The ABC of Architects [VIDEO] What do you get when you take 26 of the most important architects and mix it with animation? The quirky ABC of Architects animated video by Federico Gonzalez and Andrea Stinga, of course. The video is an alphabetical list of notable architects with their most well-known building. They tried to feature a range of nationalities in the lot, but they had to leave a lot of great architects out since the list had to be narrowed to the number of letters in the alphabet. Concept and Animation: Federico Gonzalez and Andrea StingaArt Direction: Federico GonzalezMusic: The Butterfly by Eugene C.
OER Commons Syndicat des Producteurs de Bois de la Côte-du-Sud Inspiring and Innovative Response to Urban Rooftop Mandela Park, by Karres en Brands Landscape, Almere, The Netherlands. Almere in The Netherlands is the perfect example of a low-density city constructed from zero. Architects had a great opportunity here to demonstrate to the world how innovative and contemporary design works. Mandela Park, which opened in 2011, was designed by Karres en Brands Landscape and planned by OMA as part of the master plan for the next stage in the development of Almere. This plan focuses on the location of future business areas. Mandela Park Overview. Designing the Urban Rooftop As you can imagine, creating a new business center means ensuring easy availability and providing for new parking needs in the area. Section through car park. Human and Urban Scale Work Together The freed rectangular space of Mandela Park contrasts with the 120-meter-tall office towers in front of it. Mandela Park Overview. Mandela Park. Masterplan of park broken into distinct sections. Related Articles: The Giant Patchwork More Posts
Institute of Design | K-12 Lab The’s K-12 Lab team is abuzz with learnings from the recent DT2Schools Workshop. The workshop brought together teachers and administrators from 8 different schools, including two teachers from the Lab’s international partner Riverside School who came all the way from India. In addition to schools, representatives from Teach for America’s curriculum design team also attended. Teachers were immersed in design thinking with two cycles through our design process. Other big learnings for the Lab came from their “Low-Res, High Impact” point of view which led them to tailor the workshop activities so that everything presented in the workshop was at a scale that could be replicated in a public school classroom. To learn more about the K-12 Lab and what they’ve learned in two years of prototypes in classrooms and informal learning programs, check out their newly launched website.
Charte Pour encadrer son action éco-forestière dans les forêts privées de ses membres et pour expliquer sa philosophie d’aménagement responsable, La Coop de l’arbre a créé sa charte écoforestière. Vous en trouverez les points principaux à la page suivante (à confirmer). Vous pouvez aussi vous procurer la charte intégrale en communicant à : Cette charte écoforestière définit les principes fondamentaux de l’aménagement écoforestier pratiqué par la Coopérative de l’Arbre. L’écoforesterie est un aménagement écosystémique qui priorise la forêt pour elle-même et qui cherche à optimiser la valeur de l’arbre et de la forêt. Cette charte est inspirée du Canadian Ecoforestry InstituteAssociation, des normes de certification d’aménagement forestier durable (AFD) Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) et des modalités d’intervention dans le milieu forestier (RNI).
GREEN BUILDING 101: The Conclusion As summer comes to a close, so does our weekly series on green building. Hopefully we have expanded your knowledge of applying sustainable concepts in your own home, whether it’s a studio rental in the city or a straw-bale abode in the country. Loosely based on USGBC‘s pilot program LEED for Homes, the series has covered subjects ranging from community planning and transportation, to light bulbs and leaky faucets. If you’re arriving for the first time, or you want to review the series, here are the installments in order of appearance… Location & Community >Sustainable Sites >Water Efficiency >Materials & Resources >Indoor Air Quality >Energy & Atmosphere >Environmentally Friendly Lighting >Eco-Power >Appliances, Electronics & Energy Use >Design Innovation > You can also find the complete series any time by clicking the GB101 graphic on our frontpage: Thanks to all of the readers, commenters, and participants who contributed in making this series a community discussion. + GB101 Series
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