actualsanity The Hard Truth About How Success Really Works Many people fall prey to, “Yeah, but...” thinking. I have a friend who absolutely hates how successful his brother-in-law has become. “Oh yeah, I’d like to be doing that well,” he’ll say, “but he has very little downtime.” Another is bitter because one of his friends is extremely fit. Sound familiar? But that’s how success works. Nothing worth achieving comes without a price. The next time you consider a goal you want to achieve, decide if you really want to pursue that goal. Look around: No matter what your pursuit, plenty of people have already succeeded. If you want to start a business, don’t look at the guy down the street who only talks a good game; pick a person who has succeeded and follow her example. If you don’t have what you want, pay the price to get it. If you’re not willing to pay the price, recognize that fact and take that particular goal off your list. from a line in William James'The Principles of Psychology mashed graphics from cartoonist Ray Moore's The Phantom, via Metro de Santiago » La Ciudad » Reglamento MetroInforma Este soporte publicitario tiene como objetivo dar a conocer actividades gratuitas, de beneficio social, sin fines de lucro, de carácter cultural, sin ningún tipo de restricción para acceso del público en general y sin la presencia de marcas comerciales que auspicien, patrocinen u organicen las actividades promocionadas a través de estos soportes. Enviar una carta a nombre de la Subgerencia de Marketing, Metro de Santiago (Alameda 1414, 3er piso, teléfono: 2937.30.33), en la que se explicite el objetivo de la actividad a difundir y el interés de publicar en el circuito MetroInforma. Se debe adjuntar una muestra o boceto del afiche promocional. La gestión también se puede realizar a través del e-mail:, el afiche deberá incluirse en formato jpg. Toda información que se difunda a través de este medio deberá ser de carácter gratuito, aspecto que necesariamente debe destacarse en la comunicación que transmita el afiche.
Self-Sabotage - Stress Management Training from MindTools Recognizing and Overcoming It © iStockphoto "You can't do that!" "That's way too difficult!" Negative self-talk is something we have all probably engaged in at some time. When it rears its ugly head on a regular basis it, it can lead to self-sabotage, and can stop us achieving our goals and dreams. What's worse is that we usually don't recognize that it's even happening. This, in turn, strengthens the negative messages we feed ourselves, and we get caught in a self-sabotaging cycle that can be very difficult to break. The tell-tale sign that you are sabotaging your self is when you grind to a halt when you're trying to achieve your goals, for no rational reason. When you feel that you can't do something you should be able to do, or that you shouldn't do something, even though you know deep down that you want or need to do it, self-sabotage is at work. There are some common themes in self-sabotaging behavior. Procrastination Unfulfilled Dreams Worry Anger Feelings of Worthlessness 1. 2. Tip: 3. 4.
QUE PASA Atribulado por la falta de propuestas innovadoras en su equipo de científicos, un ejecutivo farmacéutico decidió que el mundo entero compitiera por venderle su idea. así nació innocentive, y sus resultados son sorprendentes. A fines de los 90, Alpheus Bingham, vicepresidente de estrategia de desarrollo del laboratorio Eli Lilly, una de las farmacéuticas más grandes del mundo, tenía una buena razón para sentirse feliz y también una para estar preocupado. La razón de su alegría se llamaba Prozac, su versión de la fluoxetina, que definió a toda una generación. El problema era el futuro: después del Prozac, ¿qué? Bingham estaba al mando de más de mil investigadores, todos trabajando en la búsqueda de la próxima maravilla curativa. Pasó un mes sin resultados. Hoy, casi once años más tarde, InnoCentive ha sido capaz de resolver miles de acertijos científicos no sólo para Eli Lilly, sino para otras compañías del Fortune 500 como General Electric y Kraft Foods.
Psychiatric Drug Facts with Dr. Peter Breggin - HOME s March 2010 Trend Briefing covering "6 TREND VIDEOS, featuring consumers speaking their minds on various trends." March 2010 | Instead of our usual text-based Trend Briefings, our March edition consisted of a light-hearted yet insight-heavy video edition, featuring consumers from all over the world speaking their minds on a variety of trend topics. After all, one consumer video sometimes says more than a 20-page Trend Briefing ;-) Enjoy! 1. The Next Big Thing Even in a hyper-connected world, it’s still possible to see The Next Big Thing coming before the ‘masses’ do. 2. If YOU had to choose between your car and your phone, which one would have to go? 3. Attention, marketing and business professionals: Never ever forget what makes consumers truly happy... 4. According to consumers, these are the brands that truly care. 5. Find out which companies are about to disappear in a sea of sameness. P.S. First and foremost: amuse yourself. Oh, and in case you need to do some reading-up, or you're new to, check out some of our previous briefings here or below:
Obama's Speech and America, Inc. - Thoughts - Nomi Prins Watching Obama deliver his State of the Union Speech last night, reminded me of all the rah-rah quarterly meetings that we had to attend as Managing Directors at Goldman, where senior management would remind us all of how great we were, and if there were any areas of competitive weakness relative to our adversaries at other banks, all we had to do was step up our game, innovate and globalize (or something like that.) Obama wasn't delivering a summary of what has, or is, going on for most Americans last night, no such negative status report. And, if you didn't expect him to, he gave good speech - full of reminders of how it is America's destiny and the American dream to be great and powerful, "robust democracy" that we are. There was a massive pink elephant in the room called reality though. So, when he waxed proud when he said, "We are poised for progress. Two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known, the stock market has come roaring back. My reaction was wtf?