDEO equipment: a television set, a monitor, etc. The video game history is often misunderstood, so we will explain what happened in the 1950s first, and then go through the real video game history which began in 1966. As early as 1951, a young 29-year old TV engineer named Ralph Baer worked at Loral, a TV company. In the USA, it started on May 1972 with the Magnavox Odyssey (first home video game) and Atari in November 1972 (their first PONG arcade game). In Europe, video games appeared in homes in 1974.

The Real Reason New College Grads Can’t Get Hired It’s because college kids today can’t do math, one line of reasoning goes. Or they don’t know science. Or they’re clueless about technology, aside from their myriad social-media profiles. These are all good theories, but the problem with the unemployability of these young adults goes way beyond a lack of STEM skills. As it turns out, they can’t even show up on time in a button-down shirt and organize a team project. The technical term for navigating a workplace effectively might be soft skills, but employers are facing some hard facts: the entry-level candidates who are on tap to join the ranks of full-time work are clueless about the fundamentals of office life. A survey by the Workforce Solutions Group at St. Another employer survey, this one by staffing company Adecco, turns up similar results. As much as academics go on about the lack of math and science skills, bosses are more concerned with organizational and interpersonal proficiency. And all internships are not created equal.

Adopter un « mode de Management Lean », et comment en tirer parti Réussir sa transformation Lean peut s’avérer difficile, en particulier lorsque par delà les outils, les comportements et les modes de management ne suivent pas la transformation physique ou la mise en place des outils. Dans un environnement Lean, pour pérenniser les résultats, certains comportements managériaux voire culturels doivent changer.Réussir sa transformation Lean et améliorer tous les indicateurs de l’entreprise de plusieurs dizaines de pourcent, peut s’avérer difficile, en particulier lorsque par delà les outils, les comportements et les modes de management ne suivent pas la transformation physique ou la mise en place des outils (5S, SMED, Hoshin/JAT, flux tirés, résolution de problèmes,…).En effet, dans un environnement Lean, pour pérenniser les résultats, certains comportements managériaux voire culturels doivent changer, en particulier ceux de la ligne superviseur/chef d’équipe, responsable d’atelier, directeur d’usine. 1. Alors… Quel genre de manager êtes vous ?

A Comparison of Two Variant Versions of Alice in Wonderland In 1865, Charles Dodgson published a book entitled Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. He used the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. The main character in the story was a real live girl named Alice Liddell. The story was originally an impromptu tale which Charles Dodgson invented for the entertainment of Alice and her two sisters. Alice enjoyed the story and asked Charles Dodgson to write it out for her. In 1851, Walt Disney released a movie entitled Alice in Wonderland. I see a distinct difference in the attitude of Alice in the two versions. Both versions begin in a similar fashion. In both versions, she is able to see cupboards and bookcases on the wall of the hole through which she is falling. As Alice falls, Carroll describes her thoughts in detail. In contrast, Disney's movie mentions only a few of her thoughts. When she lands, Carroll's Alice sees the White Rabbit racing through a long passage. All the doors are locked, but there is a table with a key on it. How doth the little busy bee

The Big Work Lie: “Out of Office” Management : la conduite du changement en 5 étapes clés Crédits photo : Étape n°1 : Anticiper les résistances « Il faut penser à la conduite du changement dès même la réflexion stratégique du projet. Étape n°2 : Anticiper les ressources et les charges Florence Géraud, manager chez ConvictionsRH « Former deux ou trois groupes d'utilisateurs, au sein de l'entreprise, c'est un strict minimum. Étape n°3 : Communiquer en interne « Aucune population de l'entreprise ne doit être oubliée. Étape n°4 : Adopter une méthodologie « La conduite du changement répond à différentes étapes à définir en amont : la phase de cadrage ; l'analyse des impacts ; la définition de la stratégie ; puis enfin la mise en place. Étape n°5 : Reconnaître et saluer l'adaptabilité « La dernière phase, une fois la transformation opérée, est d'évaluer les bonnes et mauvaises pratiques liées au changement.

Game Preservation SIG/White Paper/Before It's Too Late: A Digital Game Preservation White Paper - IgdaWiki International Game Developers Association 2008 White Paper answering the "Why should we preserve videogames?" for developers / studios, containing information on the "Why" as well as a little practical advice on "How" at the end. Final Information Title: Before It's Too Late: A Digital Game Preservation White Paper Lead and Editor: Henry Lowood Section Writers: Andrew Armstrong, Devin Monnens, Zach Vowell, Judd Ruggill, Ken McAllister, Rachel Donahue Additional Editor: Jon-Paul Dyson Proofreaders: Stuart Feldhamer, Jo Barwick Downloads: DOC, ODT, PDF, Lulu Copies, Front Cover Released: March 2009 Introduction: The Game Preservation Special Interest Group was founded in 2004, only five years ago. All of these developments are fine and good. We wish to be very clear about one point, so at the risk of repetition, allow us to say it again in other words: if we fail to address the problems of game preservation, the games you are making will disappear, perhaps within a few decades. Contributors Sections

How To Remove Gender Bias From the Hiring Process Are you aware of your own gender bias when you're hiring? A recent study, published by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, finds that managers of both sexes are twice as likely to hire a man as a woman. The study, conducted by business-school professors from Columbia University, Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago, asked male and female managers to recruit people to handle simple mathematical tasks. The male candidates boasted about their abilities, while women downplayed their talents, but the managers didn't compensate for the difference when making hiring decisions. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, the CEO of gender consulting firm 20-first and author of How Women Mean Business, writes in the Harvard Business Review that the study is a typical example of the corporate hiring process. Below, read Wittenberg-Cox's three tips to help yourself and your company get over bias against women when making hiring decisions. Make gender bias a business issue.

Autopsie d’un torchon | Desperate RH - Un RH en résistance Ah j’en ai lu des articles débiles sur le management, sous tous les angles, toutes les facettes, les plus farfelus et les plus inintéressants, bourrés d’idées loufoques ou au contraire de lieux commun d’une banalité à faire peur. Mais là je crois que j’ai décroché la palme. Je veux parler d’un article paru dans le journal du Net hier et que je me propose d’autopsier. Article disponible ici Déjà le titre : Managers, soyez fermes : ça paie Titre provocateur, je me dis que l’article va prendre le contre-pied, je caresse mes poils qui commençaient à se hérisser et je commence. Hélas, dès la première ligne, je sais que l’article ne va pas me plaire: Un navire sans un capitaine qui tient fermement la barre a de grandes chances de finir par côtoyer les fonds marins. Allez, c’est parti pour la métaphore du capitaine de navire ! Et double agacement, l’auteur renchérit pour bien finir de m’énerver… Exit la gestion de type Bisounours. L’introduction se termine sur : Pourtant, cette dureté paie. On rêve!
