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Pros & Cons of Using Blog Posts for School Announcements On Tuesday I assessed the pros and cons of using social media for school announcements. The next day I did the same for text messaging. Yesterday, I broke-down the pros and cons of emailing school announcements. To wrap-up the series let's take a look at the pros and cons of using blog posts for school announcements. Blog platforms: If you are only using your blog to post announcements about your school or classroom, you have plenty of options for a blogging service. Pros of using blog posts as school announcements: It is easy to have multiple people maintain the blog.

How to Create a Web Series: 7 Tips for Creating A Successful WebSeries Web series are no different when it comes to video marketing. You basically have to follow the same rules as outlined in the YouTube Creator Playbook as they're for the most part good guidelines to follow for any online video project. But web series might take a little more time to plan out, since what you're trying to do is to tell a long-form story in short bursts., yes, the official blog of Tom Cruise, just laid out an excellent series of steps to follow when creating a web series (Thanks to our friend Gregory Markel from Infuse Creative for pointing this article out to us). 7 Guidelines for Creating a Web Series Web series are the equivalent of self-published novels for many aspiring video creators. 1. The first point that I'd like to talk about from the Tom Cruise blog post is starting with a story. Here's the Season 4 opener: It clearly outlines the stakes at the very beginning. 2. 3. Still, a successful one requires dedication. [Video removed from YouTube] 4. 5. 6.

LES PROJETSAnaxago | Investir dans une start-up Afin de vous aider à comprendre les risques liés à l’investissement dans les projets présentés sur ANAXAGO, merci de lire le résumé des risques ci-dessous. Une des règles d’or de l’investissement étant d’investir en connaissance de cause et en diversifiant. L’importance de la diversification La diversification implique de répartir vos investissements sur différents types de produits ayants des niveaux de risques différents afin de réduire le risque global sur l’ensemble de votre épargne. Cependant cette stratégie ne réduira pas complètement tout type de risque. La diversification est une des règles d’or de l’investissement. Un investisseur raisonné ne devrait investir qu’une proportion de son épargne sur ANAXAGO et équilibrer cette stratégie avec des investissements moins risqués et plus liquides. Risque de liquidité La liquidité est la facilité de revendre des actions après les avoir acheté. • learning • ingenuity • research • policy • design • technology • delight • (+ sailing!) KissKissBankBank — Libérez la Créativité ! Pros and Cons of Using Social Media for School Announcements When used correctly social media can be a fantastic aid in spreading the good word about your school. As I wrote in my post about socializing school events with social media, social media can be very helpful in building a positive feeling of community around your school too. On the other hand, social media isn't always the best way to share news about your school. The social media networks you might use: In an effort to be concise this post will deal only with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram. Pros of using social media for school announcements: The likelihood of students checking their favorite social networks frequently is much higher than that of them checking email frequently. Tomorrow, I'll have a post about the pros and cons of using text message services to share school announcements.

How to make a webseries: A 'Zombie Basement' case study Just before Halloween, when the world is at its peak saturation of all things ghastly and ghostly, a 77-second teaser for a zombie-themed webseries dropped on YouTube. It packs a punch of high production values and a slate of recognizable names, but it was missing a key element: a release date. That’s because the fate of Zombie Basement is still undetermined. The shifting attention of Hollywood to the digital space has inspired many to enter the Web world for creative endeavors, with more and more critical attention being placed on Web over traditional media. The story of Zombie Basement begins with writer David Schneiderman, who started feeling creatively lethargic while working on Level Up on Cartoon Network. “A couple years into it, you start feeling very hamstrung by the network and by the rules and regulations of what you can do,” explained Schneiderman. Nolan worked with Dannelly editing 2012’s Struck by Lightning, the indie screenwriting debut of Glee’s Chris Colfer.

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