How Home Depot Copied Apple to Build an Ingenious New Bucket | Wired Design
<img title="" alt="" src=" />An ergonomic handle and patent pending "pocket grip" on the underside sets Home Depot's new BigGripper bucket apart on the shelf, but more importantly, the design is a showpiece for a new approach to big box merchandising. Photo: Herbst Produkt <img title="" alt="" src=" />Brick-and-mortar retailers have learned a lesson from Apple and are following their vertically integrated approach by developing high-quality, and exclusive, products to remain competitive in the age of Amazon. Photo: Herbst Produkt <img title="" alt="" src=" />The clever container was developed in textbook fashion by Herbst Produkt, an award-winning firm with a client list that includes Clorox and Facebook. In 2000, Marcus retired and brought on Bob Nardelli as CEO.
Qu’est-ce que la blockchain ? – Blockchain France
Apprenez-en plus sur la blockchain et découvrez ses avantages, son fonctionnement et ses applications. Découvrez la technologie sous-jacente, l’architecture et le rôle des nœuds. Comprenez comment elle est utilisée pour les cryptomonnaies, les smart contracts et d’autres applications. Qu’est-ce que la blockchain ? Vous vous demandez ce qu’est la blockchain ? Définition de la blockchain Si vous vous interrogez sur ce qu’est la blockchain, la réponse est assez simple : c’est une technologie de stockage et de transmission d’informations, transparente, sécurisée et fonctionnant sans organe central de contrôle. Principe de fonctionnement de la blockchain Comment la blockchain fonctionne-t-elle ? Avantages de la blockchain Avantages de la blockchain: La blockchain est une technologie innovante qui offre plusieurs avantages, notamment la sécurité et la transparence. Comment fonctionne la blockchain ? Vous avez maintenant une idée plus claire de la blockchain et de ses principes de fonctionnement.
Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity - Part 1 - Sacred Geometry International
The concept of Panspermia underwent a noteworthy mutation through the work of Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winning discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA. After considering the difficulties inherent in achieving an interstellar transfer of organic matter through random processes alone, he was led to propose a startling and controversial idea—that the process of Panspermia was intelligently guided! He coined the term ‘Directed Panspermia’ to express the idea. With this important amplification Exobiology came full circle, arriving at a concept of Cosmic Evolution that has a precedent in the Hermetic wisdom of ancient Egypt, and has maintained an ongoing, but intermittent existence through a variety of sacred and arcane traditions since that time. It shows up in the sacred writings of ancient Vedic Hinduism. The Grail symbol first emerges in history in a series of remarkable writings that appear in France over a span of about half a century between the years 1180 and 1230 AD.
Virtuális fegyver, amellyel az egész internet megbénítható
2011. október 25., kedd, 07:00 Szerző: Ahhoz, hogy az egész világon leálljon az internetet, mindössze a világháló működésének fenntartásáért felelős... Ahhoz, hogy az egész világon leálljon az internetet, mindössze a világháló működésének fenntartásáért felelős, úgynevezett BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) protokollt kell jó helyeken és jó időben megbolondítani. A virtuális fegyver ettől kezdve már magától működik, mert az internetes forgalmat vezérlő útválasztók (routerek) ezen a protokollon keresztül tudatják a szomszédos csomópontokkal, merre kell továbbítani az adatcsomagokat. Egyes kutatók szerint az egész világra kiterjedő támadás előkészítése és megvalósítása valószerűtlen, azonban a BGP sebezhetősége már korábban is okozott gondokat, amikor 2008-ban egy meghibásodás miatt a YouTube-címeit irányították a pakisztáni Telekomhoz, tavaly pedig egy ideig a China Telecomon keresztül lehetett elérni a Dell, a CNN és az Amazon címeit.
An A to Z of Noah Webster's Finest Forgotten Words | Paul Anthony Jones
October 16 is World Dictionary Day, marking the birthday of the great American lexicographer Noah Webster. Born in Connecticut in 1758, Webster published his first dictionary, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, in 1806, but it was his two-volume American Dictionary of the English Language published in 1828 (when he was 70 years old) that earned him his place in history as the foremost lexicographer of American English. The statistics alone speak for themselves: Webster's American Dictionary took him 28 years to complete. In preparation he learned 26 languages, including Old English, Ancient Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit. Despite all of his efforts, Webster's dictionary sold just 2,500 copies on its publication and he was compelled to mortgage his home in New Haven to fund a second edition in 1840. AFTER-WISE (adj.) BABBLEMENT (n.) DAGGLE-TAIL (adj.) EAR-ERECTING (adj.) FOPDOODLE (n.) GASTRILOQUIST (n.) HUGGER-MUGGER (n.) ILLAQUEATION (n.) JACKPUDDING (n.) KISSING-CRUST (n.)
The Other Factor that Makes an Idea Spread - Julianne Wurm
by Julianne Wurm | 11:00 AM February 17, 2014 How do ideas spread? Previous research has focused on what happens to the sharers of an idea: what emotions they feel, what types of content inspire them to share (practical, funny, “sticky” and so on). And it is true that from memetics to mirror neurons to social contagion, it is likely that for any given idea, multiple factors are involved. And yet the role of content seems to get all of the focus. But over two years of research we’ve been conducting using TEDx as a case study, what has emerged is the importance of idea carriers. An important distinction: the carrier is the person who brings the idea into the common vernacular, although they may not actually be the one who discovered or researched the idea. Some well-known examples of carriers of ideas would include Daniel Goleman, who popularized the idea of emotional intelligence in 1995 although the concepts and research were actually conducted by John Mayer and Peter Salovey.
Blockchain Just Became Obsolete. The Future is Hashgraph
Swirlds is a software platform that has developed the hashgraph consensus algorithm: an entirely new distributed ledger technology that is much more cost-effective (no proof-of-work), 50,000 times the speed, safer (Byzantine), more efficient (no stale blocks) and mathematically fairer than the blockchain. This is the future of the internet and decentralized technology. What is Blockchain Technology? Considered the greatest technological innovation since the internet: Blockchain technology emerged in response to the collapse of several banking institutions in 2008 with the release of a whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto titled: “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” “…blockchain technology facilitates peer-to-peer transactions without any intermediary such as a bank or governing body …” – Don Tapscott Blockchain is simply a database that is public (no one owns it), distributed (no centralized server), is continuously updated, and is secured by the art of cryptography.
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