Rubrics for Teachers - Assessment Learn more about our Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree A collection of rubrics for assessing portfolios, group work/cooperative learning, concept map, research process/ report, PowerPoint, oral presentation, web page, blog, wiki, and other social media projects. Quick Links to Rubrics Social Media Project Rubrics Wiki RubricCriteria for assessing individual and group Wiki contributions. Blog RubricAssess individual blog entries, including comments on peers' blogs. Twitter RubricAssess learning during social networking instructional assignments. Discussion, Teamwork, and Group Work Rubrics Online Discussion Board RubricAssessing ability to share perspectives, refine thoughts through the writing process, and participate in meaningful discussionPrimary Grade Self-Evaluation Teamwork Rubric (PDF)Features of a sandwich to graphically show the criteria PowerPoint and Podcast Rubrics A+ PowerPoint Rubric Joan Vandervelde's rubric provides 10 performance categories
PowerPoint Rubric University of Wisconsin - Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree Follow us on Facebook. This rubric may be used for self-assessment and peer feedback. PowerPoint Rubric * Primary sources can include original letters and diaries, personal observations, interviews, first-hand accounts, newspaper articles, magazine articles, journal articles, Web pages, audio recordings, video productions and photography. University of Wisconsin - Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree Readings on Authentic Assessment Examples of Other Rubrics
gradingrubrics.html Evaluation Rubrics and the Web Evaluation rubrics list and sometimes further describe the criteria by which projects and other assignments will be evaluated. They are also called scoring, assessment and grading rubrics. The World Wide Web or Web adds significant value to the study, creation and use of scoring rubrics at every level of the learning process. Rubrics are very important in helping students do their best on more open ended assignments, assignments that are not evaluated by short answer tests such as fill-in-the blank, multiple choice and true-false questions. Grading rubrics also have an inherent weakness. Another effective approach in using grading rubrics would be to have students serve as editors and proofreaders to assess each other's assignments and projects, using the grading rubric to determine if all assignment elements are in place and at an adequate level of development. The web adds real value to the use of rubrics in many different ways. Bibliography Books
Super Teacher Tools How to use Rubrics Rubrics are a way to assess work using criteria. The assessor sets up a series of statements that reflect the different levels of criteria fulfilment and then assesses the work using a rubric grid. From version 2.2 moodle supports rubric grading. This requires several steps, explained below. This guide uses Assignment for the rubric grading example. 1. Go to the assignment activity and edit settings 2 Select Rubric from the grading method drop down. 3 Create the Rubric from the advanced grading link on the assignment administration menu. 4 If this is your first Rubric, then you need to define it. Click Define new grading form from scratch. 5 Add the criteria 6 Click in the box to add items 7 Add criteria and points using these buttons 8 Save the Rubric using the “save and use” button at the bottom of the screen. To grade an assignment, navigate to the grading screen for a particular assignment (View grade all submissions > Grade). To grade the assignment, simply click the box which is relevant.
Rubrics for Web Lessons Introduction How often have you attempted to grade your students' work only to find that the assessment criteria were vague and the performance behavior was overly subjective? Would you be able to justify the assessment or grade if you had to defend it? Authentic assessment is geared toward assessment methods which correspond as closely as possible to real world experience. The rubric is one authentic assessment tool which is designed to simulate real life activity where students are engaged in solving real-life problems. The advantages of using rubrics in assessment are that they: Rubrics can be created in a variety of forms and levels of complexity, however, they all contain common features which: focus on measuring a stated objective (performance, behavior, or quality) use a range to rate performance contain specific performance characteristics arranged in levels indicating the degree to which a standard has been met Resources Look at the following examples of rubrics: Exercise Conclusion
Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool | tricider Welcome - Formative - A Possible Replacement for Infuse Learning There is certainly not a shortage of online tools for distributing quizzes to students and watching their responses in realtime. Formative is the latest online quiz and feedback service that I have tested. Formative provides you with a place to create online classrooms. Your students join your classroom by entering the assigned class code after registering on the Formative website. Once your classroom is established you can begin distributing assignments to students. Assignments can be as simple as one question exit tickets like "what did you learn today?" The best feature of Formative is the option to create "show your work" questions. Applications for Education When Infuse Learning shutdown earlier this year many teachers were disappointed by the loss of a great tool that allowed students to draw responses to questions.
Updated Comparison of Backchannel & Informal Assessment Tools Last winter I published a series of charts in which I compared popular ed tech tools for things like blogging, informal assessment, and video production. As is to be expected in the tech world, some of the tools in those charts have changed. Therefore, I'm now going through each chart and updating it. Yesterday, I published an update to my blogging platforms comparison chart. Today, I updated my chart comparing tools for backchannels and informal assessment.
YouCanBook.Me -Streamline Meeting Scheduling YouCanBook.Me is a meeting scheduling tool that integrates with your Google Calendar. YouCanBook.Me allows people to book fixed blocks of time in your calendar. You identify the times in your calendar that you are available to meet. Then when someone needs to schedule a meeting with you, you send him or her a link to your booking calendar. Visitors to your calendar click a block and enter their email addresses to reserve a block of your time. When a block of time is reserved you receive an email alert and the other person receives a confirmation email. Applications for Education YouCanBook.Me could be a great tool to use when you are trying to coordinate meeting times with parents. YouCanBook.Me is also a good option for scheduling office hours meetings with students.
Quizalize - A Fun Quiz Platform Quizalize is a newer quiz game platform that reminds me of Kahoot. Like Kahoot, students play your quiz games on their laptops or tablets by going to the Quizalize website then entering their names and a class code. Students are awarded points for correctly answering questions quickly. Students are given feedback instantly on every quiz question that they answer. A total score is presented to students at the end of every quiz. Creating quizzes on Quizalize is a simple process. Quizalize offers a marketplace in which you can find quizzes created by other users. An overview of Quizalize is provided in the video embedded below. Applications for Education One of the better aspects of Quizalize is found in the results page that you see as a teacher.
Vad skiljer ett E från ett A - sex bedömningsaspekter Vad är skillnaden mellan ett enkelt och ett välutvecklat resonemang? Det svarar Peter Wall på i den här filmen och listar sex bedömningsaspekter som stöd. Här kan du ladda ner figuren med bedömningsaspekterna. Vad är tanken med filmen om bedömningsaspekter? Bedömningsaspekterna förtydligar vad eleven skall kunna i relation till ett kunskapskrav. Står inte det här i läroplanen? I läroplanen står vad som skall bedömas och vilka så kallade värdeord som avgör om elevens kunskapsnivå skall bedömas som E, C eller A. Var kan man läsa om skillnaden mellan värdeorden enkla, utvecklade och välutvecklade? Skolverket har tagit fram bedömningsstöd där det redogörs för vad som är kännetecknande för skillnaden mellan värdeorden, t ex vad som karaktäriserar ett enkelt resonemang. Kan man säga att bedömningsaspekterna visar vad som krävs för att få högre betyg i ett ämne? Man kan säga att bedömningsaspekterna försöker definiera vad kvalitet är i förhållande till ett kunskapskrav.
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