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Madame Peripetie Photography

Eric van Straaten – 3D Printed Sculptures Portraits Of Extreme Plastic Surgery, Done In Classical Style (NSFW) There are two ways most people interpret A New Kind Of Beauty, a book of photographs by Phillip Toledano that documents proponents of extreme cosmetic surgery. First, there’s revulsion: “the expected ‘Holy shit! These people look crazy,’ which definitely isn’t the point of the work,” the British photographer tells Slate. “And then there are hopefully some people who understand the point I’m making about the direction we’re headed.” It’s also easy to feel a bit of both. While body modification is an increasingly accepted mode of personal expression, it’s still a taboo and unnerving topic for many of us--even more so when seen in the razor sharp detail of Toledano’s lens. For many, plastic surgery is a tool that can be used to reveal someone’s true identity. Still, the photographer is quick to point out that there’s a whole spectrum of reasons--good and bad--why people modify their bodies surgically. So are these photographs of early adopters?

REED + RADER: Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader The Art of Travis Louie SHOWcabinet: Prosthetics exhibition Fetishistic suits of armour, orthopaedic braces and wearable tusks all feature in an exhibition of prosthetics at the SHOWcabinet space in London (+ movie). Curated by Niamh White and Carrie Scott of fashion film website SHOWstudio, the exhibition opened on Thursday and contains pieces intended to enhance, protect or deform the body. The name of the showcase derives from the Ancient Greek word "prosthesis", which means "to add", but the collection also incorporates the modern understanding of prosthetics as replacement limbs. Above: Fragmented Figure by Úna Burke Designer Úna Burke created original pieces for the show made from leather straps joined with rivets, which encase limbs like a suit of armour. Above: RE.TREAT #4 by Úna Burke A black leather outfit is made up of one piece that covers the neck, arms and shoulders, and another that fits over the legs up to the waist, leaving the chest and abdomen exposed. Above: RE.TREAT #8 by Úna Burke Above: RE.TREAT #6 by Úna Burke

World of Photoshop - Best PSD tutorial's Pierre Fudarylí Pierre Fudaryli© – The Tale of Chaos And Nix And The Creation of Night Pierre Fudarylí nace en noviembre de 1984 en la ciudad de Cancún Quintana Roo, México. Desde muy pequeño comienza su interés por las artes visuales, estudiando de manera independiente a los grandes maestros de la pintura. A los 11 años intenta tomar clases de pintura, sin embargo abandona la empresa porque no era libre de desarrollar su libre intelecto, ya que estaba sometido al prejuicio de un mediocre maestro. A los 12 años en un artículo de revista encuentra al pintor que marcaría una de sus mayores influencias, Salvador Dalí. Pierre Fudaryli© – Acta Est Fabula Pierre Fudaryli© – Terribilis Est Locus Iste Et Porta Coeli Pierre Fudaryli© – Auri Sacra Fames Pierre Fudaryli© – Memento Mori Pierre Fudaryli© – Lasciate Ogni Speranza, Voi Ch’entrate Pierre Fudaryli© – Eritis Sicut dii Su trabajo gira en torno a la naturaleza humana, sus pasiones, fuerza, excesos, espíritu y muerte. Pierre Fudaryli© – Abyssus Abyssum Invocat

Youngho Kang | Photographer 陈文令 - 陈文令工作室
