13 Tips for Recording Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod It’s easier than ever to capture activity on your iOS device screen and turn it into a movie. It’s just a matter of mirroring your your device onto your laptop with any number of apps then firing up a tool like Camtasia to record what’s happening on your screen. But there are still a few quirky things you may encounter along the way. Prepare your iOS device 1. When you plug your device into your Mac and launch a mobile recording app (e.g., TechSmith AppShow, Camtasia for Mac, or QuickTime), the status bar changes. 2. If the iOS home screen will appear in your video, consider changing your wallpaper and creating a new page with just one icon. To change your wallpaper back to an Apple default: tap Settings > Wallpaper > Choose a New Wallpaper and you’ll see options for Dynamic or Stills. To make a new page on your home screen, long-press the icon of an app you’ll be showing in your video, then drag it to the right edge and a new page will appear. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prepare your desktop computer
Relooking : céruser un meuble basique La céruse, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Commençons par un petit rappel : la céruse est une technique décorative destinée à faire ressortir les veines du bois en les blanchissant et les vieillisants. Elle consiste à creuser les veines les plus tendres et les garnir d'une pâte blanche (la céruse) qui par contraste les souligne. Deux solutions s'offrent à vous. La première, céruser le bois tel quel. Bien choisir son meuble Mélaminé, stratifié, neuf ou ancien... La préférence de la bloggeuse Louloupi va vers les meubles en bois massifs. " Plus faciles à travailler, ils vieillissent mieux et sont souvent de meilleure qualité, et pas forcément plus chers que leurs équivalents premier prix >> Lire aussi : Peindre soi-même : les 10 pièges à éviter Liste des courses pour céruser Le conseil de Louloupi : Pour vous simplifier la vie, choisissez des peintures et vernis acryliques : ils sont rapides à sécher et surtout lessivables à l'eau. La céruse, mode d'emploi Phase 1. Phase 2. Phase 3. Phase 4.
Liste de sites de photos gratuites pour vos modules e-learning | Les essentiels du e-learning Réseaux Articulate : Articulate Réseaux Articulate : Liste de sites de photos gratuites pour vos modules e-learning Liste de sites de photos gratuites pour vos modules e-learning Publié par Allison LaMotte le 20 mai 2015 dans Graphisme 5 commentaires Vous recherchez des images à utiliser dans vos projets e-learning mais vous n’avez pas de budget photo ? Voici une liste de sites recommandés par les membres de la communauté E-Learning Heroes. Vous connaissez d’autres sites de photos gratuites ? Balises :e-learning, graphisme, images, photos gratuites Partager cet article A propos Allison LaMotte Community Manager International chez Articulate et experte e-learning passionnée possédant des années d’expérience dans la création de modules e-learning efficaces. Articles sur le même thème 5 commentaires Sana ll y a 8 mois Répondre Merci pour cette liste de sites Auteur Allison LaMotte ll y a 8 mois Répondre De rien Sana ! Laisser un commentaire Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas publiée. Accueil
Zoom sur les capsules vidéo Les capsules vidéo s’imposent actuellement comme un véritable phénomène de mode, notamment dans le domaine éducatif. D’une part, l’évolution des pratiques pédagogiques en font un support d’apprentissage idéal. D’autre part, aujourd’hui, de nombreux outils et services permettent la réalisation rapide et la mise en ligne facile de courtes vidéos originales. Capsule, vous avez dit capsule ? Il s’agit d’une séquence vidéo, généralement courte et scénarisée, permettant de développer une idée, une notion ou un thème. Initialement utilisée dans le monde de l’entreprise comme support de présentations dynamiques réalisées à peu de frais, la capsule vidéo fait aujourd’hui son entrée dans les apprentissages. Qu’elle soit réalisée en une seule prise ou qu’elle soit le fruit d’un montage plus long, la capsule vidéo revêt des formes variées. Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive et il est toujours possible de combiner ces différents types de capsules pour personnaliser sa production. Capsule...pédagogique !
Déclenchez-moi : un jeu pour découvrir les réglages en photo Après Cadrez-moi, un jeu pédagogique qui portait sur l'esthétique en photo, j'ai conçu Déclenchez-moi : Déclenchez-moi est un jeu pédagogique pour découvrir les réglages essentiels en photographie. Une notion de photographie vous est présentée ainsi que les réglages qui y sont associés. Le développement de Déclenchez-moi a été assuré par deux étudiants dans le cadre d'un projet à l'UTC : Fateh Bougouffa et Carlos de Souza.
