The 100 best free fonts | Design
The best free fonts offer plenty of options for your designs without costing anything. Whether you're looking for a classy serif, a clean sans-serif, vintage fonts or something completely different, there's no shortage of choice. In fact there, are so many free fonts out there that it can be hard to know where to start looking. To make it easier for you to find what you're looking for, we've gathered together the best free fonts that we've found in our regular searches of the web. One good resource for fonts, including free fonts, is MyFonts. The best free fonts Serif fonts 01. Kicking off our top picks of the best free fonts is this stunning serif by Craft Supply Co. 02. Carena is a beautiful minimalistic typeface perfect for that rustic yet elevated look. 03. Harmony is available for download from Behance. 04. This is a great offering from Pangram and Pangram. Daily design news, reviews, how-tos and more, as picked by the editors. 05. 06. 07. Looking to design your own book cover? 08.
7 Tips To Help You Focus In Age of Distraction: Are You Content Fried!
Mindmap by Jane Genovese This morning I learned a new word for information overload – “content fried” from a colleague at the Packard Foundation. It resonated. We have so much content in our professional lives. I’m talking about the stuff we consume daily to keep inform of our professional field. Then there’s the whole other world of organizational content that you need to consume or create to get stuff done! For those of us who work on social media and networks, “content fried” is an occupational hazard. I’m finding that my learning and online work is a fast forward, swimming in the stream experience. Howard Rheingold calls this process managing your attention or “Infoattention” and it is what he has been teaching in his courses. I decided to spend a little bit time reflecting on the diagram and pull out some tips for re-learning focus: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) What are your tips to help you focus in an age of distraction?
Creating a Content Curation System and Increasing Social Media Productivity
One of the most common questions we hear from prospects and clients is: How can you be effective with social media marketing while preventing it from being a major time sink? To be honest, this is a daily challenge even for us. The fact of the matter is social media marketing is very labor intensive and difficult to scale. Between upfront strategic planning, creating unique content that genuinely helps and engages people, and constantly monitoring customer feedback, time management quickly becomes a struggle. Creating a Content Curation System and Increasing Social Media Productivity Having simultaneously managed social media for Strategexe and multiple clients, I’ve been pushed to find the most efficient ways to stay on top of social media. Below is a description of how I find and organize content for social media updates, which you can easily use for your business! Setting Up a Content Curation System Finding Authoritative Sources Always measure the audience. Wrapping Things Up
Review of Interactive Storytelling at the New York Times
Interactive storytelling takes traditional elements of journalism — words, pictures, data, videos, etc. — and uses web technologies to blend them into an immersive and unique online experience, often allowing the audience to interact with the content. The best way to get a grasp on this type of content is by playing around with it yourself! I recommend checking out 2014: The Year in Interactive Storytelling, Graphics and Multimedia and 2013: The Year in Interactive Storytelling, Graphics and Multimedia. The New York Times is in the business of telling stories. Perhaps a decade or two ago, it made sense to sit down with a copy of the Times at 7 A.M. and leisurely read from cover to cover. To address the evolving habits of this digital news-reading audience (all 176 million of them), the New York Times must figure out how to do what it has always done best — tell stories — on a digital platform. Understandably, what works in print is not what necessarily works best online. Background Results
Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why
The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. When it comes to the Internet, I imagine it as the warehouse where the Ark is archived at the end of Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Ark is that outstanding content someone has produced and that no other will be able to see again, because it is forgotten and hidden between gazillions of other contents. Apart from the gigantic volume of pages present in the Internet, for a long time, search spam has been making the discovery of reliable sources difficult; and – let's be honest – Social Media has enhanced this issue, because it added even more noise and dispersion. To tell the truth, this problem is not new. What is Content Curation? Since the beginning of time, human beings have collected the best humanity has produced in art, literature, science; we invented the museums, the libraries, the Encyclopedia and have written essays and done research.
10 tools per realizzare storytelling digitali, senza programmatori | Giornalista Digitale
Tutti noi ci siamo innamorati di Snow Fall. Da quando il New York Times nel 2012 mostrò al mondo l’esatta declinazione del giornalismo con gli strumenti digitali, la parola storytelling è entrata a far parte del vocabolario di ogni giornalista. Quel progetto contribuì a convincere gli editori che l’innovazione è un lavoro di squadra tra redattori, grafici, programmatori e analisti di dati. Con il passare degli anni sono stati sviluppati programmi online che permettono a chiunque di poterne realizzare uno. 1) Story Builder Questo programma permette di creare un racconto multimediale con foto, video, testi, infografiche. 2) Sway Con Sway è possibile inserire qualsiasi materiale nello storytelling. 3) è basato sul drag and drop. 4) Storyform Storyform funziona un po’ come WordPress. 5) Odissey È uno sviluppo di CartoDB e permette di creare storytelling basati sulle mappe. 6) Storyline Funziona sui dispositivi mobile. 7) Blind Spot 8) Adobe Voice 9) Racontr 10) Zeega P.S. Mi piace:
Digital Publishing: Curation vs Collection vs Experience
Content curation can be a powerful way to serve those in your market, and establish a unique brand position that differentiates you from your competitors. Today, I want to explore that challenges of curation, and compare how it differs from merely ‘collecting.’ (Note: by curation, I mean to care for, and carefully select which content is shared, with the idea that removing something can sometimes make a collection even stronger.) Curation has been a big buzz word in online publishing for a long time now. While the word implies many great things: selecting only the greatest content for your audience – it can be a challenge for media companies to do this. With unlimited server space and free distribution, the temptation can be too great to share AS MUCH content as possible, with the theory that they are better serving the many sub-niches of their market. This can be easy to justify. This reminds me of a behavior pattern I have seen before: collections that people have as hobbies.