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The best free presentation software and other alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint

The best free presentation software and other alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint
More has been written about the art of the presentation than could ever be covered here, but one thing that usually accompanies your co-workers’ demos are PowerPoint slides. PowerPoint wasn’t always a Microsoft product — it was originally called Presenter and created for Macs. The name was changed for legal reasons in 1987, the same year Microsoft bought the company behind it and created its Graphics Business Unit. SEE ALSO: Illegal downloaders to receive email warnings, as Pirate Bay traffic doubles Microsoft’s version came out with Windows 3.0 in 1990, and the business world has never been the same. The software is such a behemoth, that as of 2012, it held 95 per cent of the presentation software market, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. Still, many have a love-hate relationship with PowerPoint, in part because some believe presentation slides are a crutch for bad public speakers. Sadly, meetings with presentations (and the need for accompanying slides) remain a reality.

You Are No Longer Allowed To Present - by PowToon! Here are some reasons why your presentations are BAD! We know that so many of you use programs like PowerPoint or Prezi because they have been around for a while, and it is what you know, but change is not always a bad thing, especially if that change can lead to presentations beyond your wildest imagination. Based on PowToon’s recent “Presentation Frustration Survey”, many of you aren’t happy with the outcome of your presentations, so let’s go into some depth on the real problems out there, the reasons why many of you shouldn’t continue presenting until you change your ways, and how we can solve the issues at hand. Lack of engagement This is perhaps the biggest presentation killer out there, but luckily it is something that is easily fixed if you have the right knowledge and tools. Uninteresting presentation of content Interestingly enough, the topic of your presentation is profoundly irrelevant when it comes to engagement factor. Poorly Designed Slides Text: length & presentation

Como configurar alertas Google Os Alertas do Google são um serviço quase desconhecido, ou se calhar apenas ignorado por quem utiliza frequentemente a Internet. Este serviço é uma maneira simples de receber no e-mail informação sobre determinado assunto pelo qual haja interesse em acompanhar e que fará parte de muitas das pesquisas no motor de busca. Os Alertas do Google são actualizações por e-mail sobre os resultados relevantes mais recentes do Google (Web, notícias, etc.) com base nas consultas do utilizador. Ao introduzir uma consulta de pesquisa que pretende monitorizar é apresentada ao utilizador uma pré-visualização do tipo de resultados que irão surgir no e-mail. Para acompanhar a evolução de uma notícia em desenvolvimento, receber informação sobre algum evento ou acompanhar a equipa favorita, basta configurar os Alertas que o Google pesquisa por si. Nos Alertas do Google deverá, em primeiro lugar, escrever a sua pesquisa, o assunto sobre o qual deseja receber informações. Alertas Google inShare0

7 Best Practices for Using GIFs and Cinemagraphs for Business GIFs and cinemagraphs are a fun and innovative way for brands to connect with their audience in the era of Tumblr, BuzzFeed and other media platforms attempting to hack the virality of the Internet. GIFs and cinemagraphs are similar pieces of media, but have quite different features and uses. GIFs are image files that are compressed to continually loop the same motions over and over again — basically, a small portion of a video that repeats. A cinemagraph is an image file where the whole photo is stationary, except for an isolated section of movement. Cinemagraphs aren’t as widely used as GIFs, which presents an opportunity for brands to stand out with this form of media amongst the noise. From Yahoo’s regular use of GIFs on its corporate blogs to Coca-Cola’s cinemagraph that got almost 80,000 notes on Tumblr, the use of this form of media by marketers is in resurgence and should be taken seriously by businesses of all sizes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Le code des couleurs des logos les plus connus La pipette, c’est l’outil que j’utilise pour récupérer le code hexadécimal des couleurs. Dans l’exemple qui suit, j’ai collecté la couleur bleue de Facebook via le logiciel photoscape (pour les fortunés, photoshop c’est encore mieux car on peut mettre en mémoire toutes les couleurs collectées et les récupérer dans le nuancier). En promenant ma souris avec mon collecteur de couleur photoscape, j’ai pu récupérer le code hexadécimal de la couleur bleue de Facebook : 3b5998. Comme on a le droit à 16 millions de couleur, on pourrait même penser que le code 3b5998 appartient à facebook. On peut voir dans le tableau qui suit, le code des couleurs primaires de chaque réseau social est ça se passe sur la page…guideline colours . Mais, il y a un plus sur ce site, pour certaines marque, la couleur est reliée à un URL qui renvoie au guide des conditions d’utilisation de chaque service, voilà qui est plutôt pratique ! Un peu de math pour les couleurs.

50 banques d’images gratuites (et légales)… Si vous aimez le design et que vous pratiquez votre passion dans le plus strict respect des lois, alors les banques d’images gratuites, ça doit vous connaitre. Histoire de bien faire les choses, je vous propose donc de découvrir 50 adresses de sites qui risquent de s’avérer plutôt utiles. Alors la liste n’est pas exhaustive, c’est sûr, mais c’est déjà pas mal. MAJ : Cet article datant de quelques années, la plupart des ces banques d’images sont passées à un modèle payant. Donc si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez, vous pouvez également aller lire ce billet où vous trouverez trois méthodes pour trouver et pour télécharger des images gratuites et libres de droit. TextureWarehouse : les textures y sont reines.FreeStockPhotos : ne vous fiez pas à son interface…MajesticImagery : de nombreuses galeries…BurningWell : euh… pareil :)DesignPack : images et thèmes à volonté…ZurbPhotos : des photos de Bryan Zmijewski à télécharger.AmazingTextures : lui aussi il porte bien son nom !