As Featured on Capterra: 5 Best Practices for Creating eLearning Videos *We have partnered up with Capterra to share 5 best practices for creating eLearning videos. You can view the full guest post on their blog here. The majority of eLearning courses include some sort of online training video, whether it is an instructor lecturing into the camera or a PowerPoint presentation with a voice-over recording. There are many different ways to create an eLearning video, but all have the same purpose: to effectively teach your students. We’ve rounded up 5 best practices for creating your own eLearning videos. Take a look. Hire the experts (or become one). What types of best practices do you follow for your eLearning videos? *Check out how we partnered with Capterra to share these great tips and see our full guest post here.
12 eLearning Audio and Video Tools When creating an online course, you often need to capture a live video, audio, or screen recording. We’ve narrowed it down to 12 great eLearning audio and video tools to help you get started easily. iMovie iMovie allows you to turn your home video into your favorite film with just a few clicks. Fine-tune every cut and transition, edit color and audio, and fix shaky video. iMovie gives you the controls you need to easily smooth out the rough parts. Chirbit Chirbit is a useful and fun tool that enables you to record, upload, and share your voice or audio files easily.
Preparing for Custom eLearning Photo Shoots - The eLearning Network eLearning Photo Shoots and Video Shoots Incorporating your own custom photography and video into eLearning courses is made easy with the advent of high quality digital cameras and low cost gear including lighting, green screen backdrops, etc. However, achieving commercial grade high quality results requires planning and specific technical know-how. The image above is an example of 8 models who are part of the eLearning Network Modeling Agency who were photographed separately in front of green screens over a period of weeks and then combined in a single photo as if a group shot was taken. This article presents some high level recommendations to help you capture images at or above this level of quality. Standard eLearning Photography Gear: Digital Camera: Use a high quality “pro-sumer” (between consumer and professional) digital camera. Tips & Tricks for eLearning Photo Shoots: Have a bottle of wrinkle releaser on hand to smooth out the backdrop fabric.
Enhancing Video eLearning With Widgets Students all over the world are increasingly turning to the Internet for educational purposes, especially for second language learning. The use of widgets in the learning environment is beneficial to the student and enhances the video learning experience for language learning. TheTalkList augments many online and face-to-face language learning environments by connecting students with tutors for 1-to-1 video eLearning conversation practice sessions. One-on-one conversations are more engaging, because they can be tailored specifically for the needs of the student. When the students control the time and the topic, they become contextually engaged, making the language learning process more effective. While this dynamic environment increases the effectiveness of each session, both the student and the tutor need additional, accessible resources during the conversation to supplement traditional learning structures. What are widgets? Benefits There are distinct benefits that widgets offer.
Best Tools for eLearning Video Production Using video in eLearning allows for unlimited creativity with your training material. One of many advantages with this methodology is the ability to really jazz up your presentation with bells and whistles that will help engage your learner. Paying attention to fine details throughout the production will give you a good training on a video platform. We have some tips to help you at each phase of your video production. Pre-Production Tools Developing strong presentation material is an important aspect of pre-production. Adobe Story- software that will help generating scripts and plan your entire production.Final Draft- this handy software can be used on a desktop, or an app for mobile versions. Production Tips During the production stage, two aspects you want to watch closely are your light and sound. Before you start filming, record some silence on your set. Post-production Tools The post-production phase is one of the most fun parts of creating eLearning videos.
The Player's The Thing: What Is Interactive Video Learning? Mention the phrase "online video" or "interactive video learning" and you're likely to get mixed responses, puzzled looks, or both. Some equate online video with YouTube or Netflix. For the majority, online video is a digital TV -- a place to passively watch favorite shows (plus ads) or a company's latest marketing pitch. Live video streaming, or two-way digital video is expanding -- and occasionally working. However, although live streaming is interactive by nature, it has some serious scheduling and bandwidth limitations for eLearning. The question: How can we distinguish on-demand, interactive video learning from the entertainment, marketing, and advertising uses of video? The Quest for Interactivity Interactive video learning pre-dates the digital era. Internet-based video -- like all other web phenomena -- was a potential breakthrough for ad-centric interactivity. Passivity vs. Interactive Video Learning Several companies have begun addressing this need.
12 Budget-Friendly Video Editing Apps You Can Use For Social Video Social video has become a pivotal part of any content marketing plan. There is a multitude of platforms to host video content for your business: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Vine and Snapchat are all busy competing for video content creators. However, what many marketers find intimidating is the process of video editing—an essential part of getting the high-quality video content to represent your brand. The trouble is that video editing is a) hard, and b) expensive, right? 1. iMovie iMovie is Apple’s standard video editing app that comes already installed on your Apple device. iMovie makes it easy for you to browse and share HD video you shoot on your iOS device, allowing you to turn your favorite clips into professional-looking videos with transitions, music, text, and other visual effects. Download: iOS 2. Replay is a video editing app made for heavy Instagram users. Download: iOS 3. Download: Android, iOS 4. Introducing Hyperlapse from Instagram from Instagram on Vimeo. Download: iOS 5. 6.