Green Honey Language represents our view of the world, and knowing its limits helps us understand how our perception works. I used the data from Wikipedia’s “Color” entry for different languages. My assumption was: "Different languages have different ways to describe color.” (Scroll Down to Start) The Chinese entry has 250+ different colors. The Hue-Saturation-Lightness (HSL) model is a 3D model that can be projected on a 2D space. Using Hue as an angle, we can set either Saturation as the radius . . . or Lightness as the radius. Here is the English Dataset, keeping Lightness as a constant . . . or keeping Saturation as the constant. Comparing the two datasets, you can see that English has a richer entry for color names. However, it's always worth asking: Is this the best model to represent our dataset? Notice that the Chinese and English names for colors share a common structure of "noun/adj + base color": Here are all the colors with 青 in their names. Now let's see English. association from object . . .
The four main approaches - Types of research - Understanding dementia research - Research - Alzheimer Europe Quantitative research Quantitative research is generally associated with the positivist/postpositivist paradigm. It usually involves collecting and converting data into numerical form so that statistical calculations can be made and conclusions drawn. The process Researchers will have one or more hypotheses. Data is collected by various means following a strict procedure and prepared for statistical analysis. The results of statistical analyses are presented in journals in a standard way, the end result being a P value. Principles Objectivity is very important in quantitative research. Researchers go to great lengths to ensure that they are really measuring what they claim to be measuring. External factors, which might affect the results, must also be controlled for. The main emphasis of quantitative research is on deductive reasoning which tends to move from the general to the specific. When looking at results, the P value is important. Qualitative research Principles
23 Amazing Single Page Websites When a website doesn’t call for a lot of content, it might be a good idea to go with the single page approach – where all of the content lives on the home page and the navigation, in most cases, allows the user to jump from one section to another. In the past few years, we’ve seen a steady increase in popularity of these types of sites, mainly partly because the use of jQuery can make for some nifty transitions and effects. For you’re inspiration, we gathered some really nice examples of websites that use only one page to show all their content. From minimalist layouts to colorful ones, from plain and simple menu navigations to parallax scrolling, you will find plenty here to inspire you. Take some time and check them all out, and let us know which one is your favorite. Rodesk House Valentine Favre wit creative Pipe Digital dj Xeeder Valerie Matt Brothers Grind – Work Liquid Revolver Design Studio Design Embraced Free Range Jeremy Mansfield Demi Creative dangers of fracking Launch Factory
Research Methodologies Interactive Narratives - The Best in Multimedia Storytelling and Multimedia Journalism Chocolate Tasting Guide - Amano Chocolate How To Taste Chocolate: A Chocolate Tasting Guide Enjoying high-quality chocolate is an experience like no other. The flavors are rich and complex, and there is a large variation in flavors among various chocolates. Chocolate is best enjoyed when it is savored slowly and not quickly eaten. Chocolate tasting is not unlike wine tasting. Chocolate Tasting Guide: The Steps First, it is imperative to taste chocolate in an environment free of distractions and background noise, such as television, music, or conversations. Your palate should be clean. Make sure that the piece of chocolate is large enough to accommodate the full evolution of the flavor profile. Never taste cold chocolate. Crackers, apples, and luke-warm sparkling water works well as palate cleaners between chocolate tastings. Look at the chocolate. Smell the chocolate. Break the piece in half. Place the chocolate on the tongue and allow it to arrive at body temperature. Study the taste and texture. Have a palate cleanser nearby.
Dialysis Facility Tracker By Robin Fields, Al Shaw, and Jennifer LaFleur, ProPublica, Updated October 4, 2013 This site is for dialysis patients and others who want to learn about the quality of care at individual dialysis clinics. Among other things, you can learn how often patients treated at a facility have been hospitalized, report certain types of infections or are placed on the transplant list. The information is submitted by facilities and collected by contractors of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency that oversees most dialysis care. Related story: Dialysis Data, Once Confidential, Shines Light on Clinic Disparities »
Griffith University Research Ethics Manual - Griffith University Home > Research > Research services > Research ethics and integrity > Human research ethics > Griffith University Research Ethics Manual (GUREM) Griffith University Research Ethics Manual The University has produced a booklet-based manual to assist in the design and conduct of human research. These booklets address specific areas of ethical concern, the operation of the University's research ethics arrangements, and offer advice on some categories of activity. These documents have been produced as a resource for applicants for ethical clearance and as a reference tool for the University's research ethics reviewers. Note: All documents are for Griffith users only, you will be required to log into Griffith's portal to view these booklets.
2010 Census: Children less than five years old in Chicagoland By Chris Groskopf and Brian Boyer Aug. 7, 2011 This map shows the distribution of children less than five years old in Cook, Lake, Kane, McHenry, Kankakee, Kendall and DuPage counties as reported by the 2010 U.S. Census. Each dot represents a single child Read the story:New U.S. census numbers herald a greater Latino presence in the Chicago area Move your mouse over the map for details. *What do these numbers mean? This map shows one dot for each child less than five years old as reported in the 2010 U.S. Mr. Payback: An Interactive Movie (Video Game 1995) NewsBios | Home of the World's Most Influential Journalists Mr. Payback Movie Review & Film Summary (1995) The armrest of your seat contains a little console with red, orange and green buttons. You do a test run, clicking them. The lights go down, the "Interfilm" trademark appears on the screen, and an announcer encourages you to talk, scream, shout and snort during the following film: "Feel free to generally behave as if you were raised in a barn." The first "interfilm" opens this weekend in 44 specially equipped theaters around the country, and you can see for yourself. If you feel, for example, that the headmistress of a private school should torture the handcuffed hero with a cattle prod, you will want to push the red button. I went to see "Mr. Few adults are going to find the process bearable. The movie seems obsessed with scatology: excrement, urination, enemas, loudly passing gas, stepping in dog messes, etc. Hey, I'm not against four letter words - in context, and with a purpose. That takes 20 minutes. How are these choices conveyed to the screen?
Look At This : NPR I’m Wes Lindamood, an interaction designer on the NPR Visuals team. I’ll be joining you here on Look At This from time to time to explore design, technology and (I hope) some interesting stories about how we see the world. Today’s rabbit hole: Faces in things. "Ooh - I think I hear the recycling truck!"— @FacesPics A funny photo showed up in my Twitter feed a few weeks ago, and it was the most delightful thing I saw all day. This reminded me of the work of Seoul-based art collective Shinseungback Kimyonghun. In Cloud Face, they point their cameras to the sky to do some cloud watching. Thanks to Mozilla developer Heather Arthur, facial recognition also exists for cats. that these humans look like cats … and that these cats look like humans: (Photos via Shinseungback Kimyonghun) While I don’t find the results of their project particularly compelling, I am fascinated by these false positives, and the unique perspective of algorithmic vision. Where’s the cat in this photo?