Improve your logo design Great logo design requires a complex mixture of design skills, creative theory and skilful application. Any designer worth their salt can create a fit-for-purpose logo, but truly mastering all aspects of the craft takes time. Exclusive offer: Save 15% on Adobe Creative Cloud now Of course, logo design is just one small sub-set of branding, but the logo or brand mark remains the centrepiece of most branding schemes. We've spoken to branding professionals about the intricacies of good logo creation, and what qualifies as a great logo. Logo design research and strategy Before pen hits paper on any new logo design project, thorough research is essential. 01. Before you even start working up a logo design concept, ensure you research your target market thoroughly. Compare all the logos in their competitive set. But bear in mind that many of the world’s most recognisable logo designs stand out specifically because they eschew trends and think differently. 02. Why are we here? 03. 04. 05.

Bancos de recursos gratuitos En esta sección encontrarás bancos, galerías y colecciones de sonidos, fotografías, ilustraciones, animaciones, vídeos, iconos y símbolos de uso libre o con licencias Creative Commons para utilizar en tus trabajos y proyectos didácticos. Bancos de recursos multimedia Banco de recursos multimedia (ISFTIC). Es un sitio creado para estimular y facilitar la creación de materiales didácticos. En él podrás encontrar fotografías, ilustraciones, sonidos, animaciones, vídeos y símbolos relacionados con las áreas y materias de las distintas etapas y niveles educativos.Internet Archive. Bancos y colecciones de recursos gratuitos solo audio Bancos y colecciones de imágenes gratuitas Iconspedia . Bancos y colecciones de imágenes + texto Earth from Space (NASA). Videotecas y colecciones de vídeos YoutubeGoogle vídeo, Metacafe son otros proveedores de vídeos.Focus on Animation (National Film Board of Canada) es una web dedicada al mundo de la animación.

2010+ Free Powerpoint Templates PPT and Free PowerPoint Backgrounds 100 amazing Adobe Illustrator tutorials | Illustrator Since its release, Adobe's Illustrator has grown to become the designer's right-hand man when it comes to creating premier vector graphics and elements. There's so much you can do with it that it can be difficult to know where to start. Happily, we're here to round up the best Adobe Illustrator tutorials, covering everything from illustration to logo design, adding depth to your typography and much more, to help you get the most from this amazing app. Jump directly to a section using this handy category guide, or just get started browsing the whole list! With so many to choose from, you're sure to find a project to inspire you, whether you're using an older version of Illustrator or are signed up to the Creative Cloud. Adobe Illustrator for beginners: 11 top tips If you're just starting out with Illustrator, here's a fantastic guide to some of its tools. Setting up a new document In this video tutorial presented by Angie Taylor, you'll learn how to set up a new Illustrator document.

Cómo hacer una infografía en Hace algunos meses, les presentamos una lista con varias herramientas para hacer infografías online. Dentro de esas herramientas, mencionábamos a Nos gustaría retomar desde ese punto para hablar un poco más en profundidad sobre esta plataforma. Es particularmente ideal para las personas que no tienen mucho tiempo pero que desean, como mínimo, poder crear una infografía. Lo primero que vamos a tener que hacer es crear una cuenta en Nosotros hemos optado por crearnos una cuenta de Fan para ver cómo funciona. ¿Cómo hacer una infografía en, entonces? El primer reporte a evaluar es el Facebook Monsterizer, una alternativa diferente para poder analizar nuestros datos personales de Facebook. Otra interesante infografía que se puede crear con esta plataforma es un currículum visual, que se logra conectando simplemente nuestra cuenta de LinkedIn.

30 nouveaux Tutoriels de qualité gratuits pour Photoshop Grâce à cette nouvelle sélection de tutoriels de qualité, vous n’avez plus d’excuse pour ne pas progresser sur Photoshop ! Que ce soit dans le domaine de la photomanipulation, pour des effets de texte ou encore pour maîtriser les dernier outils de Photoshop ou les derniers effets tendances, tout y est ! Je vous invite à parcourir la liste et à vous attarder sur les tutoriels susceptibles de vous intéresser. Pour information, certains tutoriels n’ont peut-être pas de résultat final spectaculaires (comme par exemple « Comment créer une photomanipulation en pleine nature » ou encore « Très bon tutoriel pour intégrer un rendu 3D dans une photographie pour un résultat photoréaliste ») mais ils sont incroyablement propres et intéressants. Si vous souhaitez donc progresser, prenez le temps de vous plonger dedans ! Et dites quels sont vos tutoriels favoris parmi cette sélection ! Photomanipulation et matte painting Superbe tutoriel de photomanipulation Effets de texte Effet de texte en ampoule Divers
